
Note: For specific information about admission to our programs, please contact Advising.
Name Title Email Phone
Aaron Hirko Associate Professor aaron.hirko@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3766
Aaron Odegard Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science aaron.odegard@sfcollege.edu  352-381-3750
Alejandra Maruniak Associate Professor alejandra.maruniak@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3769
Courtney Hess Academic Assistant courtney.hess@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3750
Deborah Robinson Academic Advisor Specialist deborah.robinson@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3767
Diane Parrish Adjunct Faculty, Phlebotomy diane.parrish@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3750
Gloria Vashon Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science gloria.vashon@sfcollege.edu  352-381-3750
Jeff Heslep Lab Manager jeff.heslep@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3756
Jessica Foules Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science jessica.foules@sfcollege.edu  352-381-3750
Jill Ortiz-Santiago Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science jill.ortiz-santiago@sfcollege.edu  352-381-3750
Jim Thompson Associate Professor jim.thompson@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3753
Kelly Anderson

Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science



Kyle Magee Clinical Director and Adjunct for Clinical Lab Science kyle.magee1@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3750
Mary El-Semarani Academic Chair, Emerging Technologies mary.elsemarani@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3755
Myra Urso Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science myra.urso@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3750
Narada Bradman Associate Professor narada.bradman@sfcollege.edu 352-395-5965
Sergio Caballero Assistant Professor sergio.caballero@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3763
Talisha Hunter Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Lab Science talisha.hunter@sfcollege.edu 352-381-3750

Valeria Blanco Borges

Adjunct Faculty, Phlebotomy valeria.blanco.borges@sfcollege.edu  352-381-3750