

The Reverse Transfer process allows former SF students who have transferred to a to earn an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree upon completion of the degree requirements attending the state university. The reverse transfer process does not apply to Associate in Science degree-seeking students.


Student benefits of earning an A.A. through reverse transfer include, but are not limited to; an A.A. degree:

  • recognizes student achievement for work completed and credits earned.
  • is shown to positively impact progression and baccalaureate completion.
  • is recognized degree/credential by employers.
  • may provide opportunities to request promotions, raises or bonuses from employers who value and incentivize ongoing education and training.
  • is often required or highly beneficial for admission to other institutions, both in and out-of-state.


To participate in the reverse transfer process, students must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be currently enrolled in a state university.
  • Earned more than 30 hours toward an A.A. degree at SF prior to transferring to the state university (including dual enrollment and credit by exam). Credits transferred-in from other institutions cannot be included.
  • Transferred to a state university before earning an A.A. degree.
  • Not earned an A.A. degree from the state university.
  • Completed all graduation requirements, including a minimum of 60 hours of college credit, general education requirements, civic literacy, college-level communication and computation competency, foreign language, and any other institutional requirement.
  • Not earned a baccalaureate degree.
  • Be in good academic standing and be current with financial obligations at the state university and 青青草视频.
  • Consent (Opt-In) to allowing the state university to transmit the necessary information to 青青草视频.

Reverse Transfer Process

To start the reverse transfer process, the state universities will:

  • Identify transfer students that may qualify for reverse transfer of credits.
  • Notify students of their possible eligibility to earn an A.A. degree and advise on the process to opt in or opt out of the reverse transfer process.
  • Transmit the records of eligible students that opted in for reverse transfer to Santa Fe College.

After receiving the student records, 青青草视频 will:

  • Evaluate transcripts and perform a degree audit.
  • Award an A.A. degree to students that meet all graduation requirements. The degree will be awarded based on that degree audit evaluation.
  • Inform outcomes to students through the official college notification system.
  • Submit new transcripts to the university.

Additional Guidance

  • All student information shared to facilitate reverse transfer awards will be in compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements and applicable Florida statutes, rules and federal regulations pertaining to the privacy of student information.
  • Students will have the option to opt in at any time to have their transcripts evaluated by their FCS home institution.
  • Students who choose not to opt in, but have met the student eligibility criteria may request to have their A.A. awarded by the state university.
  • Ineligible students will be notified of any missing requirements and the options available to receive the A.A. degree.

You do not need to readmit or be a current student 青青草视频 to opt in for reverse transfer of credits. Contact the Office of the Registrar at your state university for additional information.