Invoices & Receipts

Suppliers should send invoices, receipts, and similar documents to accountspayable@sfcollege.edu, referencing the purchase order (PO) number. Electronic documents are preferred. Paper documents must be scanned and emailed, ensuring all information is in view and clearly legible. 

Creating Receipts in Workday

  1. Use the Purchases app or Search bar to find the Create Receipt task.
  2. In the Document Number field, type the full PO number (PO-1xxxxxxx) and hit Enter to populate it.
  3. To fully receive (pay the entire PO and close it), check the Fully Receive box. If partially receiving, leave this unchecked.
  4. Tracking Number is optional. Click OK to proceed.
  5. Select each line item one at a time and enter the Quantity to Receive for this particular invoice.
    • You can check the Fully Receive box on a specific line item if you’ve received all of that line but only some of another.
  6. Use the Attachments section to upload your invoice, receipt, or similar documentation.
  7. Click the Submit button to send it for payment. 

Viewing Your Receipts

You can view the status of your receipts using the My Receipts report in Workday.

  1. In the Purchases app, select View → Receipts.
  2. Use the filter if desired. Otherwise, click OK to see all your receipts.
  3. Click a receipt number to open the full View Receipt screen. You can see the details, attachments, and process history, including payment status.

Important Reminders

  • Create receipts as soon as the goods/services are delivered so payment can be sent promptly. Most payments are due within 30 days (Net 30). 
  • Do not create a receipt for goods/services that have not been delivered. Creating a receipt indicates the invoice is ok to pay.
  • Finance is not notified when shipments are delivered and does not keep track of PO balances. It is your responsibility to track your shipments, know your balances, and submit invoices promptly for payment.
  • You must obtain a purchase order BEFORE making any purchase. The college is not obligated to pay for orders placed without a valid, approved purchase order in place.
  • To increase, decrease, or cancel a PO, contact Purchasing. Accounts Payable cannot create change orders.

If you have a question that is not answered on this site or in Workday, contacts Accounts Payable.