
Frequently Asked Questions

General Graduation Questions

Graduating will not stop aid for the current term, but it may impact your financial aid eligibility for future coursework at SF. If receiving financial aid of any type, including Bright Futures, contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss the impact of graduating.

Yes, for example A.A. and A.S., or A.S. and B.A.S. or B.S. You cannot apply for two A.A. degrees.

In most cases, degrees are awarded within one week from the day grades post at the end of the term and appear on official transcripts at that time. Contact the Office of the Registrar at 352-395-5456 or graduation@sfcollege.edu if you applied to graduate and your degree was not awarded within two weeks from grades posting.

To request an official transcript, log in to eSantaFe and select "Transcripts" under the "Records" menu tab.  Click on the checkbox to electronically send, mail or pick-up "after graduation posted" and select the term in which you are graduating from the drop down. The transcript will generate automatically the night the degree is awarded and will be sent, mailed and/or be ready for pick-up in three business days.

The degree audit does not update in such special cases. A notification is sent to the student on the outcome of the petition. The Office of the Registrar individually reviews all "ineligible" applications to prepare to graduate students and affixes "overrides" in cases like these. Overrides are done at the end of the term after grades post. Please understand that the section related to your approved petition may not show correctly on your degree audit. As long as the rest of the degree audit shows you have met the A.A. requirements, your degree will be awarded in a timely manner with no delay.


Diplomas will be mailed to your permanent address. Please ensure your diploma is mailed to the correct address by verifying your permanent mailing address. To update your permanent mailing address select "My Information" under the Records menu tab on eSantaFe.

Diplomas are mailed four to six work weeks after grades post at the end of the respective term.

Your diploma is correct. All A.A. Diplomas read "Associate in Arts". The program of study title is not listed. The A.A. program of study title is used as an advisement tool in order to help direct you with your educational plan for upper division coursework and never appears on diplomas.

To revise/change your diploma name go to your graduation application on eSantaFe. Select  "Graduation" under the "Records" menu tab and then click on "modify" to make the diploma name change.

To update your permanent mailing address go to "My Information" under the Records menu tab on eSantaFe.

Students can make revisions on their applications until the last day of the term. After which point, they must call the Office of the Registrar to request revisions at 352-395-5456 or email graduation@sfcollege.edu.

If you are unable to place an accent mark in your diploma name, contact graduation@sfcollege.edu.

Duplicates copies can be requested at graduation@sfcollege.edu.  Diploma duplicates will be mailed to your permanent address. To update your permanent mailing address select "My Information" under the Records menu tab on eSantaFe.

Please allow up to three weeks for receipt. There is no charge for a duplicate copy.