
Award Of Credit For Advanced Placement
AP Exam Score of 3 Score of 4 Score of 5 Comments
Art History ARH1000 ARH2050 & ARH2051 Same as 4 Effective for exams taken prior to Summer 2018.
*Art History ARH1000 ARH1000 & ARH2050 or ARH2051 Same as 4 Effective for exams taken after 5/16/2018 (Summer 2018).
Biology BSC2005 & BSC2005L BSC2010 & BSC2010L BSC2010 & BSC2010L and BSC2011 & BSC2011L
Calculus AB MAC2311 (4 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3
Calculus BC MAC2311 (4 credits) MAC2311 & MAC2312 (4 credits each) Same as 4 The BC exam includes a subscore for the AB portion of the exam for Calculus AB credit. Colleges should regard the subscore on the BC exam the same as an AP Calculus AB Exam score.
Capstone Research IDSXXXX Same as 3 Same as 3 Institutional discretion when applying equivalencies
Capstone Seminar IDS1350 Same as 3 Same as 3
Chemistry CHM1020 & CHM1020L CHM2045 & CHM2045L OR CHM2045 & CHM2040L CHM2045 & CHM2045L and CHM2046 & CHM2046L
Chinese Language & Culture CHN2230 (4 credits) CHN2230 & CHN2231 (4 credits for each) Same as 4 Meets foreign language requirement.
Computer Science A CGS1075 Same as 3 Same as 3 CGS1075 is unique to this exam. Exam content changes frequently.
Computer Science AB CGS1076 Same as 3 Same as 3 CGS1076 is unique to this exam. Exam content changes frequently.
Computer Science Principles COP2000 Same as 3 Same as 3 Reviewed by FLDOE - Approved by O. Jennings
Economics: Macro ECO2013 Same as 3 Same as 3
Economics: Micro ECO2023 Same as 3 Same as 3
English Language & Composition ENC1101 ENC1101 & ENC1102 Same as 4
English Literature & Composition ENC1101 ENC1101 & either ENC1102 or LIT2005 Same as 4
Environmental Science EVR1001 Same as 3 Same as 3 per S. Edvardsson 10/28/2015
European History EUH2009 EUH2000 & EUH2001 Same as 4 EUH2009 is unique to this exam
French Language FRE2200 (4 credits) FRE2200 & FRE2221 (4 credits for each) Same as 4 Meets foreign language requirement.
French Literature FRW0301 FRW0301 & FRW3100 Same as 4 Exam discontinued in 2011
German Language GER2200 (4 credits) GER2200 & GER2240 (4 credits for each) Same as 4 Meets foreign language requirement.
Government & Politics: Comparative CPO2001 Same as 3 Same as 3
Government & Politics: U.S. POS2041 Same as 3 Same as 3
Human Geography GEO2420 Same as 3 Same as 3
Italian Language & Culture ITA1120 (4 credits) ITA1120 & ITA1121 (4 credits for each) Same as 4 Meets foreign language requirement.
Japanese Language & Culture JAP2230 (4 credits) JAP2230 & JAP2231 (4 credits for each) Same as 4 Meets foreign language requirement.
Latin Literature LNW0301 Same as 3 Same as 3 LNWX700 unique for this exam. Incl Catullus & (Horace, Ovid or Cicero)
Latin: Vergil LNW2321 Same as 3 Same as 3
Latin LNW2700 Same as 3 Same as 3
Music Theory MUT1001 MUT1001, if composite score is 3 or higher. MUT1121 if both aural & non-aural are 3 or higher Same as 4
Physics 1 PHY2053 & PHY2053L PHY2053 & PHY2053L
Physics 2 PHY2054 & PHY2054L PHY2054 & PHY2054L
Physics B PHY2053 & PHY2053L PHY2053 & PHY2053L and PHY2054 & PHY2054L Same as 4 Exam discontinued in 2014
Physics C: Electricity/Magnetism PHY2054 & PHY2054L PHY2049 & PHY2049L Same as 4
Physics C: Mechanics PHY2053 & PHY2053L PHY2048 & PHY2048L Same as 4
Precalculus MAC1140 MAC1140 & MAC1114 Same as 4
Psychology PSY2012 Same as 3 Same as 3
Spanish Language SPN2200 (4 credits) SPN2200 & SPN2201 (4 credits for each) Same as 4 Meets foreign language requirement.
Spanish Literature SPW0301 SPW0301 & SPW3100 Same as 4 3 credits for each
Statistics STA2023 Same as 3 Same as 3
Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio ART1300C Same as 3 Same as 3
Studio Art: 2-D Design ART1201C Same as 3 Same as 3
Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio ART1203C Same as 3 Same as 3
United States History AMH2000 AMH2010 & AMH2020 Same as 4
World History WOH2022 Same as 3 Same as 3

Courses receive 3 credits each unless otherwise noted. Labs receive 1 credit.