1098-T Tax Form
Obtaining Your Form 1098-T
青青草视频 has partnered with Transact to provide Form 1098-T Tuition Statements. Students will have access to 1098-T Forms no later than January 31 of each calendar year. Students will receive an email when the 1098-T Form is available.
This form can assist you in claiming an educational tax credit on your federal income tax return. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 allows students (or taxpayers claiming students as dependents) to claim certain qualified tuition and fee payments as a Lifetime Learning Credit or the American Opportunity Credit.
IRS Tax Form 1098-T is generated for all students who:
- Provided the Registrar with a valid Social Security Number or Individual Tax Identification Number
- Paid qualified educational expenses such as tuition and fees during the calendar year (January 1 to December 31)
To access your 1098-T online: log in to . Select Finances, then 1098-T Form, then Access your tax form, then Tax Forms.
The information on this tax form is reported to the Internal Revenue Service. The College does not engage in tax advice or opinion. SF will not provide you with information about the taxability of your scholarships and grants and cannot advise you on the use of the 1098-T in your annual tax filing. Consult a tax professional or your accountant for more information about the taxability of your educational awards.
For more information on the available tax credits or fellowship information, please see the following irs.gov publications:
IRS Compliance Requirements
To comply with IRS requirements to report tuition payments and other information on Form 1098-T, Santa Fe college collects student SSNs/ITINs. Students who are not eligible for an SSN may have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, known as an ITIN. Students are required by law to provide the SSN/ITIN so that it may be included on an information return.
At least once a year the college will solicit any missing TINs from students. Students receiving notification that the TIN is missing should complete the Student Account Information Change Form (Opens in new window) and deliver it to the Registrar's Office.
The request period for a new Form 1098-T ends on March 31. Due to penalties imposed by the IRS, we cannot process requests for Forms 1098-T after March 31. However, we can provide a detailed list of your charges and payments throughout the tax year to assist in conversations with your tax preparer.
1098-T Electronic Consent
Form 1098-T Tuition Statements will be provided electronically. Electronic access gives me the ability to view and print my 1098-T. If electronic consent is withdrawn via eSantaFe, the 1098-T statement will be mailed to the current address on file. Withdrawal of consent does not apply to statements furnished electronically prior to date submitted.
To view and print your 1098-T form electronically, or withdraw consent:
- Log in to
- Go to Finances
- Select 1098-T Form
- Select Access your tax form
- Select Tax Forms
- Select Sign up for paperless delivery