

The Equivalency of Training (EOT) course is a quick pathway toward certification as a Florida law enforcement officer or correctional officer that does not require the completion of a full basic recruit academy program. This five-day course allows out-of-state officers, federal officers, certain military personnel, and previously-certified Florida officers to take the Florida State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE). EOT coursework is derived from the statewide Florida Department of Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Curriculum. Topics include firearms, defensive tactics, vehicle operations, and first-aid. EOT course completers must pass the SOCE within one year to be eligible for certification.

The Criminal Justice Selection Center conducts evaluation processes through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for individuals interested in re-certifying in Florida as well as for those individuals who were employed as an out-of-state, federal or military police officer. EOT is not a background investigative process determining suitability for Florida law enforcement employment. Applicants seeking EOT eligibility should also review Florida State Statute 943.13 and Florida Administrative Code Rule 11B-27 for employment compliance. Refer to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement at:

Step 1: Equivalency of Training (EOT) Assessment

Please refer to the information below to determine which type of equivalency is needed. An application is available for each classification. Contact Helen Legall, the Advanced and Specialized Training Coordinator, 352-271-2944.

Out-of-State, Federal, and Military Police Equivalency

For individuals who were employed in a state other than Florida, or as a federal officer or military police officer. To qualify, a person must have served one year as a full-time sworn officer with arrest powers in the last eight years.

Application fee:
Out of State and Federal Applicants $200
Military Police $50

Florida Re-Certification

For individuals who once were certified in Florida. To qualify, you must have been employed and certified as a criminal justice officer in Florida. There cannot be more than an eight-year gap from the end of your most recent qualifying employment to the submission of your complete application.

Application fee:
Florida Re-Certification $50.

Step 2: EOT Proficiency Course

Once you have been issued the Equivalency of Training CJSTC 76 Form, you must complete the EOT Proficiency Course.

For class information or any other questions regarding the EOT course, contact the Advanced and Specialized Coordinator

Certain paperwork will be required. Once we receive your paperwork, IPS will contact you with information on how to submit an application to the College. Once complete we will register you for the course. Once registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with details on the class, and how to log into eSantaFe to pay the course fee. All forms and payment must be turned in by the class registration deadline below.

Application fee:

  • Florida/Non-Florida $1300, non-refundable
Term Registration Deadline Proficiency Class Dates
August 2025 TBD TBD

Step 3: State Officer Certification Exam (SOCE)

Once you complete and pass the EOT Class you need to take the . The exam fee is $100 and additional fees may be assessed by the test sites.