
Credit For International Baccalaureate (IB)
IB Exam IB Score of 4 IB Score of 5-7 Comments
Biology BSC2005 & BSC2005L BSC2005 & BSC2005L and BSC2010 & BSC2010L BSC2005 and BSC2010 are 3 credits each and BSC2005L & BSC2010L are 1 credit each
Biology (SL) BSC2005 & BSC2005L BSC2005 & BSC2005L Effective for exams taken after 9/21/2020
Biology (HL) BSC2005 & BSC2005L and BSC2010 & BSC2010L BSC2005 & BSC2005L and BSC2010 & BSC2010L Effective for exams taken after 9/21/2020
Business & Management GEB1011 or MAN1604 or MAN1652 GEB1011 or MAN1604 or MAN1653 and General Business course
Chemistry CHM1020C OR CHM1020 & CHM1020L CHM1020 & CHM1020L and CHM2045 & CHM2045L CHM1020 & CHM2045 are 3 credits each and CHM1020L & CHM2045L are 1 credit
Computer Science CGS1000 CGS1000 & COP2000 Exam content updated or changed frequently
Dance DAA1100 DAA1100
Design Technology ETI0301 ETI0301 and ETI2410 ETI2410 unique to this exam interdsc engnr technology course
Economics ECO2000 ECO2013 & ECO2023
Ecosystems & Societies EVR1001 EVR1001 and ISC1050
English Language A: Language & Lit ENC1101 ENC1101 & ENC1102
English Language A: Literature ENC1101 or LIT1000 ENC1101 & LIT1000
Environmental Systems ISC1050 ISC1050 & ISC0301 ISC1050 is unique to this exam (interdsc)
Film Studies FIL2000 FIL2000 & FIL2400
French Language B FRE1131 (4 credits) FRE1131 & FRE2200 (4 credits for each) Meets foreign language requirement. No literature credit.
Further Math MHF1191 or MHF1202 MHF1191 and MGF1202 or MHF1209 Effective for exams taken after 9/23/2020
Further Math (Advanced) MHF2202 MHF2202 & MHF0301
Geography GEA2000 GEO2200 & GEO2420
German Language B GER1131 (4 credits) GER1131 & GER2200 (4 credits for each) Meets foreign language requirement. No literature credit.
Global Politics (SL) INR2001 INR2001
Global Politics (HL) INR2001 INR2001 and INR0301 (6 credits)
History WOH2030 WOH2030 & AMH2000 All study 20th C world history. Higher level also study 100 yr period between 1750 & present.
History (SL) WOH2030 Same as 4 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
History (HL): History of Africa & Middle East WOH2030 WOH2030 & WOH0301 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
History (HL) History of Americas WOH2030 WOH2030 & AMH2010 or AMH2020 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
History (HL): History of Asia & Oceania WOH2030 WOH2030 & WOH0301 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
History (HL): History of Europe WOH2030 WOH2030 & EUH2001 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
Information & Technology for Global Society CGS0301 CGS0301 Approved for Research & Analysis area
Islamic History No direct equivalent No direct equivalent
Italian Language B ITA1131 (4 credits) ITA1131 & ITA2200 (4 credits for each) Meets foreign language requirement.
Latin LAT1130 LAT1130 & LAT2200 3 credits each
Literature & Performance (SL) THE2300 Same as 4
Marine Science OCB1000 OCB1000 Biological Science
Math Analysis & Approaches (SL) MAC1105 MAC1105 & MAC1140
Math Analysis & Approaches (HL) MAC1105 MAC1105 & (MAC2311 or MAC1140 or MAC1147) MAC2311 = State Core Gen Ed Math
Math Applications & Interpretations (SL) MAC1105 MAC1105 & MAC1140
Math Applications & Interpretations (HL) MAC1140 MAC1140 & (MAC1147 or STA2023) MAC1147 = State Core Gen Ed Math
Math Methods MAC1105 (MAC1105 & MAC1140) or (MAC1140 & MAC2233) Exam discontinued
Mathematical Studies MAT1033 MAT1033 & MGF1106 Exam discontinued
Mathematical Studies (SL) MAC1105 Same as 4 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
Mathematics MAC1147 (MAC1147 & MAC2233) or (MAC2233 & MAC2311) 4 credits each
Music MUL1010 MUL1010 & MUL0301 Exam has music theory, history & lit. aspects
Music: Group Performance MUS0301 Same as 4 Elective Only
Philosophy PHI2010 PHI2010 & PHI0301
Physics PHY1020 & PHY1020L PHY1020 or PHY2053 & PHY2053L and PHY2054 & PHY2054L PHY2053 & PHY2054 are 3 credits and PHY2053L & PHY2054L are 1 credit each
Physics (SL) PHY1020C or PHY1020 and PHY1020L PHY1020C or PHY1020 and PHY1020L
Physics (HL) PHY1020C or PHY1020 & PHY1020L and PHY2053 & PHY2053L & PHY2054 & PHY2054L PHY1020C or PHY1020 & PHY1020L and PHY2053 & PHY2053L & PHY2054 & PHY2054L Effective for exams taken after 9/23/2020
Psychology PSY2012 PSY2012 & PSY0301
Social & Cultural Anthropology ANT2410 ANT2410 & ANT0301
Spanish Language B SPN1131 (4 credits) SPN1131 & SPN2200 (4 credits for each) Meets foreign language requirement.
Theatre Arts THE1000 THE1000 & THE0301
Theatre (SL) THE1000 Same as 4 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
Theatre (HL) THE1000 THE1000 & one semester credit (3) in THE, TPA, or TPP depending on strengths Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018
Visual Arts ART1012 or ART1014 ART1012 or ART1014 and ART1001C
World Religions (SL) REL2300 Same as 4

All courses receive 3 credits each unless otherwise noted.