Dean's Certifications and Behavioral Standing Letters
Students and alumni who are applying to other academic institutions or for employment which requires a disclosure of prior conduct information may be required to complete a background check, a Dean's certification or a letter of behavioral standing. Because conduct records are considered education records protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), SF does not share information regarding conduct records with third parties without written consent. Thus, a release authorization from the student is mandatory.
Requesting a Letter of Behavioral Standing
SF will provide a general notice to verify good standing or informing the recipient of the general facts of any incident(s), violation(s), and sanction(s) as applicable. To request a letter, the must be completed with the "I request that SF write a letter detailing my conduct history at SF." option selected.
Requesting a Dean's Certification or similar background check
If your Transfer Report/Dean Certification form can be submitted to the institution(s) via fax or email, please upload the completed form via the with the "I request that SF release any information necessary to appropriately complete a background check or the attached Dean's Certification Form." option selected.
Please note that most request are processed within 2 business days of receiving all required information. Incomplete requests will delay processing. For questions, contact 352-395-5277.