
Student Financial Services


Student Financial Services includes the Bursar's Office, Cashier Office, and Student Accounts. We are here to serve students by maintaining accurate financial records and communicating with students about their accounts. We are primarily responsible for tuition assessment; receiving payment for tuition, fees, and other campus charges; recording waivers; administrating third-party programs; processing refunds; and collection of delinquent accounts.

PLEASE NOTE: Students are required to use their Office 365 email account ([yourname]@go.sfcollege.edu) when communicating with the college.


Payment for classes can be made in person at the Cashier Office or online at . If you encounter a problem making online payments, try using Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox; if changing browsers does not work, or if you have additional questions regarding your payment, contact cashier@sfcollege.edu or 352-395-5227. You can also get answers to payment questions from the Ask SF Chatbot anytime.

Location and Hours

  • Location: Robertson Administration Building, 1st Floor, Office for Finance
  • Hours: Monday-Friday 8:15am - 4:15pm (closed for lunch 1:15 - 2:15)

Bursar's Office

Anita Edwards


Cashier Office

Vivian Gentry

Financial Services Representative

Lisa Rhan

Financial Services Representative

Student Accounts

Vivian Gentry

Financial Services Representative

Renee Marshall

Financial Services Representative