Enrollment Verifications
Enrollment and degree verifications are requested routinely by parents, insurance companies, scholarship providers employers, and loan companies who require proof of a student's enrollment standing.
All verifications contain student's name, dates of attendance, enrollment status by term, and estimated date of graduation. Any release of academic information to a third party requires the student's permission, whether by signature or by electronic certification.
Students can use the free service provided by signing into and clicking on "Records" then "Verifications". All verifications contain student's name, dates of attendance, enrollment status by term, and estimated date of graduation.
If you have a need to provide enrollment certification or graduation certification to an outside agency (prospective employer, financial institution, insurance company, etc.), please request that the agency contact the .
Any release of academic information to a third party requires the student's permission, even when the third party is the student's parents.
Third parties should request enrollment and degree information from the . They can also call 703-742-4200 or fax their request 704-742-4239. There is a fee for this service. The clearinghouse provides customer service support Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., EST.
Specially contracted requestors can conduct self-service inquires for education credentials online 24 hours a day.
Student Information Change Request
The Office of the Registrar processes all requests for ID merges, name changes, date of birth corrections and social security number corrections for students. To update this information, submit a Student Account Information Change Request form via . The form is available on the Public Documents section under the Documents menu tab.
Non-current students can submit the Student Account Information Change Request Form and required documentation to: registrar@sfcollege.edu.