Licensure and Certification
Students who complete Institute of Public Safety (IPS) training certificate programs may obtain professional certification and occupational licensure within Florida and out-of-state. Professional certification is granted by statewide or national organizations when a person meets minimum qualifications to serve in an occupation. Government agencies may issue an occupational license that allows a person to pursue a particular occupation for compensation.
Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic Training Programs
Florida Certification and Licensure
Students who successfully complete the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or paramedic training programs can earn certification through the (NREMT) by passing an NREMT psychomotor (skills demonstration) exam and an NREMT cognitive (written) exam. The NREMT website provides information concerning the exams for and candidates. A person who earns NREMT certification may obtain an occupational license from the .
Out-of-State Certification and Licensure
As of this writing, persons who earn NREMT certification as an EMT or paramedic are eligible for licensure in most states. Because requirements are subject to change, students and prospective students should contact the licensure board in each state for details.
Law Enforcement Officer Basic Recruit, Correctional Officer Basic Recruit, and Related Crossover Training Programs
Florida Certification
Students who successfully complete the Law Enforcement Officer Basic Recruit, Correctional Officer Basic Recruit, or crossover training programs relating to law enforcement and corrections disciplines are eligible to earn statewide certification through the . Candidates must pass a written test known as the for the respective discipline to be eligible for certification. Government licensure is not required in Florida.
Out-of-State Certification and Licensure
A person who is certified in Florida may apply for certification and/or licensure outside of Florida. Many states offer training reciprocity or waiver, although requirements and procedures vary from state to state. Details are provided in the "," as published by the (IADLEST). This publication is available for viewing at the IPS Academic Advising & Selection Center. It also is available from . Students and prospective students also should contact the Peace Officer Standards & Training Board for each state for details.