How To Apply
- 青青草视频
- Career and Technical Education
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Programs of Study
- Degree Options
First, apply to the college
Apply for admission to 青青草视频 online
Please note: To qualify for admission into the Law Enforcement or Corrections academy, all applicants must complete the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (CJBAT) within four years of applying for admissions. If you have not completed the CJBAT, please find the testing center nearest you at to schedule and take the exam.
Second, apply to an Institute of Public Safety program
Once accepted, you will receive a student ID number. With this ID number, you will log into your eSantaFe portal on 青青草视频's main web page. Once in the portal, you will do the following:
- Click on the admissions tab and then select the 'Apply to Program' button.
- Use the drop-down box to select either "VC6907 - Emergency Medical Tech" or "VC6900 - Paramedic."
This will bring up all the documentation you will need to submit to complete 'Part A' of the application process. Currently, the application program will not save your work so you will need to submit ALL documents at one time.
Documents Required for the EMT Program
Please ensure you have all the following documents are what will be required to apply to the EMT program before attempting to submit the application.
- PERT/ACT/SAT scores
- BLS CPR certificate from an accepted organization
- First Responder Certificate
- Copy of your driver's license
- Copy of your Social Security Card
- Arrest History Form
- Letter of Intent
- VECHS Waiver
- Notarized Level II Background Check Form
- Notarized Applicant Certification form
All documents will be submitted via your eSantaFe portal and are due prior to application deadline.
Documents Required for the Paramedic Program
The following documents are what will be required to apply to the Paramedic program
- PERT/ACT/SAT scores
- Florida EMT license
- BLS CPR certificate from an accepted organization
- Copy of your driver's license
- Copy of your Social Security Card
- Arrest History Form
- Letter of Intent
- VECHS Waiver
- Notarized Level II Background Check Form
All documents will be submitted via your eSantaFe portal and are due prior to application deadline.
Make a Fingerprinting Appointment
Please contact Advisor to make an appointment. They will ask you to bring with you the following items:
- The application fee of $100(non-refundable)
- Payment Method: Checks and Money Orders made payable to 青青草视频; Credit Cards are also accepted.
- Copy of your valid driver's license
- Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome.
Once your fingerprinting is complete, a 'Part B' of the application will be issued to you. Part B of the application process includes a physical, drug screening, proof of inoculations, etc. However, the Part B application will not be given until the 'Part A' process has been completed. Please do not wait until the application deadline to submit your application packet. There are portions of the application that must be completed before 4pm on the established program deadline.
Once you applied to the college you will need to make an appointment with one of the advisors.
Prior to making an appointment with an advisor you may choose your degree:
- Law Enforcement or Corrections applicants select admission stats, i.e., Transfer or
Freshman, then select one of the following certificates:
- VC7702 Law Enforcement Academy
- VC7705 Corrections Academy
- VC7725 Corrections to Law Enforcement Academy
- VC7722 Law Enforcement to Corrections
- Choose the term based on your academy start date, i.e., March Spring; July Summer; October Fall.
You will need to bring to the appointment the following items:
- The application fee of $135 (Non-Refundable)
- Payment Method: Check or Money orders made payable to 青青草视频, or credit card
- Proof of successful Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test completion
- Copy of your High School Diploma and Social Security Card
- Copy of valid Driver's License
- Passport Photo: Electronic photos are accepted. If you choose to take a photo of yourself, please ensure background is white and the photo is from the shoulders up.
- Copy of DD214 and Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) if you are prior military
- Fingerprints-your fingerprints will be processed on-site at the Institute of Public Safety (IPS) Admissions Office Room #109A
- Copy of Birth Certificate
If you are self-sponsored and you have previously contacted Advisors, please ensure that you bring:
- The notarized Honesty Statement and 58 Authority for Release of Information forms
- The 75 Physical Assessment form and Basic Recruit Physical Training Program Plan.
- Both forms must be signed by on of the following: Medical Doctor, Physician Assistant, Registered Nurse, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
- Note: If an agency sponsors you, the sponsoring agency will provide both forms.
Please do not wait until the application deadline to submit you application packet applications (including requests for advisor overrides) must be submitted by 4pm on the established program deadline. If you need an advisor's assistance with an override, select 'Contact Advisor' and include your SFID along with a brief message.