Center for Applied Ethics and Humanities

Engage in Ethics at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ

The Center for Applied Ethics & Humanities at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ (SF) serves the college and the community, promoting the values of honesty, integrity, and civility, as well as individual, social, and global responsibility. It fosters appreciation for ethical reasoning and encourages and supports active engagement with ethics and humanities in our communities – in thought and action, in word and deed.

In Word & Deed Podcast

In Word & Deed is a podcast produced by the college that highlights the role that ethics play in our everyday lives. The first season, "Dinner Table Dynamics," features current and former members of SF’s nationally ranked Ethics Bowl team and fellows in the Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Partnership. They encourage listeners to practice civil discourse as they head home for the holidays, and into extended family discussions. Share your thoughts (and actions) related to the podcast on social media with @santafecollege using #InWordAndDeed.

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Get Involved!

Ethics Bowl

Ethics Bowl is a team competition built around thoughtful analysis and respectful dialogue on some of the most challenging ethical problems facing our world today. Ethics Bowl focuses on rational and civil discourse and helps students gain valuable skills in critical thinking, public speaking, and team building. Learn more about Ethics Bowl.

Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Partnership (ICDP)

The ICDP is a consortium of ethics centers and programs that recently formed between five institutions: Harvard University, Stanford University, California State University Bakersfield, St. Philip’s College and ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. ICDP’s fellowship program brings together a cohort of students from the five institutions and supports them in developing skills to encourage dialogue across a diversity of opinions and experiences. Fellows will receive a $1,000 honorarium for participating in the year-long project. Learn more about ICDP.

Outreach Initiatives

Get involved with engaging community initiatives and intergenerational conversations.

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Ethics Across the Curriculum

SF faculty offer workshops and course curricula that infuse ethics across disciplines.

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Support Ethics

From endowments and fellowships to donating toward initiatives, find ways to support ethics education at SF.

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