

A graduation application is required to graduate. Degree and certificate seeking students with zero needed hours (per degree audit) will have their application automatically created and will receive a notification identifying them as being eligible to graduate upon successful completion of current coursework.

If your graduation application has not been automatically created, you can apply online following these steps:

  • Login to your eSantaFe account
  • On the left hand side click "Records"
  • Click "Graduation"
  • Click on the "Application for Graduation," click "Continue"
  • Click the degree and term you are applying for, click "Submit"
  • The graduation application appears last. Data required: name as desired on diploma, if you are attending the ceremony, address to where diploma should be mailed. Once complete, click "Submit".

To review your graduation application, log in to eSantaFe and select Graduation under the Records menu tab. Please note:

  • Your name on the application must be exactly as you want it to appear on your diploma. If it is incorrect, make the change on the graduation application.
  • Your permanent address must be correct, as this is the address to which your diploma will be mailed. If your address is incorrect change your permanent address by clicking the "Records" tab in the side menu and selecting "My Information".

For questions about your graduation eligibility and to discuss the impact graduation may have on your academic standing at SF, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Graduating may impact your financial aid eligibility for future SF coursework. If receiving financial aid of any type, including Bright Futures, contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss the impact of graduating. All graduation applications must be submitted by the Grades Due date for the graduation term (Spring, Summer A, Summer or Fall).

Summer Graduates

There is no graduation ceremony for summer terms. Summer graduates are invited to participate in either the spring ceremony or fall ceremony. All summer graduate names are listed in the fall commencement program.

Late Graduation

If you missed the graduation application deadline for the term that you were eligible to graduate, fill out the Petition to Apply for Graduation After the Deadline form, and email the form to graduation@sfcollege.edu

Please make sure you do not readmit to the college, as this process will switch your record to the current program year and this may affect your graduation eligibility. 

Wish to opt out?

If you prefer not to graduate, email graduation@sfcollege.edu by the last day of classes of the term.