Students wishing to appeal should refer to the appropriate link below.
Third Attempt Fee Reduction Appeal
As per and a student enrolled in the same undergraduate college-credit course more than twice shall pay tuition at 100 percent of the full cost of instruction. If a student, who is a Florida resident, registers for a course for the third time, he or she must pay the full cost of tuition (out鈥恛f鈥恠tate tuition) for that attempt.
A petition for fee reduction may be granted by the College Registrar, for documented cases of extreme hardship. A student petitioning for a third attempt fee reduction is required to explain, with a typed letter attached to the 3 attempt appeal form, why he or she was unsuccessful in the first and second attempts at the course. Also, the student must document what specific hardship prevents him or her from paying the full cost of the instruction on the third attempt. Poor use of one's opportunities in former attempts or poor planning on the student's part will not be considered valid reasons to grant fee reduction.
Upon the third attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive a grade for that course.
Fourth Attempt Appeal
As per a student may have only three (3) attempts per course including the original grade, repeat grades, and withdrawals at any point in the semester. A fourth attempt may be allowed only through an academic appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances. A student petitioning for a fourth attempt is required to explain, with a typed letter attached to the Fourth attempt appeal form, the major extenuating circumstance(s), and how they impacted each attempt in detail, and attach supporting documentation.
Repeat a Course With a Grade of "C" or Better Appeal
Repeat enrollment in courses in which a grade of C or above has been earned is not allowed. Repeat permission can be granted under very special circumstances, like a need for teacher re-certification, specifications of a regulatory agency, licensure, program requirements or credit earned through examination (AP scores).
When a course is repeated, the initial grade and subsequent grade will appear on the transcript, but only the first grade is included in the GPA with credit earned. The second attempt will not count as attempted/earned credit, will not be included in the GPA, and the Forgiveness Rule will not apply. Retaking a course may impact financial aid, including Bright Futures.
To request permission to retake a course, you must submit a C or Better appeal to the Office of the Registrar. Along with the completed form, the following documentation must be included:
- Copy of unofficial transcript
- Typed statement explaining the reason for the request and educational objective
- Supporting documentation
AP credit: You should submit a C or Better appeal if you received AP credit for a college class that you want to take at SF. For documentation, simply state the reason you wish to take the college class (for example: I want to take MAC 2311 because it is the first of a sequential math series and I want to ensure a solid foundation).
Completed C or Better appeals must be submitted by the first day of classes of the session for which approval is sought. You may submit your appeal via email to: or in person at the Office of the Registrar, Northwest Campus, Building R, room 112.
Appeal decisions will be released through the college's official notification system.
Registrations for repeated courses without approval will be canceled, the course dropped and fees refunded.