
Cambridge (AICE)
Exam AS Level* A-Level* Comments
Accounting ACG2001 (3) ACG2001 & ACG0301 (3 credits each)
Applied ICT-Info, Commun Techn CGS1060 or CGSX100 Institutional discretion (min 6 credits)
Art & Design ART2305C ART2305C and ART0301
Biology BSC2005 (3) & BSC2005L (1) BSC2010 & BSC2010L (4 cr)
Business Studies GEB1011 GEB1011 & GEBxxxx (6 cr)
Chemistry CHM1025(3) & CHM1025L (1) (CHM1020 or CHM1025) & CHM2045 (w/labs)
Classical Studies CLA0301 N/A Allow to meet Humanities area HUM9001C
Computer Science COP1000 COP2000 & COP0301
Computing CGS0301 CGS0301 & CIS0301
Design & Technology ETI0301 ETI0301 & ETI0302
Divinity REL2210 REL2210 & REL2240
Economics ECO0301 ECO2013 & ECO2023
English Language ENC1101 ENC1101 & ENC1102 (minimum 6 credits) or LIT1000 If already has both, may award English elective
English - Literature in English ENC1101 or ENC1102 ENC1101 & ENC1102 or (ENC1102 & LIT1000) Updated 8/16/2017
Environmental MGMT EVR1001 (3 cr) & EVR1001L (1 cr) N/A
French Language FRE2220 (4 cr) FRE2220 & FRE2221 (4 cr each) Meets foreign language requirement.
French Literature FRE1100 (4 cr) N/A
French N/A FRE1120 & FRE1121 (4 cr each)
Further Mathematics N/A MAC2311 & MAC2312 (4 cr each)
General Paper IDS1110 N/A
Geography GEA2000 GEA2200 & GEO2420
German Language GER2200 (4 cr) GER2200 & GER2240 (4 cr each) Meets foreign language requirement.
Global Perspectives ISS0301 ISS0301 and ISS0302 Writing Intensive (approved)
History - The History of the USA, 1840-1968
AMH2041 AMH2041 & AMH2042 Exam discontinued in 2014.
History - Modern European History, 1789-1939
EUH2002 EUH2002 Exam discontinued in 2014.
History - International History, 1945-1991
HIS1206 or WOH2040 Exam discontinued in 2014.
History, International Relations/History
1871-1945 (AS-Level)
1897-1991 (A-Level)
WOH2040 WOH2040 & WOH2043
History, U.S. History
1840-1941 (AS-Level)
1840-1990 (A-Level)
AMH2029 AMH2029 & AMH2020 AMH2029 unique to this exam
History, European History
1789-1917 (AS-Level)
1789-1941 (A-Level)
EUH2031 EUH2031 & EUH2002 Inst. discretion
Information Technology CGS1060 CGS1060
Latin LAT1131 (4 cr) N/A
Marine Science OCE1001 (4 cr) OCE1001 & OCB2000 (w/ labs)
Mathematics MAC1147 (5 cr) or MAC1140&1114 (3 cr each) MAC2311 (4 cr) & MAC1114 (3 cr)
Media Studies DIG1000 DIG1000 & DIG2001 or DIG1030
Music MUH1001 MUH1001 & MUHxxxx (6 cr)
Physics PHY1020 (3) & PHY1020L (1) PHY2053 & PHY2054 (w/labs)
Psychology PSY2012 PSY2012 & PSY0301
Sociology SYG2000 SYG2000
Spanish Language SPN2200 (4 cr) SPN2200 & SPN2201 (4 cr each) Meets foreign language requirement.
Spanish Literature SPW0301 (4 cr) N/A
Thinking Skills PHI1100 PHI1100 & PHI1101
Travel & Tourism HFT0303 HFT0301 (6 cr)

All courses receive 3 credits each unless otherwise noted.

*Passing Score Of "A," "B," "C," "D," "E" Not Based On American Scale