Student Academic Record
Students can find the information below to guide in requesting about or amending their student record.
Digital Badges
When students completes certain general education courses, a badge is earned and will be displayed in their official and unofficial transcripts.
Enrollment Verification
Enrollment and degree verifications are requested routinely by parents, insurance companies, scholarship providers employers, and loan companies who require proof of a student's enrollment standing. Learn how students can provide verification and how third-parties can request this information.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as amended, and Florida law afford students certain rights with respect to their education records.
Fresh Start
Students who are returning to college after more than five years or are interested in taking a new academic direction, but have past grades that are a hindrance, SF's Fresh Start may be an option.
Reverse Transfer
Former SF students who have transferred to a state university can earn an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree upon completion of the degree requirements attending the state university. The reverse transfer process does not apply to Associate in Science degree-seeking students.
Dean's Certifications and Behavioral Standing Letters
Students and alumni who are applying to other academic institutions or for employment which requires a disclosure of prior conduct information may be required to complete a background check, a Dean's certification or a letter of behavioral standing.
Disciplinary Disclosure
Students are responsible for disclosing on their applications for admission or readmission all requested criminal and misconduct history. In addition, current students have a continuing responsibility to disclose to the Office of the Registrar any criminal charges that would be considered violent or sexual crimes, or crimes involving a firearm or other deadly weapon that occur after their initial admission to the College. To report this information, submit a Disciplinary Disclosure form via . The form is available on the Public Documents section under the Documents menu tab.