
Explanation of Registration Types

Advanced, Preferred and Open registration dates for each term are published on the academic calendar.

Advanced Registration

Advanced Registration is an early registration period for specific student cohorts. The following student cohorts have the ability to register themselves during Advanced Registration:

  • Developmental Education students with at least one Dev Ed. placement
  • Student Veterans
  • SSS-Classic

The following student cohorts may be registered by their advisor during Advanced Registration:

  • Honors
  • Athletes
  • Students registered with the Disabilities Resource Center

Preferred registration

Preferred registration is the week when registration begins for all currently enrolled students. Registration dates are assigned throughout this week. Registration dates are set according to how many credit hours students have earned. Students with more earned hours are given earlier registration dates than students who have earned fewer hours.

Currently enrolled courses do not count towards credit hours earned. If a student has graduated from a program of study, only those credits earned towards the current program of study are counted in the appointment calculation.

Open registration

Open registration is the date when registration opens to current students with less than five (5) credit hours earned and all new students.