Purchasing Manual


  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Purchasing Staff
    2. Standards of Conduct
  2. Purchases and Solicitations
    1. Purchase Order Requirements
    2. Quote Requirements
    3. Grant Funds Requirements
    4. Capital vs. Current Expenses
  3. The Purchasing Process
    1. Required Supplier Forms
    2. Creating and Tracking Requisitions
    3. Canceling a Requisition or PO
    4. PO Distribution
    5. Receiving and Payment
  4. Online Purchases
    1. Amazon
    2. Mister Paper and Staples
    3. Other Websites
  5. Buying from Local Stores
    1. Home Depot and Lowes
    2. Walmart and Sam's Club
    3. Other Local Stores
  6. Reimbursement (Petty Cash)
    1. Personal Reimbursements
  7. Special and Restricted Purchases
    1. Marketing and Promotional Items
    2. Computers and Software
    3. Office Furniture
    4. Wireless Devices
    5. Beverage Exclusivity (Pepsi)
    6. Restricted and Prohibited Purchases
    7. College Pricing for Personal Purchases
  8. Contracts
    1. Contract Authority
    2. Contracts for Personal Professional Services
  9. Spherion
    1. Procedures and Markup

1. Roles and Responsibilities

Purchasing Assistant

Heather Domin

  • Current expense requisitions under $10,000
  • Changes to purchase orders under $10,000
  • Supplier information and W9s
  • Amazon and Staples accounts
  • Finance website issues and inquiries
  • General Purchasing/Auxiliary questions

Purchasing Agent


  • Current expense requisitions over $10,000
  • Changes to purchase orders over $10,000
  • Technology purchases (copiers, Dell, Apple)
  • Spherion requisitions and updates
  • Surplus item inquiries

Director, Purchasing & Auxiliary Services

Phil Carver (Interim)

  • Bids and purchases over $65,000
  • All legal and financial agreements and/or contracts

Violation of any of the Standards of Conduct listed herein may subject the employee to discipline under College Rule 2.12, Prohibition Against Fraudulent, Dishonest, or Improper Acts.

Contract Administration

Cost Center Managers and Grant Program Administrators are responsible for monitoring all contracts for goods and/or services paid for by their department(s). This includes:

  • Assuring the vendor delivers the goods or services in the manner required by the agreement;
  • Requiring the vendor to promptly correct any deficiencies;
  • Withholding payment and informing Accounts Payable if the vendor fails to comply with the contract provisions; and
  • Informing Purchasing if, after reasonable communication, the vendor refuses to comply with the terms of the agreement.

Conflicts of Interest

No employee, officer, or agent of ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ may participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract (including those supported by a Federal award) if they have a real or apparent conflict of interest. Such a conflict of interest would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of their immediate family, their partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract.

Any failure to disclose a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest shall be considered in violation of College Rule 2.12, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with that rule.

Vendor Considerations

College employees, officers, or agents shall comply with with regard to soliciting or accepting consideration (gifts, gratuities, or anything of monetary value) from vendors. Improper acceptance of any consideration shall be considered in violation of College Rule 2.12, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with that rule. Furthermore, violators may be subject to criminal penalties as indicated in .

Participating in Solicitation/Selection Process

Employees or agents of the college who participate in a selection process shall be subject to the following rules:

  • Any participating employee or agent of the college shall review the CONFLICT OF INTEREST section above and must disclose the conflict and recuse themselves from the process if there is any conflict. Failure to do so shall result in disciplinary action by the College up to and including termination. Furthermore, violators may be subject to the criminal penalties as indicated in
  • Participants must be ethical and non-preferential when evaluating potential vendors.
  • During an informal quote process, communication with participating vendors or potentially participating vendors shall be solely to inform the vendor of the quote request or answer questions regarding the specifications. Answers to any clarifying questions received from any vendor must be shared with all vendors that you solicited from to assure an "apples-to-apples" response from all participating vendors. You may not share any vendor's pricing with any other until the process is complete and a PO has been issued.
  • During a formal bid or RFP solicitation process (from the time the solicitation is first posted to the conclusion of the award process), no participating employee or agent of the college shall have any contact with vendors that are participating or may potentially participate except to refer the vendor to the solicitation document. All other communication with participating or potentially participating vendors shall be conducted solely by the Purchasing department. The Purchasing department will receive and respond to any vendor questions. (Answers to any questions received from any vendor will be shared with all vendors.) No discussion of the responses from vendors is permitted outside of the public evaluation meetings, although inquiries about the process to the appropriate Purchasing department official are permitted at any time.
  • The State of Florida requires a 72-hour protest period upon the award or recommended award of a formal solicitation. During this time any inquiries regarding the solicitation must be directed to Purchasing.

2. Purchases and Solicitations

No SF employee is permitted to order any goods or services without an approved purchase order number. The purchase order must be created BEFORE any purchase is made.

The only exceptions are:

  1. Procurement card transactions
  2. Personal reimbursements with valid Spend Authorizations per Board of Trustees Rule 5.5

All such purchases must be approved in advance by the Cost Center Manager and adhere to all applicable regulations. Justification shall be included on Spend Authorizations.

Placing an order using a requisition number or quote/estimate number is not permitted. Only a valid purchase order may be used.

Any purchase made without authorization as described here will be considered a personal purchase and will not be an obligation to the college.

Quote Minimums

Unless the purchase is exempt under , requisitions over $10,000 must include two (2) written quotes. Send quotes to the Purchasing Agent and include the following information in your requisition:

  • Names of quoting vendors
  • Names of representatives who gave quotes
  • Contact information for each quote
  • Dollar amounts quoted

Large Purchases

Unless the purchase is exempt under , procurement of goods over $65,000 must be obtained through solicitation processes.

Minority, Local, and/or Small Business

Departments must include at least one (1) local, small, or minority-owned vendor when obtaining quotes, if possible. Identify minority vendors on your quote as follows: woman-owned (WBE), minority-owned (MBE), or veteran-owned (VBE). If minority-owned and not already in the college's vendor file, specify the minority (African-American, Asian, Hispanic, etc.) Specify if no quote could be obtained from a local/small/minority vendor. If you need help finding minority vendors, contact Purchasing or see the Florida Office of Supplier Diversity Minority Business Directory and/or the Gainesville Black Professionals Minority Business Directory.

Purchases using grant funds may have different policies or require additional procedures. In cases where rules conflict, the stricter rules will apply. Check with your grantor to determine what special rules may apply for your grant.

Federal Grants

In addition to a different quote threshold, grants using federal funds (including grants administered by the State of Florida which use federal funds) must adhere to the following:

  • Subject to the exceptions provided by Florida law (see next bullet point) and 2 CFR Section 200.319, departments must obtain quotes from an adequate number of qualified sources for purchases over $10,000. For purchases over $65,000 a formal solicitation (bid or RFP) will be required (also subject to the exceptions below).
  • For purchases under $50,000, the exemptions in apply. These include technology equipment and services, educational materials and equipment, food, library materials, professional services (including consultants), or purchases from publicly solicited contracts (as long as those contracts have the required federal contract clauses).
  • For purchases over $50,000, the college's solicitation exemptions in the above bullet point do not apply (unless otherwise exempt by Federal regulations). However, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may expressly authorize a specific brand or vendor, but any such authorization MUST be in writing from the awarding agency and MUST be submitted to Purchasing for consideration.
  • Federal grant recipients must assure that small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources.
  • Federal grants have a quote threshold of $2,000 in the case of purchases for construction which are subject to the Davis-Bacon Act. Construction project purchases using federal funds have additional requirements. Contact Purchasing well in advance (at least 90 days) of any potential construction projects that will use federal funds. (Santa Fe College's Facilities Services will also need to be involved and may have additional time requirements.)
  • There are additional requirements for purchases over $250,000. Contact Purchasing prior to taking any action to make such purchases.
  • Federal grant recipients may not solicit a bid or quote from an entity which developed or drafted the specifications, requirements, or statements of work.
  • Grant Administrators are responsible to assure that they avoid purchasing unnecessary or duplicative items with federal funds.
  • There shall be no geographical preferences when purchases are being made with federal funds.
  • Federal grant rules suggest using Federal excess and surplus property in lieu of purchasing new equipment and property whenever such use is feasible and reduces project cost.
  • When considering a vendor, check the to see if the entity is prohibited from doing business with the Federal government. The entity you wish to do business with must not be on the Excluded Parties list.
  • There are many standard allowable and unallowable costs when using federal funds. These restrictions can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations .

Santa Fe's Self-Certification for the Micro-Purchase Threshold is $50,000. See Self Certification Policy in Accordance with 2 C.F.R. Section 200.320(iv).

An item is considered a capital expense if it 1) does not materially change through use and 2) has a useful life greater than one year. These criteria do not apply to component items (such as machine parts) for repair or maintenance of a capital expense item; such components are treated as current expense if they are replacing a broken or worn-out part, since the part has materially changed through use.

Capital expenses include items such as furniture, equipment, computers, technology, and similar long-term items with a unit cost over $750.00. Capital items with a unit cost under $750 may be purchased using current funds, if desired.

Current expenses include items such as consumable supplies (office, classroom, art, lab), small classroom items, and accessories to capital items (toner cartridges, repair parts, peripherals like keyboards/mice/cables). Generally, all services are current expense.

3. The Purchasing Process

Required Forms

To use a supplier not currently listed in Workday, you must obtain an and SF Vendor Information Packet. Have the supplier send the completed forms to sfpurchasing@sfcollege.edu. (Certified electronic signatures are acceptable.) When received, Purchasing will create the supplier in Workday.

  • Do not include a supplier's Federal ID in your requisition; a W-9 form must be on file.
  • Do not retain any W-9 forms in your records. Send all copies to Purchasing.

Credit Applications

Purchasing sends a standard document to suppliers that request credit applications. Contact Purchasing if a vendor sends you a credit application or requests credit information, and reference the corresponding requisition or purchase order. Do not sign any type of credit application, guarantee, or terms/conditions document. Any such documents can only be signed by the Purchasing Director.

How to Create a Requisition

Requisitions are created in Workday via the Create Requisition task. 

  1. In the Purchases app, go to Actions and select the requisition type. 
    • Request Non-Catalog Items = most requisitions will use this option
    • Connect to Supplier Website = for punchout use
    • Add from Templates/Requisitions = to copy a previous requisition
  2. The first screen auto-populates with your default worktags. If necessary, you can change any worktag using the drop-down menu (three lines on the right).
  3. Choose an option for Requisition Type using the drop-down menu. Then click OK.
  4. On the second screen, choose Request Goods to order goods or Request Service for blanket purchase orders and all service purchases. Then fill in the details:

All requisitions must be approved by the Cost Center Manager (budget authority). Purchasing cannot see a requisition in its processing queue until all necessary approvals have been given.

How to Check Requisition Status

In the Workday Purchases app, select View → Requisitions. You can also type "my requisitions" into the Search bar.

If a requisition does not have a number in the PO Number column, it has not yet been turned into a PO. Keep in mind that requisitions do not appear in Purchasing's queue until all levels on the approval path have given approval. You can check the approval path for your requisition by viewing the Process History.

If you would like further training in requisition processes, contact Purchasing.

Requisition Processing Times

Requisitions under $10,000 are generally processed by the next business day unless missing required information or documentation. Processing may take longer if the Purchasing Director must review a contract, consult with legal counsel, or otherwise research the purchase; or if there is an unusually high volume of requisitions to process, such as at fiscal year start and end.

Processing time for requisitions over $10,000 will vary significantly depending on factors such as: obtaining quotes; contract documents to be reviewed and signed; additional required documents and/or information; or if a solicitation is necessary. Please note that legal review (and subsequent negotiations with the vendor) can take several weeks depending on the complexity of the legal issues.

Year-End/New Fiscal Year

During the months of May-July processing times can increase significantly due to heavy volume. Please plan accordingly.

How to Cancel a Requisition

If the requisition has not yet been approved by the Cost Center Manager, ask them to reject it rather than approving it, and then you'll be able to cancel it. If it has already been approved and is in Purchasing's queue, let us know and we'll send it back so that you can modify or delete it.

How to Cancel a Purchase Order

If a PO has been created but should not be paid (items not available, returned goods, service not performed satisfactorily, event canceled, etc.), inform Accounts Payable and Purchasing immediately.

  • If the goods/services have not been received and no payment has been made against the PO, the purchase order can be canceled. Inform the vendor you are canceling the purchase order, then request that Purchasing issue a cancelation form to the vendor.
  • If a payment has been made against the purchase but you do not wish to receive any more goods/services, let the vendor know and request that Purchasing issue a change order to the vendor. To liquidate the remaining balance, contact Accounts Payable.

Year-End/New Fiscal Year

As year-end approaches, you may want to check your budgets to see if there are any requisitions that were created but never submitted. If there are any such requisitions, delete them. Blanket purchase orders that have been partially spent must be liquidated by Accounts Payable.

Purchase orders are automatically emailed to the supplier unless otherwise specified. If a PO should not be emailed, this must be noted on your requisition, otherwise it will be sent to the email address on file. Do not send purchase orders to the supplier yourself, as this will create a duplicate order. If a supplier says they did not receive the PO, contact Purchasing.

There is one exception: blanket POs to local stores should be taken with you when you go to the store. The PDF is available in Workday. See the Local Stores section below for more information on buying from local stores.

Purchasing does not email purchase orders to the department. You can access all your requisitions and purchase orders in Workday for tracking and record-keeping purposes.

Receiving and Inspecting Items

Departments are responsible for promptly unpacking and carefully inspecting all shipments and items immediately upon receipt, as well as verifying in a timely manner that all goods have been received and/or services performed according to the terms on the PO. If there are problems, contact the vendor and do not approve the invoice for payment until the issue has been resolved. Open and inspect your orders as soon as they arrive: items cannot be returned or exchanged once the vendor's return window has expired.

Problems with Goods or Services

If you receive a defective product and/or unsatisfactory service, contact Accounts Payable as soon as possible and alert them not to pay the related invoice until the issue is resolved. The requesting department should try to work out the problem with the vendor. If the requesting department is unable to obtain a satisfactory solution, they must contact the Purchasing Department for assistance.

Payment Reconciliation

When all items have been received and/or all services performed, forward your invoices, receipts, or other documentation to accountspayable@sfcollege.edu referencing the PO number and certifying that the PO may be paid. Payment will not be sent until approval has been given by the department that submitted the PO. Be sure to submit your invoices as soon as possible to prevent late payments.

4. Online Purchases

4.1 - Amazon

Amazon orders must be placed through the Supplier Connection ("punchout") in Workday. This means that:

  • Orders may not be placed directly at Amazon.com, but only through the Workday punchout
  • PCards are no longer used for Amazon purchases
  • Personal reimbursement (petty cash) may NOT be used for college purchases
  • Personal Amazon accounts may NOT be used for college purchases

For instructions on how to use the Amazon punchout, see the Amazon Users Guide and contact the Purchasing Assistant with any questions.

4.2 - Mister Paper and Staples

To purchase items online from  or , you must have an account at the business contract websites (which are NOT the same as the retail store websites).

To set up a new account at Mister Paper, contact Jimeka Norman at jimeka@misterpaper.com

To set up a new account at Staples, contact the Purchasing Assistant.

Those with accounts may submit requisitions for specific items, or set up blanket POs to use throughout the fiscal year. The vendor will add the PO number(s) to the accounts of each authorized user listed on the requisition, which can then be selected as the form of payment at checkout.

Important Reminders

  • Use only the and websites. Do not make college purchases at officedepot.com or staples.com.
  • Do not shop at local Office Depot or Staples stores. Only online orders receive contract pricing and sales tax exemption.
  • Do not let anyone else use your account. Accounts may not be shared.
  • Do not use your accounts for personal purchases. For information on how to get contract pricing on personal purchases, see the College Pricing section of the Purchasing Processes page.

4.3 - Other Websites

Before submitting a requisition for an online order, you must first know if the website accepts purchase orders.

Some online vendors will accept PO numbers typed in at checkout; others will accept POs sent to a sales rep or specific email address; and others will not accept purchase orders at all. Find out this information BEFORE submitting your requisition! Orders are often delayed because the department put on a requisition without checking to see if the vendor would accept POs, or without knowing where to send them when ordering.

If the site accepts POs

Purchasing will send the PO to the vendor via the email address you obtained. Include the name and email of the sales rep you spoke with (or the email to which POs should be sent) on your requisition, as well as any quote or estimate number the vendor may need.

Important: If you plan to place an order online using the PO number, you must let Purchasing know - in such cases Purchasing will not send the PO to the vendor, so as to prevent the order being duplicated.

  • Obtaining a quote or estimate online is allowed, but departments are not authorized to place the final order online unless approved by Purchasing.
  • Purchase orders may NOT be applied after the fact to a purchase made by an individual.

If the site does not accept POs

There are three options for buying online without a purchase order:

  1. Invoice - If the vendor will allow you to place an order and be invoiced later, you must obtain a valid purchase order BEFORE ordering, and you must submit an Authorization to Prepay form to Accounts Payable. Keep in mind that you most likely will not receive your order until the check has been received and processed by the vendor.
  2. P-Card - Procurement Card holders may use their P-Card to place orders online. All purchases must be allowable under P-Card rules.
  3. Reimbursement - With prior budget authority approval, a staff member may place the order with a personal card and be reimbursed. Keep in mind that the college does not reimburse sales tax, and most vendors will not apply tax exemption to personal cards.

If none of these options work for the purchase you want to make, you may need to choose another vendor.

Local Stores vs. Store Websites

Buying from a store's website is NOT the same as buying from the local store!

  • Some vendors give the college special pricing which is not shown on the website
  • Merchandise availability often differs between the website and the local store
  • Online orders may include taxes that must be waived for college purchases

Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart

Items must be purchased at a local store. The college receives contract pricing at Home Depot and Lowes, but not through the websites, and there is no way to use a PO at checkout. Wal-Mart will also not accept a purchase order or tax exemption online. If you want to order something from these sites, contact a local store to see if the items can be ordered for you at the Customer Service desk.

Best Buy and Other Stores

  • Best Buy does NOT accept POs online or at the store. Contact the Purchasing Agent to get a quote from our sales rep, then submit a requisition and Best Buy will ship the order to the college.
  • Some retailers do not accept POs at all, including Target, Publix, Michael's, and others listed in the Local Store section below. Purchases at these stores can only be made via a P-Card or personal reimbursement.

5. Buying From Local Stores

5.1 - Home Depot and Lowes

For these two vendors, Purchasing will send your purchase order to you so that you can take it to the store with you. Only the people listed on the purchase order will be able to use it.

Home Depot

Authorized Buyers: You must be set up as an authorized Home Depot buyer in order to use a PO. Contact the Purchasing Agent to be set up. You must also be listed as an authorized user on a valid purchase order, which you must take with you to the store.

Special Orders: Contact the Customer Service Desk to get a quote on special order items, but do not place the final order until the PO has been approved. The order will be shipped to the local store, and then you can take your PO to go pick it up. Delivery may also be arranged for large/heavy items or special orders.


You must present a college-issued Lowes Buyer key fob at checkout or they will not let you use a PO, even if your name is on it. Obtain a key fob from the Purchasing Agent. Key fobs must be checked out to employees on a per-purchase basis only. Please keep the number of buyers to a minimum and inform Purchasing immediately of any staff changes.

5.2 - Wal-Mart and Sam's Club


Wal-Mart does not accept purchase orders. You must use a Procurement Card (P-Card) to shop at Wal-Mart.

Sam's Club

Sam's Club no longer accepts purchase orders. Going forward the following procedure must be used:

  1. You must have a Procurement Card (P-Card) issued by Purchasing or an SF American Express Card (SF AmEx) issued by Payroll. Employees who do not have an P-Card or SF AmEx may not make college purchases at Sam's Club.
  2. You must set up a new membership. All previous memberships have expired and are no longer valid. Bring your SFID and a tax exempt certificate to the Membership Desk, and be sure they set you up as tax exempt. Membership fees will be charged to your P-Card/AmEx.

Membership: When signing up, you must indicate that the membership is for your department at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. (For example, the membership will be called "ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Little School" or "ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Student Life", etc.) Your membership card will show both the department name and your name as the authorized user.

Second User: Sam's provides one (1) complimentary membership for each account, which means a total of two (2) people in a department can make purchases. Each person will have their own membership card, and each must use their own P-Card/AmEx to make purchases. Memberships may not be used by anyone other than the individual named on the card; "guest" purchases are not permitted.

Tax Exemption: Your membership card will indicate tax-exempt status; however, when checking out, always be sure to use your P-Card/AmEx and inform the cashier you are tax exempt. (If you are charged tax you'll be required to have it removed by returning to the store, so please be pro-active.)

Problems: If you encounter problems, see the Membership Desk and ask for Maryann Kassees. Purchasing staff has no access to Sam's Club internal processes and cannot assist with Sam's Club issues in real time. However, please report any unresolved issues to Purchasing so we can follow up with Sam's later.

5.3 - Other Local Stores

Before submitting a requisition to a local store, be sure they will accept purchase orders. If a local store does not accept POs, you may still shop there by using a P-Card or by using personal reimbursement (with budget authority approval). If you need assistance finding out if a store accepts POs, contact Purchasing.

  • Ace Hardware - Some locations accept POs and some don't. Ask the location you intend to use.
  • Best Buy - Does NOT accept POs at the store, but Purchasing can place your order through the corporate site for shipment directly to the College. Create a requisition as per normal.
  • CVS - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Dollar Tree - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Hitchcock Foods - accepts purchase orders
  • Hobby Lobby - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • JoAnn Fabric - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Michaels - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Office Depot - use the Mister Paper website for all Office Depot items
  • Party Store - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Publix - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Sam's Club - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Simply Unforgettable Party - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Target - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Walgreens - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Whole Foods - does NOT accept purchase orders
  • Winn-Dixie - does NOT accept purchase orders

6. Reimbursement (Petty Cash)

6.1 - Personal Reimbursement

As of May 2021 Petty Cash has been merged with the Reimbursement process. All personal reimbursements are now done via eStaff.

For certain purchases (such as when a vendor will not accept purchase orders), a college employee or student may use their own funds and be reimbursed. This may only be done with prior budget authority approval, and the following process should be followed BEFORE the purchase is made.

Reimbursement Instructions

  1. Submit a requisition to eStaff via the Requisition Request/Inquiry menu option. Be sure to include the SFID number of the person being reimbursed.
  2. Once the requisition is approved and the purchase order has been created, email receipt(s)* and any other documentation to accountspayable@sfcollege.edu. Be sure to include the PO number and confirmation to proceed with the reimbursement.

*To protect privacy, black out confidential information (such as credit card numbers) on all documentation.

Employee Reimbursements: If the employee receives direct deposit payroll, the reimbursement will automatically deposit into their primary financial account. EFTs are sent to the bank on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Please allow 3-5 business days for the reimbursement to reflect in the account.

Student Reimbursements: A check will be mailed to the address in the system. Please make sure the student has their most up-to-date address on file. Checks are processed once per week on Thursday. In order to ensure the invoice will be paid on the Thursday check run, it must be sent to Accounts Payable by the close of business on Tuesday. FUND 6 NOTE: If the student reimbursement will pay out of a fund 6 (student club) account, contact dennis.ohearn@sfcollege.edu to process the refund.

Sales Tax

The College does not reimburse sales tax. Some vendors may waive sales tax if you specify that you are purchasing items for college use, but this is neither required nor guaranteed. You are responsible for any sales tax incurred.


Services: Reimbursement for tips/gratuities for services listed in the Travel Manual must follow the rules set forth in those guidelines.

Food: For food delivery or restaurant tips (for departments that are authorized for expenditures at restaurants, such as hospitality accounts and/or certain Student Life/Student Government accounts), the tip/gratuity reimbursement limit is 20%. Any tips/gratuities in excess of 20% shall not be reimbursed by the college and are the responsibility of the individual(s) paying them. This reimbursement limit does not apply to vendor-required service fees beyond the control of the individual being reimbursed.

Prohibited Purchases

Reimbursement is NOT permitted for the following purchases:

  • Capital-expense items
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Beverages violating the college's exclusivity agreement
  • Holiday/greeting cards (non-advertising)
  • Items with no specified business purpose

7. Special and Prohibited Purchases

7.1 - Marketing and Promo Items

Any purchases requiring logos, branding, or imprinting must be approved by Marketing and Communications before the order is placed. This includes promotional items such as shirts, cups, bags, etc., and marketing items such as flyers, brochures, advertising, etc. Purchasing forwards all such requisitions to the MarCom Director for approval before creating the PO. Proofs must be approved through communications@sfcollege.edu and may not be altered.

7.2 - Computers and Software


The college's exclusive contracted vendor for computers is Dell. To purchase a computer for your department, you must first obtain an e-quote from Dell MPP. You must include the e-quote number on your requisition for Purchasing to complete and place your order. (For personal purchases, see section 7.7 below.)

Peripherals (printers, scanners, monitors, etc.) may be purchased from any vendor. Technology equipment costing above $199 are considered capital items. All technology purchases, including peripherals, must be approved by the Director of ITS before a purchase order will be created.


Software purchases must be approved by ITS except for the two categories below:

College Agreement

The following software is covered by college agreement. Do not buy these programs — contact ITS to obtain them.

  • Windows Upgrades
  • Microsoft Office Professional
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft InfoPath
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft Entourage
  • Microsoft FrontPage
  • Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Professional
  • Anti-Virus Software - ITS installs antivirus software on all of its computers at setup. Do not purchase antivirus software. Contact ITS for assistance.

ITS Approved

The following software has been pre-approved by ITS and may be purchased without additional approval; however, ITS assistance will be required for installation.

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Camtasia
  • Dreamweaver
  • Macro Media
  • Quicken
  • Visio
  • all other Adobe products

7.3 - Office Furniture

Furniture Standards for Non-Faculty Offices

These standards are currently under review.

7.4 - Wireless Devices

Employees whose job duties necessitate use of a wireless device may use a college-owned device or receive extra compensation (in the form of a monthly salary allowance) to cover business-related costs. No further reimbursement for wireless devices is available to employees receiving such an allowance. See full information on the SF Wireless Device Policy.


To request an allowance for business use of a wireless device, submit a Wireless Allowance Request. Budget Authorities must also complete a Budget Transfer Request to move budget from current expense to personnel expense.

Most current plans include unlimited talk and text, while the cost of data remains variable. Allowances may be based on the following usage:

Usage Recommended Monthly Allowance (effective 7/1/2019)
Incidental $0.00
Low $15.00
Moderate $30.00
High $60.00

Allowances must be reviewed on at least a yearly basis. New allowance forms must be submitted each fiscal year. Check this page before submitting to see if the recommended allowances have changed.

Other Costs

As needs for each department may vary, additions to the allowance may be included as warranted. The decision to include or not include additions rests with the Budget Authority/Vice President.

College-Owned Devices

If your device is a cellular and/or wireless device (smartphone, tablet) and was purchased with college funds, then the college will continue to own that equipment.

7.5 - Beverage Exclusivity (Pepsi)

Effective July 1, 2016, the College has contracted with the Pepsi Beverages Company to provide certain exclusive beverages on all SF campuses. This means that only Pepsi brand beverages (or brands owned by or licensed to Pepsi) may be served at on-campus College events. See the Beverage Exclusivity Page for full details of this agreement and instructions on how to order Pepsi products for your on-campus event.

Please note that beverage exclusivity does NOT apply to:

  1. Beverages not covered by the agreement
  2. College events taking place off campus
  3. Personal beverages (not part of a college function)

7.6 - Restricted and Prohibited Purchases

Restricted Purchases

The following types of purchases may require additional approval from ITS, Safety, MarCom, or Finance. (See also Special Purchases section below.)

  • 3D printers
  • computer software
  • laser cutters
  • incendiary items
  • explosive chemicals
  • postage stamps
  • marketing items
  • promotional items
  • technology

Prohibited Purchases

The following items may not be purchased with college funds:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • fireworks

No purchase can be made from a Foreign Country of Concern as defined by . As of July 1, 2023, the statutory list includes: the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Cuba, the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro, and the Syrian Arab Republic, including any agency of or any other entity under significant control of such foreign country of concern. Special, specific permission must be obtained first from the Florida State Board of Education to enter into partnerships or agreements with a college or university in these nations.

The following purchases are prohibited. No purchase orders, spend authorizations, or reimbursements of any kind will be made for these purchases as defined by the statutes/rules below:

  1. Purchases listed as prohibited purchases by (Purchases that: violate , advocate for DEI as defined in this rule, or promote or engage in political of social activism as defined in this rule.)
  2. Purchases/Contracts from entities defined in (Contracting with entities of foreign countries of concern prohibited).
  3. Purchases that violate (Standards of conduct for public officers, employees of agencies, and local government attorneys).

7.7 - College Pricing for Personal Use

The following vendors allow SF staff and students to access college contract pricing for personal use. This list is subject to change at any time. NOTE: Sales tax will be added to all personal purchases.


Dell allows SF students and employees to access for personal purchases. No code or credentials are necessary; however, you must shop and checkout via this link only in order to access discounted prices.


Best Western Gateway Grand and Marriott SpringHill Suites offer discounts to SF employees for personal reservations. Contact Purchasing for details.

Office Supplies

Office Depot allows contract pricing to SF employees and students for personal purchases. You must apply for a personal store discount card at the to use at Office Depot stores.

Rental Vehicles

SF staff are eligible to receive the State of Florida contract rate for personal as well as business rentals through the college's contracted vendor, Avis/Budget. See the Travel page for instructions on how to make a reservation, including personal reservations.

8. Contracts

8.1 - Contract Authority

Per College Rule 5.2, college employees are NOT authorized to sign contracts or agreements on behalf of the college. Depending on the document and the amount of the purchase, the authority to sign contracts rests with the Purchasing Director, Vice Presidents, the President, or the Chair of the Board of Trustees. If you have a contract, agreement, or any legally binding terms/conditions that require a signature, forward it to Purchasing for review.

Exception: Contracts for Personal Professional Services are signed by a budget authority, and must also be signed by a Vice President. (See more in the following section.)

8.2 - Personal Professional Services

Most non-employee individuals who are hired to provide a service to the college must complete a Contract for Personal Professional Services. (Refer to the contract form for complete requirements.) As with all vendors, a completed W-9 must be on file before a PO can be created.


Contracts must be completely filled out and signed by ALL of the following:

  1. the contractor
  2. the project coordinator
  3. the department's budget authority
  4. the department's Vice President


  • A fully signed contract must be turned in BEFORE the service is performed
  • The purchase order will not be issued until ALL signatures have been obtained
  • Other documentation (such as certification of insurance) may be required
  • No SF employee may be hired as an independent contractor!

Contracts over $65,000 must also be signed by the SF Board of Trustees Chair. Certain contracts may require further documentation, such as specifications, proof of insurance, etc.


Don't forget to submit a completed Consultant/Contract Services Payment Form to Accounts Payable to ensure prompt payment.

If you have questions, contact the Purchasing Assistant for contracts less than $10,000 and the Purchasing Agent for contracts greater than $10,000. Contact Accounts Payable with questions regarding payments.

9. Spherion

9.1 - Procedures and Markup

The Purchasing Agent processes all Spherion POs and change orders.

Spherion Purchase Orders

A purchase order is not required to begin the screening, testing, and/or approval process for an individual you have chosen to hire – however, a purchase order IS required before Spherion can employ that individual and pay them on behalf of the college.

A purchase order cannot be created without ALL of the following required information:

  1. Name of individual to be employed
  2. Who is referring the individual (Spherion or SF)
  3. Beginning and ending date of employment
  4. Hourly pay rate, not including markup
  5. The position's markup percentage (see table below)
  6. Expected weekly hours worked
  7. Contact name/phone/email of the individual's supervisor


All changes to a Spherion employee's status MUST be in the form of a written change order sent by Purchasing to Spherion. Inform the Purchasing Agent immediately of any employee changes, according to the requirements below.

Additions, deletions, and changes cannot be made without all of the following information:

  1. Name of individual(s) affected
  2. Date when change(s) will take effect
  3. Pay rates (if changing)
  4. Weekly hours (if changing)

Spherion Percentage Markup

Classification Clerical Custodial Industrial
Florida Resident, College-Referred 28.5% 37.5% 41.5%
Florida Resident, Provided by Spherion* 29.75% 45.5% 49.5%
Non-Florida Resident, College-Referred 28.5% -- --
Non-Florida Resident, Provided by Spherion* 29.75% -- --

*rate effective for the first four (4) weeks, then switch to college-referred rate.