Travel Manual
The Travel Manual is undergoing revisions due to the college transition to Workday. If you have any questions about Travel procedures, contact Accounts Payable.
On This Page
ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ must comply with Florida statutes and Federal regulations. All regulations described herein are based upon , ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Rule 3.21, and Federal regulations.
For travel to be authorized, it must be:
- for official college business;
- required for performance of official college duties;
- an approved event that will benefit the college by attendance; and
- paid for from college funds.
No travel expenditures are permitted until the appropriate authorizations have been approved. Travelers may be required to bear responsibility for any non-approved travel expense.
Travel Instructions
Conferences, seminars, and webinars occurring within Alachua and Bradford counties fall under in-district travel. In-district travel is Class C only: mileage may be reimbursed, but meal allowances and/or per diem are not given.
Before Travel
Supervisor and/or Cost Center Manager approval must be obtained BEFORE any travel. For in-district travel, approvals may be verbal, via email, or via submitting a requisition for an in-district registration. Approvals need not be submitted to the Office for Finance but may be retained in department files if desired.
Registration fees for in-district conferences, seminars, or webinars may be requested by submitting a purchase order requisition, or the traveler may choose to use a personal card or SF AmEx and submit a reimbursement request later. Only in-district conferences may be paid via Purchasing; others must be submitted through Travel.
Commute Mileage
When commuting between job locations, mileage is only reimbursable as agreed to between the traveler and their supervisor and/or Cost Center Manager. Use the following definitions to determine reimbursable commute mileage.
Regular Job Location: Your principal place of work (Northwest Campus, Andrews Center, Blount Center, Davis Center, Kirkpatrick Center, Watson Center, or Perry Center).
- If you work at more than one location, your supervisor must determine which is your Regular Job Location by considering 1) amount of time spent at each, 2) activities performed at each, and 3) income earned at each. Your Regular Job Location may change periodically depending on your work assignment (such as teaching at different centers).
Temporary Work Location: A workplace assignment realistically expected to last one year or less. You must have a Regular Job Location to receive reimbursement for traveling to a Temporary Work Location.
- The amount reimbursed for traveling from your home to the Temporary Work Location is limited to extra mileage from your Regular Job Location. For example, if it's 10 miles from your home to your Regular Job Location and 15 miles from your home to your Temporary Work Location, reimbursement mileage is 5 (the extra miles traveled).
Home: Your legal place of residence. Expenses incurred for traveling between your home and your Regular Job Location are not reimbursable, regardless of how far away your home is.
Create an Expense Report in Workday. Reimbursements are paid via direct deposit.
- If you travel in-district frequently and your monthly reimbursement is less than $25, you may choose to submit an Expense Report every quarter rather than every month.
- If you travel frequently to neighboring out-of-district locations (e.g. clinical visits, internship supervision, etc.), submit a Frequent Travel Approval Request to see if this may be classified as in-district travel for mileage reimbursement purposes. Approval must be renewed each fiscal year.
Out-of-District Travel is defined as travel to locations beyond Alachua and Bradford counties. Such travel may be Class A, B, or C, depending on specific trip circumstances. Out-of-District Travel must be approved by the traveler's Cost Center Manager and the President's Office BEFORE the trip starts. Even if the traveler is not requesting reimbursement (a 'No Funds Requested' travel), approval must be obtained before the trip occurs.
Before Travel
Create a Spend Authorization with the details of your travel. List any fellow travelers in the notes. Each traveler must also complete their own Spend Authorization and Expense Report. You must have an approved Spend Authorization in place BEFORE any travel occurs. The college is not obligated to reimburse travel undertaken without a Spend Authorization.
Additional documentation may be necessary before some travel, such as student meal advance requests or transportation requests. Such documentation must also be completed before travel occurs.
NOTE: President's staff may approve their own travel requests.
During Travel
- Obtain and retain original itemized receipts.
- Receipts are required. Failure to submit receipts may result in non-reimbursement.
- Photographs or electronic scans must include the entire receipt with all information clearly legible. Blurry or incomplete scans will not be accepted. Paper photocopies are not permitted.
- Retain copies of all conference schedules, agendas, itineraries, or activity programs.
- Keep a log of all business-related phone calls and/or internet use. Personal calls and internet use are not reimbursed.
- Travelers are personally responsible for the costs of any non-employee guest (such as a spouse or child) accompanying them on business travel. Guest costs are not reimbursed.
Meals: Per FL Statues on travel, no meals are permitted on Class C trips, which are day or short trips. If the meal requirement for day trips is specifically written into the grant agreement, then that contract language would modify the FL Statute 112.061.
Prepare and submit an Expense Report in Workday within ten (10) business days of the trip's end. The report must include all receipts, itinerary information, and any other required documentation.
- You may wish to create the Expense Report at the start of your trip and add to it as you go. You can save it after each addition and submit the final report at the end of your trip. The Workday Mobile App is useful if you choose this option.
- For 'No Funds Requested' travel, email Accounts Payable to cancel the Spend Authorization.
To track the status of your report, open the Expenses Hub app and select Expense Reports. You can click on any report to see its status, details, and process history. Reimbursements are paid via direct deposit.
International Travel (or Foreign Travel) is defined as travel to locations outside the United States. Such travel is approved and reported in the same manner as Out of District Travel, with additional requirements.
International travel requests shall be presented to President's Staff and the Board of Trustees for approval at a minimum one (1) month prior to the travel date. Requests must include the following:
- Overview of and reason for the travel
- Proposed budget for the travel
- U.S. State Department findings (see below)
The date of President/Board of Trustees approval must be noted in the Spend Authorization.
Federal Rates
Section 112.061(3)(f), Florida Statutes, states, "The agency head, or a designated representative, may pay by advancement or reimbursement, or a combination thereof, the costs of per Diem of travelers and authorized persons for foreign travel at the current rates as specified in the federal publication 'Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas)' and incidental expenses as provided in this section." College employees who travel in foreign areas may choose to claim the standard State allowances found in Section 112.061(6)(a), Florida Statutes, in lieu of the federal rates. The State of Florida per diem rate may not be combined with the federal reimbursement rates for the same travel period.
Travelers to foreign areas electing to use federal rates must use the rates specified in the U.S. Department of State federal publication , and must comply with all Federal Travel Regulations (see next section). Rates for foreign travel shall not begin until the date and time of arrival in the foreign country and shall terminate on the date and time of departure from the foreign country. Reimbursements for lodging and meals shall be as listed in Foreign Per Diem Rates By Location or the (updated biweekly). If the actual lodging expense of the traveler is less than the maximum amount listed, the lesser amount will be reimbursed. Meal allowance amounts are found in the column labeled M & IE Rate (i.e. Meals and Incidental Expense Rate). Receipts are required for reimbursement of lodging costs. Receipts are not required for meal expense reimbursement.
Even though travelers may elect federal rates for lodging and meals, incidental expenses must be claimed and reimbursed in accordance with Section 112.061(8), Florida Statutes. Therefore, the allowance for incidental expenses must be deducted from the total amount shown in the M & IE Rate column, since incidental expenses are reimbursed according to state guidelines. The meals and incidental expenses breakdown is located in Chapter 301-Federal Travel Regulation.
When a traveler goes from one foreign location to another, reimbursement for meals and lodging shall be based on the allowance listed for the referenced location during the meal or lodging period.
Federal Travel Regulation
Federal funds used for foreign travel must comply with .
- Under the Fly America Act, government regulations require the use of a U.S. air carrier when traveling outside the U.S. In some instances, a foreign air carrier may be used if it meets one or more of the exception criteria listed in section 301-10.135-138. The also lists all exceptions including Code Share and Open Skies Agreements.
- Per Florida Statute 112.061(3)(e), State funds cannot be used on activities related to or involving travel to as defined by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Counter-Terrorism. The traveler (or trip sponsor) must verify that the destination is not under travel restrictions set by the U.S. Department of State and that the travel does not violate Federal Travel Regulation.
- Travelers (or trip sponsors) must review the before any trip outside the United States to determine whether the trip presents above normal travel risks. These advisories recommend postponing travel to certain countries due to hazardous conditions such as: civil unrest; natural disasters; terrorist activity; or because the U.S. has no diplomatic relations with the country and may have difficulty assisting U.S. citizens in distress. Travel advisories disseminate information quickly about conditions that could pose significant risks and affect travel plans. This website also discloses the State Department's role during an international travel emergency.
The college is not obligated to reimburse applicants for travel expenses. However, departments may choose to reimburse such expenses if all the following circumstances are met:
- The applicant was notified in writing prior to the interview that travel reimbursement would be offered; and
- The applicant was recruited through a college-approved search process, and
- Sufficient budget exists and is approved for use prior to any travel taking place, and
- The applicant is traveling more than 50 miles to the interview location (hotel and airfare are only reimbursable if traveling more than 100 miles), and
- Within 30 days of the interview, the applicant completes all of the following steps:
- completes a Travel Reimbursement Request
- completes an (and any other forms reasonably requested)
- sends these forms, along with legible receipts, to their designated SF contact
Requests submitted more than thirty (30) days after the interview date will not be reimbursed.
On-Site Interview Reimbursement
- The college will determine the reimbursement based on available budget and the allowed maximum defined below, and will notify applicant accordingly.
- Applicants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements unless other instructions are provided.
- Reimbursement is provided for the most economical, feasible mode of transportation.
- Hotel and airfare is only reimbursable for applicants traveling more than 100 miles to the interview location.
- The college will reimburse, up to the maximum amounts noted below, the applicant's
eligible travel costs:
- Coach/Economy airline ticket, and one (1) checked bag
- Up to two (2) nights lodging, paid at the per diem or actual rate, as permitted in Florida Statutes and described in this manual
- Car rental reimbursement is limited to a compact size rental car for up to two (2) days and gas reimbursement up to $50.00.
- Meals at the per diem rate as defined in Florida Statutes. Receipts are not required for meals.
- Other expenses such as car fare, tolls, and reasonable gratuity (with original receipts, up to 15% of the bill).
- In lieu of airfare or rental car, a travel mileage allowance as defined by Florida Statutes
- Non-reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to: alcoholic beverages, hotel extras (movie rentals, minibar, etc.), and personal phone calls / internet usage.
- Applicants who are disqualified for intentionally providing false or misleading information will not be reimbursed.
Maximum Reimbursement Amounts
Reimbursement maximum is $350 for:
- Faculty
- Athletic Coaches
- Technical/Professional (except FCSRMC)
- Executive/Managerial, Pay Grades A-C
Reimbursement maximum is $750 for:
- FCSRMC Technical/Professional
- Executive/Managerial, Pay Grade D
The maximum for Executive and Managerial, Pay Grade E is identified by the President.
The maximum for College President is identified and authorized by the Board of Trustees.
All forms referenced in this section, as well as full Student Life travel procedures and regulations, are provided in the Student Life Travel Guide. Contact the Student Life Travel Coordinator with any questions.
Student travel is divided into two categories:
- Regular Student Travel includes field trips, class trips, and grant-funded trips
- Student Life Travel is funded through the Activity and Service Fees Budget Committee
Before the Trip
- Obtain all appropriate permissions to conduct travel.
- Submit a Travel Request in eStaff.
- Be sure to check the Student Travel box
- Choose Actual Expenses as the reimbursement option and fill in expected amounts
- Submit a copy of all expenses (e.g. registrations) at least fourteen (14) days before travel date.
- Advances are allowed for student meals only. Requests must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days before the travel date.
- After travel is complete, return any remaining money to the Cashier Office within three (3) business days. This receipt must be attached to the Trip Report.
Required Documentation
- All student travel must include the following documents:
- Complete Release of All Rights
- Authorization to Drive for the college
- Emergency contact information
- Trip Report
- Meal Allotment Form
- All other trip arrangements (airfare, hotel, etc.) must be made by the instructor
or grant coordinator.
- Airline reservations can be made via World Class Travel (371-3100). A Transportation Request form is needed to pick up tickets.
- Instructors/grant coordinators must make their own transportation arrangements. Vans may be rented through Student Life, Santa Fe Ford, or AVIS. Personal vehicles are NOT allowed to transport students.
- Trip Reports must be submitted to the Office for Finance within ten (10) days of the
conclusion of the trip, including all of the following documents:
- Original receipts
- Phone logs for business calls (personal calls are not reimbursable)
- Original gas, parking, and tolls receipts
- Signed Meal Allotment forms
- Program agendas, itineraries, etc.
- Explained miscellaneous expenses
- Cashier receipt for any monies returned
Student Life Travel
In addition to all rules listed above, the following also apply to Student Life travel:
- Consult the Student Life Travel Checklist for rules regarding the planning process.
- Complete a Travel Packet at least fifteen (15) days BEFORE the trip.
Travel Expenses
Employees in positions classified as non-exempt are eligible for compensation within normal work hours, and in some cases outside of normal work hours. Normal work hours are defined as 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday.
Recording Time
Compensatory time must be tracked. A record of all work-related time (including sponsored meals that are not optional) must be included along with the actual start and end time (in hours and minutes) of each activity. Travel time is compensable; free time, rest periods, and unsponsored meal breaks are not.
In-District Travel
Non-exempt employees are compensated for all conference required events that involve training or a speaker. The employee is not compensated for social events or meals when work is not being performed.
Authorized travel time that occurs during normal work hours is counted as actual hours worked. If the departure and return time is outside the normal work hours, the timesheet and the approved travel requisition must both reflect these times. Event agenda must be attached to the timesheet for validation.
The employee's work schedule must be modified within the work week (Sunday through Saturday) so the employee works only 40 hours unless overtime has been approved by the appropriate vice president.
The employee will be compensated from the time they depart from their home or campus. The time spent at required events (meetings/conference sessions) will compensated and will be recorded on the timesheet. Rest periods and any time that is considered optional for the employee such as personal events, dinner with no speaker, social events are not part of hours worked and not compensable.
Example | |
7:30am Departure Time | Start of Day on timesheet |
5:00pm Return Time | End of Day on timesheet |
Out-of-District Travel
Authorized travel time that requires an employee to be away from home overnight is counted as actual hours worked for not only the time spent at the meeting or conference but also the travel time from home to the destination. Travel time includes driving to and from home, driving to and from home to airport for a flight, commuting from airport to hotel. Rest periods and any time that is considered optional for the employee such as personal events, dinner with no speaker, social events are not part of hours worked and are not compensable.
The timesheet and travel requisition should reflect the travel departure and return times. Event agenda should be attached to the timesheet for support/validation of hours worked.
Travel expenses are limited to expenses necessarily incurred, or to a per diem allowance, for authorized travel in the performance of college business relating to the college's official public purpose as authorized by law. The following types of expenses are eligible for reimbursement:
- Transportation - Commercial Common Carrier, rental vehicles, privately-owned vehicles. Mileage reimbursement rate is based upon Florida Statutes.
- Lodging – Lodging will be reimbursed at the per diem or actual rate as permitted by Florida Statutes and as described in this Travel Guide.
- Meals – Meals will be reimbursed at the statutory per diem rate as shown in this Travel Guide.
- Registration and seminar fees.
- Incidental – Taxi fare, tolls, parking fees, communication expenses, reasonable tips and gratuities, with original receipts. Reasonable tips and gratuities are considered to be up to 15% of the bill and is included on the bill. Tips to Candie's bus drivers are not permitted.
All travel arrangements are the responsibility of the traveler. All facets of travel are to be by the most efficient and economical means. Travel must be made by the most direct route. The traveler must determine the most economical method of travel, and the department's budget authority will approve within the following parameters:
- Nature of the business
- The most efficient and economical means of travel considering the time of travel, cost of transportation, and per diem or actual expenses required
- The number of persons making the trip and the amount of equipment or materials to be transported
If the traveler uses a more convenient route or combines personal travel with college-paid travel, any extra cost is borne by the traveler.
All expenses require an original receipt in order to be reimbursed to the traveler. Non-employees, students or persons without a previous business relationship with SF must submit a completed IRS Form W-9 to the Purchasing Department before they can be reimbursed.
Transportation by Common Carrier
Travelers may use a travel agent or travel website for airline, rail, rental car, or bus transportation. Transportation must always be the least expensive class, such as coach or tourist class.
- Charges in excess of the most economical class for commercial common carrier options will not be reimbursed.
- Transportation costs are reimbursed at actual cost based on proof of payment receipts for the transportation expenditure.
- Reasonable seat assignment and baggage handling fees incurred along with commercial transportation charges are reimbursable.
- Penalties or charges resulting from the cancellation of reservations will be reimbursed
by College if the employee's travel has been approved in advance and the cancellation
or change is made at the direction of and for the convenience of the College.
- Cancellation or change for the personal benefit of the employee is the employee's obligation.
- In the event of accidents, serious illness, or death within the employee's immediate family, or other critical circumstances beyond the control of the employee, the penalties and charges may be paid by the College upon written approval of the department's budget authority.
- When unforeseen circumstances arise and the trip needs to be cancelled or postponed, the traveler must immediately act to recoup any expended funds where possible, including obtaining an airline credit. The airline credit should be used as soon as possible, preferably on the next scheduled trip, as it may expire one calendar year from issue date.
- Foreign travel trip cancellation insurance is reimbursable, while domestic travel it is not.
Transportation by Privately-Owned Vehicle
A privately-owned vehicle may be authorized by the department's budget authority if commercial transportation is not available or is less economical. Whenever travel is authorized for a privately-owned vehicle, the traveler shall be entitled to the established mileage rate reimbursement.
- If the privately-owned vehicle is driven for the convenience of the traveler, the traveler will be reimbursed at the lesser cost to the College; commercial common carrier versus mileage. This also applies to Class C travel if the trip extends beyond a 55 miles of the official headquarters.
- Travelers who use their privately-owned vehicles will be compensated for mileage at prevailing rate, currently 44.5 cents per mile (FL Statute 112.061(7)(d)(1)(a)). The mileage reimbursement rate is inclusive of all fuel, insurance, repairs and maintenance, and other vehicle operating expenses.
- Travelers must calculate mileage reimbursement out to the third decimal point and round down to the nearest cent when calculating the allowable amount for mileage. For example, 15 miles at $0.445 would calculate out to $6.675 and the amount to be paid to the traveler would be $6.67.
- All mileage is computed via the Google Maps Integration function in Workday.
- Any vicinity mileage claimed for use of personal vehicle should be reasonable. If the additional mileage would appear excessive to a reasonable person, additional explanation should be provided on the travel voucher.
- Always travel by the most direct route. If any special circumstances prevent this (detours due to construction, traffic, accidents, etc.), document the circumstances in writing and treat any additional miles as vicinity miles.
Avis Rental Instructions
SF uses the vendor, Avis/Budget Group, for vehicle rental. College staff are eligible to receive contract rates for personal rentals.
- First, go to the . You must use this portal to receive the contract rate, whether business or personal.
- Enter the pick-up and return dates for your rental, then enter GNV in the location field (for the Hilton Avis on 34th St), then select Business Travel or Leisure Travel as applicable.
- If you selected Business, two dropdown menus will appear. Choose Colleges and Universities in the first and ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ in the second, then select Find My Car to advance to the next screen.
- If you selected Leisure, go directly to Find My Car and advance to the next screen.
- Choose the type of vehicle you want. IMPORTANT: Business rentals must be Economy class ONLY. Once you select a choice, an estimate will automatically be created for you. Modify
insurance/extras if needed (see list below), then select Continue to advance to the next screen.
- Insurance and Extras: Business rentals include full insurance and roadside assistance. Extra options (GPS, satellite radio, etc.) will NOT be reimbursed. Personal rentals include basic insurance and roadside assistance. Extra options are offered at a discounted rate. (Note: some car insurers and credit card providers offer rental insurance and/or roadside assistance for their members. Check with your provider.)
- Enter your details and choose a payment option:
- You must use your valid email address.
- Phone number and flight info are optional. Ignore the Cost Control field.
- Payment options are 1) pay at counter with credit card, 2) book with direct billing
number, or 3) enter Avis Preferred number.
- for Business: Direct Billing Number is for business rentals only. Contact the Travel Accounting Clerk for this number. Do not share this number with anyone or use it for personal rentals.
- for Personal: If you have an Avis Preferred account number, entering it will use your card on file for the reservation. If you do not have an Avis account, you may use a credit card at checkout.
- Ensure everything is correct before you click the blue BOOK button. When you click this button, your reservation will be made.
- You will receive a confirmation email. Print or save this for your records. You can also obtain an E-Receipt (instructions below).
How to Get Your Receipt
- Go to .
- Choose the Reservations tab, then choose Get E-Receipt from the dropdown menu.
- Enter your last name and your confirmation number, then choose Get Receipt.
Larger Vehicles
Business rentals must be Economy class only. When a larger vehicle is needed — such as transporting a large number of employees or transporting materials for performing official duties — this must be approved beforehand by the department budget authority and the Office for Finance. Renting larger vehicles for medical reasons must be approved by the budget authority and the Office for Finance accompanied by a physician's statement and the endorsement of the department Vice President.
Student Life Vans
Student Life has a passenger van and a minivan which may be rented when available. To make a reservation, contact the Student Life Travel Coordinator at 352-381-3710.
Bus Rentals
of Gainesville is the contracted bus rental vendor under the terms of ITB 01-14: Charter Bus Service. This service is primarily used for Athletics travel.
- To make a reservation, Athletics sends Candies the play schedules for the semester. Candies then sends a quote for all trips based on these schedules.
- If a trip needs to be added later, Athletics must contact Candies for an additional quote.
- The college's contract excludes payment of gratuities. Tips are not permitted.
Airline Tickets
The college does not contract with or endorse any specific airline, flight service, or travel agency. Note that for foreign travel, a US airline should be used if at all possible.
Local Travel Agencies:
Hotel expenses shall qualify for reimbursement under Florida Statutes only when 1) incurred at a duly established commercial lodging facility, and 2) substantiated by itemized zero-balance receipts. A zero-balance receipt is defined as the final receipt, bill, or invoice received at checkout, validating that all expenses have been paid. Only an original zero-balance receipt qualifies for lodging reimbursement. Photocopied receipts, photographs of receipts, and/or printouts of a card statement or bank balance are not acceptable.
Tax exemption: Travelers are encouraged to use their ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ American Express card in order to take advantage of the college's tax-exempt status when paying for lodging. The Sales Tax Exemption Certificate is available from the Office for Finance. If the traveler pays with their Santa Fe American Express card or personal credit card, they may submit documents for reimbursement upon completion of the travel.
Any college employee who does not wish to use their personal credit card for lodging may request an advance payment for their lodging with the appropriate documentation and approval of their department's budget authority and the Vice President for Administrative Affairs/CFO at least ten (10) business days prior to the trip.
- The payment will be in the form of a check made payable to the employee, and the employee should deposit the check and make a personal payment to the hotel upon arrival.
- Any advances made to the employee must be accounted for within three (3) business days of the trip's end.
- All receipts and unspent funds must be returned to the college.
Lodging may only be approved if the distance traveled is more than 55 miles away from the traveler's official headquarters. Whenever travel requires an overnight stay, the traveler may request reimbursement at a rate not to exceed the single occupancy rate substantiated by a receipt indicating a zero (0) balance or some other documentation indicating the single rate charge.
If the room was occupied by more than one (1) person (a non-reimbursable traveler), or if a more-expensive room was occupied, the receipt must indicate what the single occupancy rate would have been.
Only the single occupancy rate can be reimbursed, unless two (2) college personnel (i.e. reimbursable travelers) attending the conference share the cost of the room.
Meal reimbursement is provided under the following guidelines for Class A and B travels that claim the actual cost of lodging plus the state meal allowance. No Class C travel meal is paid. The meal allowance is based on the following schedule:
Meal | Amount | Conditions |
Breakfast | $6.00 | Travel departure before 6:00am or Travel return after 8:00am |
Lunch | $11.00 | Travel departure before 12:00 Noon or Travel return after 2:00pm |
Dinner | $19.00 | Travel departure before 6:00pm or Travel return after 8:00pm |
The state rates provided above may not be exceeded under any circumstances. Any meal, which is included as part of a registration fee or in the actual lodging cost, will not be reimbursed. Indicate on the Spend Authorization if any meals are included in the registration fee or otherwise provided for at the conference.
Per FL Statues on travel, no meals are permitted on Class C trips, which are day or short trips. If the meal requirement for day trips is specifically written into the grant agreement, then that contract language would modify the FL Statute 112.061.
Per Diem Allowance vs. Actual Expense Reimbursement
Per Diem is a subsistence allowance that Class A travelers may choose to receive for meals and lodging. Literally "by the day," per Diem reimbursement is allocated on a daily rate rather than by actual expense. FL Statutes 112.061(5) and (6) (a) govern the rate and method of computation. Only Class A travelers qualify for per Diem reimbursement. Travelers may choose between per Diem or actual expense reimbursement, but not both.
The per Diem rate is $80 for each day. This is divided into four (4) quarters consisting of six-hour increments from midnight to midnight, with $20 allocated for each quarter:
- Quarter 1 = midnight to 6am
- Quarter 2 = 6am to noon
- Quarter 3 = noon to 6pm
- Quarter 4 = 6pm to midnight
If the traveler qualifies for and chooses per Diem, then for each quarter (or part thereof) they may receive $20.00 toward meals and lodging.
A traveler cannot be reimbursed for per diem and actual expenses on the same travel request. Per Diem may be requested in lieu of the actual hotel and meal cost, example: is when an employee is traveling for College business and decides to stay with a friend or relative rather than at a hotel. In such case, we reimburse them $80.00 per day to cover expenses for meals and lodging. It is calculated at $20.00 per quarter. You may be reimbursed for actual hotel expenses, consistent with the Travel Guide, plus the state meal allowance.
Incidental expenses are defined as reimbursable expenses other than lodging and meals. In order to be reimbursed, an original itemized receipt must be provided.
- Ground Transportation (taxi fares, shuttle, etc.)
- Baggage Fees
- Ferry Fares
- Bridge, Road, and Tunnel tolls
- Parking Fees (including valet parking when regular parking is not available)
- Registration fees for approved travel
- Fuel/Oil (for College vehicle use or rental vehicle), (Travelers should refrain from making general repairs and maintenance to college vehicle on a trip unless there is a safety issue)
- Reasonable tips and gratuities. (Tips paid to a taxi/bus/shuttle shall not exceed 15% of the fare),
- Communications (business-related calls, faxes, internet usage, etc.), and
- Other incidental expenses not defined above may be reimbursed as approved by the department's budget authority with original receipts.
The college will not pay for phone calls or internet usage charged to lodging bills unless it is documented that such calls or internet usage were for official college business. To be reimbursed, the name of the person being called, the phone number, and the purpose of the call/internet usage must be indicated.
Valet Parking: Travelers should use regular self-parking. Valet parking is only permitted in two circumstances:
- The traveler is a presenter and has equipment to unload; or
- Valet parking is the only parking method available.
The following expenses will not be reimbursed:
- Personal travel or trip cancellation insurance for domestic travel
- Rental car insurance options, except for non-contract rentals
- Rental car optional equipment (e.g. SunPass, GPS, etc.)
- Unreasonable tips and gratuities as described below:
- Tips for taxi/bus/shuttle over 15% of fare
- Tips for lodging exceeding $2.00 per occupancy (not per night)
- Baggage handling tip exceeding $1.00 per bag (not actual out-of-pocket cost)
- Personal phone calls or internet usage
- Personal expenses
- Mileage between home and official place of work (commuting)
- Unreasonable vicinity mileage
- Seat upgrades on commercial transportation
- Fines for traffic, parking, or toll violations
- Room service
- Hotel room movies or movie rentals
- Alcoholic beverages
- Loss of or damage to personal items
- Cost of an accompanying non-employee or spouse
- Any expenses incurred not related to the performance of official College business during travel (e.g. taxi fares not relevant to attending the conference, etc.).
If an expense is of a questionable nature, please provide an explanation for the validity of reimbursement as a business expense (e.g. safety concerns, etc.)
Additional Topics
Generally, employees are not advanced any funds prior to travel. Monies may be advanced for student travel for student meals only. Hotel deposits or registration fees may be prepaid, or student meals advanced, when the approved Travel Request form indicates as such:
- After the travel request is approved online, submit the completed registration form to the Office for Finance with the travel number indicated on the form.
- Non-student meal advances are not permitted unless prior approval is obtained from the Office for Finance. Meal advances are generally allowed for student travel only.
- Any unused meal advance must be returned to the Cashier within three (3) business days after the conclusion of the travel.
- The traveler must not use excess meal advance funds to reimburse him/herself or pay for incidental expenses.
Registration fees may be prepaid on a travel request, with sufficient notice, and are paid directly to the vendor. Reimbursement for actual travel expenses may be processed prior to the trip if required to reserve the hotel (typically the cost for a one night stay) and for airline tickets purchased online with a personal credit card. Proof of payment is required.
Occasionally it may be beneficial to arrive a day early or leave a day later in order to save money on airfare and/or lodging. In such cases, and with supervisor approval, travelers may alter their departure times accordingly. Alterations must be supported by complete documentation from a travel agency, airline, or other verifiable source prior to approval of the travel request. Foreign travel using Federal funds must comply with Federal regulations. Remember that meals are a factor, so if added meal expenses would negate the cost benefits, such travel is not allowed.
Reimbursement requests for extraordinary expenses that could not have been anticipated prior to traveling are subject to approval before reimbursement. A letter explaining the circumstances and the appropriate supporting documents should be approved by the traveler's supervisor or budget authority and attached to the Out-of-District Travel Voucher.
- For all travel in May, travel vouchers must be submitted by June 10 (if the 10th falls on a weekend, then the due date is the Friday before the 10th).
- For all travel in June, travel vouchers must be submitted by the by the end of the first week in July.
- If a travel begins in June and ends in July, the entire cost of the trip will be allocated to the fiscal year in which the majority of the trip occurs.
- If the travel will occur in July or later, it will be recorded as an expense to the new fiscal year.
- A purchase requisition may be submitted in eStaff prior to year-end for registration payments required for travel in the next fiscal year. In the travel request's Reason for Purchase section, indicate that this is a prepaid registration for the next fiscal year which must be paid during the current fiscal year. The travel will be coded to a prepaid expense in the current fiscal year, but the expense will be recorded against the next fiscal year budget.
- Once the new fiscal year is active in eStaff (usually in May), you may submit a travel request for the next fiscal year by changing the Fiscal Year field from the drop-down box on travel request screen. Note: The next fiscal year will be visible when the new fiscal year becomes active.
All payments for travel expenses must have original receipts. If a receipt is lost, contact the vendor and ask for another original receipt. If every effort to obtain an original receipt is unsuccessful, a signed certification may be submitted in the following form:
I, [name of traveler], certify that I spent $[amount] for [purpose of expense] on [date] at [approximate time]. I have not submitted a request for this expense in the past or present, nor will I in the future. [sign and date]
Certified statement reimbursements are limited to $25 per day.
Use the guidelines below to determine whether employees must submit to the college any promotional items received while performing official college business.
- Promotional items which can be used for lawful public purpose by the college or another State agency should be submitted to the agency that paid for the ticket.
- Promotional items such as coupons, which can be redeemed for cash, should be submitted
to the college.
- However, if several coupons can be exchanged for a gift of greater value than the cash value of the coupons, and the gift can be used by the college for lawful public purpose, it is recommended that the college accept the gift rather than the cash refund.
- If the promotional items have no useful purpose for the college or other State agency (such as free food or beverages on an airline, etc.) the item may be used by the employee.
The Board has authorized the President or a designee to provide employees who travel frequently with a corporate credit card from American Express. This card is the sole responsibility of the employee. Application and instructions are available on the Payroll page.
Travel packages are for travel within the United States or U.S. territories that include airfare, hotel, and/or a rental vehicle bundled in one inclusive price. If the package purchased is less expensive than purchasing each travel component separately, and such documentation is provided to support a travel request, the travel package may be authorized. When a package deal (which includes airfare, lodging and/or vehicle rental) is purchased, up to 25% of total or $1,000.00, whichever is less, may be prepaid before the trip occurs.
When a physically disabled traveler incurs travel expenses in excess of those ordinarily authorized, the excess expenses will be reimbursed to the extent that the expenses are deemed reasonable and necessary for the safety of that individual. Such expense estimates should be included with the travel request. Sufficient documentation, including receipts, is required for reimbursement.
Employees who have special travel needs which are not specifically addressed elsewhere in the Travel Manual should consult with the appropriate budget authority prior to submitting a travel request. The budget authority will instruct the traveler on any necessary documentation required. Without such prior written approval, reimbursement for special travel conditions will not be permitted.
Travelers wishing to use vacation time during travel may do so with their supervisor's prior approval. Expenses will NOT be paid for any vacation time taken during travel. Any vacation to be included in travel must be clearly stated and approved in advance, and a detailed time record must be submitted with the Out-of-District Travel Voucher.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I adjust my travel request?
It depends on when the changes to the travel occurs. If the changes are known prior to approval of the online travel request, the travel request can be returned, updated and resubmitted for approval. After the online travel request has been approved, changes to the request are not permitted. Some changes may be approved with an email from the department budget signature authority if it affects a change in the amount of money to be spent on the travel. (E.g. traveler decides to drive rather rent a vehicle). Some changes are approved with an email from the area's Vice President if the destination, time, date, wrong department number(s) are in error. In those cases, the traveler can also opt to liquidate the current travel request and submit a new travel request online.
Do I have to put on a travel request even if I'm not requesting any money from the college or am traveling with another SF employee?
Yes, if you are traveling on behalf of the college, you must always have an approved individual travel request online for travel liability insurance coverage purposes. Having your name in the Other Staff field of another person's travel request does not constitute an approval of your travel. Send the Travel Section an email request to close the travel request once the trip is complete.
Will I be reimbursed for Florida sales tax?
All efforts should be made to use the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ American Express card and Sales Tax Exemption certificate for college business travel expenses to prevent Florida sales tax charges. SF will reimburse the traveler for Florida sales tax paid only if a good faith effort was made to obtain sales taxes exemption. The college will reimburse sales taxes paid in other states.
Are tips reimbursable?
According to travel guideline, tips are reimbursable up to 15% of the bill. Under Student Life travel (Fund 2), when 15 or more students are being served, tips are generally included automatically in the bill and are allowed.
Can I pay travel expenses to a non-Santa Fe employee?
Travel may be paid to any non-employee who is doing business with the college. In such case, the non-employee must fill out an IRS Form W-9 to be added to our vendor file. A travel request is submitted online for the non-employee traveler. An Out-of-District Travel Voucher must be completed upon completion of travel or business transaction. All original receipts must be submitted at the time the voucher is turned in.
How do I pay for airfare or hotel expenses if I do not have a credit card?
If you do not have a credit card, you should apply for the Santa Fe American Express card, which is available for use on college business, at least three (3) weeks before the trip begins. Additionally, the employee traveling by air via a common carrier may request a Transportation Request for payment to the travel agent before the airline ticket is ordered. The college will pay the vendor directly for the airline ticket. The college does not prepay hotel accommodations. You may share a room or ask a colleague to charge it on their Santa Fe American Express card that can be reimbursed directly from your travel request.
Authorized Travel — For travel to be authorized, it must be: 1) for official college business; 2) required for performance of official college duties; 3) an approved event that will benefit the college by attendance; and 4) paid for from college funds.
Authorized Persons — College employees, Board of Trustees members, Florida College System Risk Management Operations Committee members, volunteers, interns, consultants, advisors, persons specifically allowed for by a grant, prospective student athletes on site visits, students participating in approved student activities, and candidates for college positions. All college employees must have all applicable insurance information in their possession while traveling.
Approvals — All travel must be approved in advance.
- In-District Travel requires department budget authority approval prior to departure.
- Out-of-District Travel requires prior approval by the VP, President, or the President's staff.
- Foreign Travel requires prior approval by the President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
- Grant Travel must be approved by the project director as a definite value to the work covered under the award, and must be coordinated well in advance through the Office for Development.
- If the traveler is the department budget authority, the next level supervisor must sign off on the approval.
- A person who will be reimbursed for travel expenses by an agency other than the college is not authorized for reimbursement by the college.
The Office for Finance will send an Unapproved Travel Memo to each traveler with a copy to their supervisor for any unapproved Out-of-District Travel. Unapproved travel may not be reimbursed and is subject to budget availability.
Carpooling — When two or more employees are traveling to the same destination at the same time, and at least one is using either a rental or privately-owned vehicle. Only one employee may claim the car transportation expense when carpooling.
Chaperone — A college faculty or staff employee (NOT a student employee) who provides supervision and oversight of a student-related travel group. Most chaperones are instructors, student organization advisors, or grant coordinators.
Class A Travel — Continuous travel of 24 hours or more away from the official headquarters. Per Diem rates are only payable on Class A travel.
Class B Travel — Continuous travel of less than 24 hours which involves overnight absence from the official headquarters. Travel cannot exceed four (4) quarters per day.
Class C Travel — Travel for short or day trips where the traveler is not away from the official headquarters overnight. Meal allowances are not applicable to Class C travel. Exceptions are made for specific circumstances under student travel or where a grant specifically provides for meals to the chaperon for day trips. In such cases the college will honor its commitment under such agreements.
Commercial Common Carrier — Train, bus, commercial airline operating scheduled flights, or rental vehicles from an established rental provider.
Commuting Expense — Expenses incurred for traveling between the employee's home and regular job location. Employees cannot be reimbursed for personal commuting expenses, regardless of how far their home is from their regular job location.
Foreign Travel — Travel occurring outside the United States.
In-District Travel — Travel occurring within Alachua and Bradford counties.
Official Headquarters — (Regular Job Location) The place provided by the college to which the employee is regularly assigned and to which they return upon completion of special assignments.
- The college defines its official headquarters as Alachua and Bradford counties located within the State of Florida.
- For the purpose of requesting travel expenses, the beginning point of travel is the official headquarters of the employee or regular place of business.
- If the employee works at one or more centers, they must determine which their regular place of business is by considering the amount of time spent at each location, the activities performed at each, and the income they earn at each.
- Personnel who are assigned duties for the convenience of the college at two (2) or more sites may be reimbursed for travel between the sites in accordance with the official mileage charts.
- If travel is required to attend a temporary duty assignment before or after the employee's normal duty hours, travel may begin or end at home, the place where they reside.
Out-of-District Travel — Travel performed outside of Alachua and Bradford counties. Distance from Official Headquarters governs this type of travel.
Regular Job Location — (Official Headquarters) The employee's principal place of business (e.g. Northwest Campus, Andrews Center, Blount Center, Davis Center, Kirkpatrick Center, Watson Center, or Perry Center).
Staff and Program Development (SPD) — Expenditures for staff and program development are tracked internally and accounted for through the use of the appropriate SPD department number. These departments were used in prior years to account to the Florida Department of Education Division of Florida Colleges. Such reporting is no longer required. Each department is responsible for keeping documentation to justify expenses classified as SPD and should note the justification on the travel voucher.
Temporary Work Location — A place where the employee's work assignment is realistically expected to last (and does in fact last) one (1) year or less. They must have a regular place of business in order to receive reimbursement for travel to a temporary work location. The amount to be reimbursed from their home to the temporary work location will be the actual miles driven; limited to the amount reimbursable for the distance between the regular job location and the temporary job location.
Travel Day — A period of twenty-four (24) hours consisting of four (4) quarters of six (6) hours each.
Travel Period — The period of time between the time of departure and time of return.
Vicinity Miles — Miles incurred on official college business when travel is within the vicinity of the official headquarters, city limits of the city traveled to, or other areas traveled where map miles have not been identified.
Zero Balance Receipt — A receipt that indicates payment has already been made and the amount owed is zero.