Wireless Device Policy


Effective Date: July 1, 2019

Executive Summary


To review and revise the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Wireless Device Policy to assure it is appropriate to the needs of the College and employees.


  1. The need for some employees to use wireless devices to perform their jobs
  2. Determination if employees should use College-provided devices or personal devices
  3. The costs of wireless services
  4. Changes in tax implications regarding the use of wireless devices


  1. In cases where a cell phone is required by the College for the employee to do their work, the College may provide a cell phone, or, if the employee desires to use their own personal phone and the College approves, the employee may receive an allowance to cover a portion of their personal costs. The requirement of a cell phone, and the type of device (flip-phone, smartphone, etc.) shall be based on the needs of the employee's job. Such requirement must be documented by the employee's supervisor and approved by the division's vice president. This documentation shall either be the Wireless Allowance Request Form if the employee receives an allowance, or the purchase requisition to acquire a College cell phone on behalf of an employee.
  2. In cases where an employee elects to use a personal cell phone in performance of their work that is not required by the College, the employee will not receive an allowance. Employees that purchase their own device will be responsible for maintenance at employee expense.
  3. Regardless of whether the College provides a cell phone or an employee chooses to use their personal cell phone for work purposes, employees must follow College rules and policies regarding such use. These policies include the College's Appropriate Use Policy, both for College-owned devices and when personal devices access the College's information systems.
  4. Required wireless devices other than cell phones shall be purchased by the College unless the employee chooses to purchase their own. No reimbursement will be provided for such devices. Employees that purchase their own such devices will be responsible for maintenance at employee expense.

Administrative Policy and Guidelines


To state the guidelines and policies of the College with regard to the use of cell phones for business purposes.

Note: There is no allowance option for hot spots and pagers. Such devices shall be provided by the College when needed at College expense. Other wireless devices, such as tablets, shall be treated like the College treats computers/laptops, although an individual may bring their own device, at that individual's expense and convenience.


Employees whose job duties include the need for a cell phone may either be provided a device by the College, at College expense, or receive a monthly allowance to cover business-related costs. No further reimbursement for cell phones is available to employees who have such an allowance. The allowance is for cellular device use necessary to conduct an employee's job function only and shall not be used simply as a means to increase an employee's salary.

Employees may only be compensated for cell phone use if it is required for their job as determined by their supervisor and division vice president. Anyone considering an allowance must determine the need for the device. Before determining if cell phone use is required, consider the following:

  1. Non-exempt employees are typically not required to respond by cell phone for work-related matters during non-working hours unless they are on call subject to an official on call protocol as established by their position and in the salary schedule.
  2. The College can purchase cell phones for department use rather than requiring an employee to use their personal one. For example, if a different employee is on call every weekend in an area, rather than providing an allowance to all employees who are on call, the College can provide a cell phone to be shared among such employees.
  3. There are messaging software applications which enable individuals with cellphones outside the office to contact employees at their desktops. Also, messaging apps in phones can usually be set up to send a text message through email. Contact the ITS Help Desk for communication options for messaging (which are constantly evolving).

Supervisors and Vice Presidents must review the options below and select the most appropriate tier for the employees in their area. Consideration should be given to: cost, job-related need, efficiency, and impact on the employee. It is recommended that cell phone use NOT be required unless absolutely necessary.

Cell Phone Requirement Determination

An employee's use of a cell phone shall fall into one of the following categories:

Tier 1: No Requirement for Cell Phone Use. The employee's position has no requirement to use a cell phone. The employee may choose to use a cell phone for work-related communication, but doing so is for the convenience of the employee, and not a job requirement.

Tier 2: Employee Required to Use a Cell Phone (limited monthly use). The College requires the employee to be available by phone or text message through the use of a cell phone to respond to work-related issues at particular times, but not most workdays. This includes employees who are placed on call a few days per month.

It is strongly recommended that if your department has different people on call throughout the month/year that the department purchases a department phone (or phones) to issue to individuals who are on call rather than require or allow the use of a personal cell phone. A shared phone allows the on-call phone number to be consistent from person to person.

Tier 3: Employee Regularly Required to Use a Cell Phone (typical daily use, may be part of job description if on call). The employee is required/expected to be available by phone, text message, or email through the use of the cell phone to respond to work-related issues whenever needed or assigned. Alternatively, the cell phone is a tool that the employee must use to stay in contact with the College or other individuals during standard work hours, and possibly after hours both on and off campus. This may include employees who are always on call or otherwise would regularly use a cell phone to do their job.

Tier 4: Employee Regularly Required to Use a Cell Phone (whose use requires high data usage, such as those who must use special software and/or a phone camera in order to do their job). This use of a cell phone is for those users whose job performance depends on the use of a cellular phone, and includes high data usage, such as for photography or special software in order to do their job. Examples include a facilities project manager (who must photo document construction sites, etc.) or safety inspector (who uses special mobile-device inspection software) who must continually use a cellular phone as a tool to best do their job.

Special Note: For employees who seasonally use a cell phone in one of the above categories, the College shall provide the allowance only during the months where the phone is required for work purposes. List these dates on the Wireless Allowance Request Form.

Allowances and Reimbursements

Requesting an Allowance

Requests for an allowance may be made at any time during a fiscal year, but all outstanding allowances expire on June 30 of each year. A new request must be made each new fiscal year. Allowances may be requested for the entire fiscal year, or for a portion thereof. Make sure to indicate the appropriate dates on the Wireless Allowance Request Form, which can be found on the Human Resources website.

This allowance does not constitute an increase to base pay, and will not be included in the calculation of percentage increases to base pay. It also is not reportable wages for College paid retirement plans.

Requirements to Qualify for an Allowance

  1. The employee must meet the requirements of Tiers 2, 3, or 4 listed under "Cell Phone Requirement Determination" section above.
  2. The employee must maintain a cellular services contract with a U.S.-based provider. The allowance amount may not exceed the amount of this contract (for service specific to the phone being used) unless additional expenses – such as special software – can be documented. It is the responsibility of the employee's budget authority (or supervisor in the case of a budget authority making the allowance request) to verify that a contract exists. Employees must provide evidence of this contract upon (reasonable) demand by the employee's department budget authority.

Recommended Allowances

The following allowances are recommended based on the tiers described above.

  • Tier 1: No allowance
  • Tier 2: $15/month
  • Tier 3: $30/month
  • Tier 4: $60/month

In the cases of grant-funded departments, any allowances must be permitted by the grantor.

There is no allowance to the employee when the College provides the cell phone, as the College will pay directly to the provider for the phone and cellular service. Contact the Purchasing Department for assistance with ordering College cell phones off of state contracts and agreements. College-owned phones must be returned to the College upon the employee's separation from the College or when required by the employee's supervisor.

These amounts may be adjusted with add-ons in circumstances that may not be contemplated by this policy (such as an additional monthly application/software service
costs), but any such adjustment must be justified in writing and approved by the department's vice president and the College President (and/or the appropriate governing body of any entity for which the College serves as fiscal agent) on the Wireless Allowance Request Form.

In accordance with the College's Salary Schedule, the Florida College System Risk Management Consortium ("Consortium" or "FCSRMC") may offer supplements and other allowable forms of compensation and fringe benefits, including mobile communications stipends, to the employees of the Consortium as approved by the FCSRMC Operations Committee. The Consortium will provide the Fiscal Agent (ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ) the funds for these allowances. Accordingly, this policy will not apply to the FCSRMC employees.

The Board of Trustees may provide a different allowance rate through its contracting authority.
For employees receiving an allowance, the College shall not pay for the purchase of the device or any fees or costs associated with an employee's plan, plan change, or cancellation. Employees shall bear all costs and fees associated with their plans. Employees receiving an allowance must notify Human Resources within 3 business days if they terminate their cellular service contract.

One-Time Software Reimbursement

With budget authority permission (or permission of the budget authority's supervisor in the case of a budget authority making the purchase), employees may be reimbursed for one-time (non-recurring) charges for software applications that have been added to their personal cell phone to be used for the sole benefit of the College. Recurring software charges should be included in the allowance (see Recommended Allowances above).


Contact: David Shlafer, Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services