Accepting Submissions
We are now accepting submissions for our upcoming issue of Zephyr. Students can submit during any semester in which they are enrolled. Email your submission to zephyr@sfcollege.edu. Please include your full name, SF ID#, phone number, genre, and title of the work. Students can either email submissions or fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
SF's Literary Journal
Zephyr is ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ’s Literary Journal that consists of poetry, artwork, photography, fiction, and personal essays. It is an annual publication that showcases the talent and creativity of our current students. This book is unique because the process of creating Zephyr is student-led and student-run. From submitting and reviewing to printing and distributing, the students decide every aspect of Zephyr. In addition, the submissions published through Zephyr have the potential to win the League of Innovations Student Literary Award, which is a national contest (and a pretty big deal). Students will also be able to retain their first publishing rights for each submission. In fact, many famous artists and creatives were first published in student journals like Zephyr. Contributions are welcome and encouraged from all ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ campuses.
Are you curious about seeing the finished product? To view the digital copies of Zephyr, click the link below and choose the option that says, AVAILABLE ONLINE. If you are off campus, you may need to log in with your SFID@sfcollege.edu and your SF password first.
Are you interested in helping with the production of Zephyr? Students are always welcome to join our Editorial Board. We especially appreciate student editors with interests in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, the fine arts, and visual print media. As a student-centered publication, our editors make decisions not just about what we publish, but they are integral to the design process and content of the journal. This is a fantastic opportunity to be creative and to shape futures. It is also fun! Honestly, if you like reading and writing and being in the company of awesome people, then there is something for everyone!
If you have any questions or comments regarding Zephyr, contact us at zephyr@sfcollege.edu.

General Eligibility
To submit, a student must be enrolled for college credits at SF.
Entry Requirements
- Written entries must be submitted electronically by email in Word format (.doc, .docx or .rtf)
- Photos and other visual arts should be uploaded in one of the following formats (.jpg, .tif or .pdf)
- Each entry should include its own cover page (separate online submission)
- Poems must not exceed 67 lines.
- Essay must not exceed 2,000 words.
- Fiction must not exceed 3,000 words.
Document Format Requirements
A cover page for each entry must include:
- Author's name
- Author's Student ID
- Home Address
- Phone
- Title of entry
Include in upper right corner of each entry page:
- Title of entry
- Author's ID#
- Page number
Note: The Department of English screens each entry for adherence to submission rules and rejects entries that do not meet the general eligibility or specific entry requirements. Please be aware that plagiarized work is a violation of the conduct code, and it is automatically subject to a Level II sanction.
Thank you for submission!
Thank you for your interest in the Zephyr. Someone will be in touch with you soon!