Overview of Student Travel

Student Life student travel is defined as any trip taken by currently enrolled Santa Fe College (SF) students as part of an official college function. These may be funded with Activity & Service (A&S) Fees and/or Student Organization Fund 6 accounts, and student trips in which college funds are not used. Travel is a privilege, thus all students traveling must be in good standing.

Good Standing is defined as; a SF student enrolled in at least 3 credit hours in the semester in which the travel occurs, and with a minimum SF cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0, and all fees due to the college are paid.

Budgets allocated from A&S Fees may be used to pay all or part of the costs associated with student travel for:

  1. Conferences, conventions, meetings, seminars and workshops
  2. Activities, competitions and events related to the college or student organization
  3. Leadership retreats, team-building activities and training
  4. Recreation

A&S Fees may not be used to fund student trips that are associated with or required for a class, only those trips that are co-curricular in nature may be funded with A&S Fees.

The College holds the travel advisor responsible for all activities occurring as part of the student travel. The policies and procedures outlined here are necessary to facilitate approval of the student travel request. The travel request must be approved before any payments associated with the trip, such as registration or airfare, may be paid. The travel advisor is responsible for all financial and legal obligations that may result from a student travel that was not approved or by not following all student travel policies and procedures.

A pre-travel meeting is required with the travel advisor and a staff member in the Student Life (SL) Business Office. This meeting should occur ideally at least one month prior to the travel dates and earlier if payments are due in advance of the travel date. As an example, if the registration payment is due one month prior to the trip the travel advisor should schedule a meeting one month prior to when the registration payment is due. During the travel meeting all forms necessary for the trip will be provided to the advisor. All travel forms must be completed and submitted to the SL Business Office, S-148, at least 15 business days prior to the travel start date. Please note college holidays and other closures when calculating the date the travel forms are due.

All student participants must sign the Complete Release of All Rights form; other forms may be required and are determined by the trip specifics. These forms will be provided to the travel advisor at the pre-travel meeting.

All student trips require a Travel Advisor who must be a SF employee, but not a student employee.

Definitions: In-District and Out-of-District Travel

In-District travel is defined as travel within Alachua or Bradford County, Fla. See page eleven for more details.

Out-of-District travel refers to all travel outside of Alachua or Bradford County, Florida.

Student Travel Policies and Procedures

A&S Fees may only be used to pay travel costs for:

  1. SF students in good standing and currently enrolled during the term in which the travel occurs.
  2. This includes dual-enrolled and upper-division students.
  3. SF faculty and staff accompanying students as travel advisors.

This does not include students who are only enrolled in adult education, continuing education, or community education classes. Student travel that is a class requirement is not funded with A&S Fees.

A&S Fees may be used to pay for the following expenses related to a student trip:

  1. Transportation
  2. Registration and/or Entry Fees
  3. Lodging
  4. Meals
  5. Miscellaneous Expenses Related to Travel

Note: A&S Fees may not be used to pay individual memberships and certifications.


Transportation is defined as the means of moving travelers to a conference, meeting, etc. The means of transportation may vary based on the beginning and ending location and/or the number of travelers. Most student trips begin and end on the SF campus. If airfare is needed the trip may begin and end at the airport.

Students must travel together via the same method of transportation.

Transportation must be the most reasonable and least expensive mode of transportation.

The travel request must be approved prior to making any transportation arrangements.

One-day trips are limited to 12 hours, from departure to return.

Transportation Options:

  • Commercial Common Carrier (air travel or charter bus)
    • Any commercial airline operating regularly scheduled flights
    • The exclusive charter bus contract is with A Candies Coachworks
  • Rental Vehicles
    • Cars and mini-vans may be rented from Enterprise
    • Student Life vans; 7 passenger mini-van and 10 passenger van
    • Privately-Owned Vehicles (this method is not recommended for student travel.

Commercial Common Carrier


American Airlines and Delta fly from the Gainesville Regional Airport. Other carriers are available from Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa airports.

Prior to purchase, each student traveling must complete and sign the Airline Ticket Reimbursement Agreement form. This document, one per student, must be submitted along with other required travel forms. In addition, the travel request must be approved before airfare may be purchased.

Airline tickets may be purchased through the airline or through Diversity Travel (formerly World Class Travel) in Gainesville, 352-371-3100. A travel agency will typically charge $25 per ticket. Speak with the SL Business Office staff for additional details about purchasing airfare.

  • Research TSA requirements, at minimum the full name as listed on a government issued ID as well as date of birth (DOB) are required to book airline tickets.
  • Consider the cost of luggage; carry-on and checked bags.
  • Consider how the group will travel to and from the airport; shuttle provided by hotel, public transportation, taxi, train, etc.
  • Post travel paperwork: keep all original documentation; ticket stubs, boarding passes, and proof of any payments for carry-on and/or checked luggage (if applicable).

Charter bus

Ideal transportation when the size of the group makes it impractical or inefficient to take rental vans. Costs are based on the size of the bus, the length of the trip and the distance traveled.

Gratuity for the driver is not included in the quoted price. Generally, it is considered sufficient to tip $1 per person per day or up to 10% of the bus cost.

Costs are $825 for the 28 passenger bus (no bathroom) and $975 for the 56 passenger bus (bathroom on board). Costs are based on a 12 hour day. Each hour over 12 is an additional $65 per hour. Multi-day trips are discounted by $50 per day.

Overnight trips require payment of a hotel room for the bus driver.

Before making a reservation, know and understand the cancellation policy. The exclusive charter bus contract is with A Candies Coachworks, 352-332-4334. Contact Candies directly to reserve a bus.

Do not sign any contract on behalf of SF.

Rental Vehicles

Rental vehicles are the most commonly used method of transportation. The College rents cars and mini-vans from Enterprise. Student Life owns a 7-passenger minivan and a 10-passenger van. Drivers must be approved to drive for the college. To find information on how to be approved to drive for the college, type "authorization to drive" in the SF search bar. Student employees may not drive on student trips.


To find information on reserving a rental vehicle, type "rental vehicles" in the SF search bar. Do not call to reserve a vehicle, follow the instructions provided by the Office for Finance.

  • When picking up the vehicle, do not provide your credit card. Enterprise will bill the college for the rental vehicle.
  • Note the amount of gas in the vehicle. While it should have a full tank of gas it is not always full. Return the vehicle with the same amount of gas as was provided when picked-up.
  • When returning the vehicle, remember to replace the gas (same level as received) and obtain a copy of the charges billed to SF. This is required documentation. Submit with all other post travel paperwork.

It is ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ policy that no more than 10 individuals may ride in a 12-passenger van.
College policy does not permit the use of a 15-passenger van.

Student Life Vans

Contact the SL Business Office via email to inquire if the seven (7) and/or 10 passenger vans are available for the student travel dates.

Some important criteria for use of SL vans:

  • No single driver may drive more than 8 hours per day,
  • driving after midnight is discouraged and is prohibited between 1 - 5am,
  • drivers may not use a communication device while driving, and passengers must wear seatbelts.

Drivers using a Student Life van must sign the Student Life Van/Mini-Van Rental Agreement form when checking out the van key. Ask for a copy of this form for complete details and information. The van key must be returned immediately following the conclusion of the trip or the next business day.

Gas Expense: If using the Student Life van or an Enterprise rental vehicle, a gas card may be checked out to the driver from the SL Business Office. The driver must sign the Student Life Fleet Card Agreement form. The gas card and receipt must be returned immediately following the trip or the next business day.

Privately-Owned Vehicles

Privately-Owned Vehicles are vehicles that belong to an individual. While this is a valid transportation option, it is not encouraged for student travel. Trips involving privately-owned vehicles may be approved on a case by case basis and will depend on the circumstances of the particular trip.

This type of transportation may be approved for trips where the distance driven from SF is two hours or less and one-day trips which are limited to 12 hours including the travel time.

For overnight trips to be considered, the conference must be held at the hotel site where students are staying. Students would not be expected to use their privately-owned vehicle for anything other than arrival, and departure from, the approved destination. It is highly recommended that the travel advisor(s) collect students' keys upon arrival at the conference/hotel site and return them at the end of the conference.

Recreational trips, trips with multiple destinations or activities, and overnight trips where the event is at a different locale from the lodging, are not able to use this method of transportation.

Drivers will not be reimbursed for mileage, gas, parking, tolls, or other vehicle-related expenses. Meals and any other travel costs are not provided during travel times in privately-owned vehicles.

Drivers are responsible for all insurance and are liable for accidents and/or vehicular damage.

The travel request will begin and end at the destination, the college does not assume any financial or legal obligation during the travel times in privately-owned vehicles.

All participants, including advisors, must sign the Privately-Owned Vehicle Waiver form.

Advisors must allow students to independently make their own arrangements, individually or as a group.

Travel advisors may not transport students in their personal vehicle.

Minors, students under the age of 18, are not permitted to drive or ride in any privately-owned vehicle.

The entire group must travel in the same manner of transportation, thus part of the group may not travel in a rental vehicle while others travel in privately-owned vehicles.

Email the SL Business Manager to discuss the student trip and determine if privately-owned vehicles may be approved for a particular trip.

Who May Drive on Student Trips?

SF employees approved to drive by Safety and Risk Management may be eligible to drive students on college-sanctioned trips, with approval from their supervisor. Student employees may not drive on student trips. Part-time SF employees and non-exempt SF employees also need approval from the Director of HR.

Contact the SL Business Office for a form that must be completed by the travel advisor and signed by the HR Director. To find information on how to be approved to drive for the college, type "authorization to drive" in the SF search bar.

Registration and/or Entry Fees

Registration fees may be paid for the student participants and the travel advisor(s). Submit all completed travel forms, as well as the completed registration form(s) or request form(s) for entry tickets, to the SL Business Office at least fifteen (15) business days before the fees are due. Be aware of early-bird rates and the payment deadlines for these rates. The College will mail the registration form(s) along with a check to the conference or convention host, after the travel request is approved.

All students will be required to sign the Registration Reimbursement Agreement form. Any student for whom registration is paid in advance or for whom tickets are purchased and who does not attend the event will be required to repay the college any fees paid on her/his behalf (except in the event of a documented medical or family emergency). Registration fees will not be paid for any student who has not signed this form.

An agenda, program, schedule or trip itinerary must be provided to the SL Business Office.


Lodging may be reserved only in a duly established commercial lodging facility

When planning arrangements for lodging facilities, the following must be considered:

  1. Students and travel advisors may not share a room.
  2. Students should expect to share rooms; more than one (1) student per bed is prohibited.

Tax Exemption for Hotel Stays in Florida

SF is exempt from Florida sales tax on lodging. If the trip occurs within the state, the travel advisor may obtain a copy of the Sales Tax Exemption form from the SL Business Office or Office for Finance. The travel advisor must present this form at check-in. Most hotels will require the use of an SF corporate credit card, along with the Sales Tax Exemption form, to waive sales tax. If the hotel will not waive the sales tax, the lodging provider should write "Tax Exemption Refused" on the hotel receipt(s) along with their signature. If traveling out of state, check with the hotel to determine if they will honor the Sales Tax Exemption from Florida. Some states will while others will not, always inquire when reserving the hotel room(s).

SF Corporate Credit Card

To apply for a SF corporate credit card, simply type "American Express" into the search bar on the SF homepage. Complete the application and submit to the Payroll department. If you have any questions, speak with the SL Business Office staff or a staff member in the payroll department within the Office for Finance.

Hotel Reservations

Inquire about the sales tax exemption when making the hotel reservation. Hotels will require a credit card to secure the reservation(s). Please know and understand the hotel's cancellation policy. Changes sometimes occur that may necessitate less rooms, or cancellation of all of the rooms. Contact the SL Business Office if the hotel requires a room deposit or full payment at the time the reservation is made. Submit documentation that states a deposit or full payment is required by the hotel at the time the reservation is made. This is needed to process a reimbursement in advance of the travel dates. The travel request must be approved for this to occur.

Room Incidentals

Additional costs such as room service, in-room movies, phone calls, etc. will not be reimbursed. Internet fees may be paid if required for work or travel purposes. Resort fees may be paid if not waived with other sales tax.

Post Travel Lodging Paperwork

Upon return, the itemized hotel receipts (not the express checkout receipts) for each individual room showing the charge per room, sales tax amounts (if any) and indicating room is paid must be submitted to the SL Business Office along with other post travel paperwork.


Student trips are eligible for meal funds as allowed by state statue. Meals may be provided at the maximum amount allowed (see below) or limited to a lesser amount, including zero, due to budget constraints.

Any meal included as part of a registration fee or in the lodging cost will not be eligible for meal funds.

The time the trip begins and ends will determine which meals are eligible. For a meal to be considered the travel must encompass the entire time as outlined below for each meal.

  • $6.00 for breakfast – 6 - 8am
  • $11.00 for lunch – 12 - 2pm
  • $19.00 for dinner – 6 - 8pm

Students may receive meal monies on one-day trips however the college has determined that employees may not.

The travel advisor may request a meal advance prior to the trip, if the completed travel paperwork is received no later than 15 business prior to the trip. The meal advance will come in the form of a check payable to the travel advisor and will be issued approximately three business days before the trip begins. The funds may be disbursed at the beginning of the trip; directly to the students, used to purchase meals for the entire group, or a combination of both. All travelers receiving meal money or receiving a meal purchased on their behalf, or a combination of both, must sign the Meal Allotment Form. The form should be signed at the same time the money is disbursed or when the meal is provided. This form is required to document the meal expenses.

Keep the original itemized meal receipts if meals or food items are purchased for the entire group. Meal receipts must indicate the food purchase was paid. Both a credit card receipt and an itemized receipt may be needed if the credit card receipt is not itemized. The total of the meal purchase for a group meal may not be greater than the maximum allowed for that particular meal for the number of participants. For example, a dinner purchase may not exceed $19 per person, when averaged for the group, including tax and gratuity. If the gratuity is hand written on the receipt the advisor will need to provide a copy of the credit card statement documenting the total cost paid. The gratuity for a restaurant meal is limited to no more than 20% of the meal cost. Alcohol may not be consumed by anyone on a SF student trip, regardless of age or student/advisor status. Submit all meal receipts, when meals are purchased for the group, with the Meal Allotment Form after the travel has occurred.

Unallocated or unused meal monies must be submitted to the Cashier's Office in The Robertson Building within three business days of the conclusion of the trip. The travel number is needed to return meal money to the Cashier. Contact the SL Business Office for this number. The Cashier will provide a receipt for the returned funds. This receipt must be submitted to the SL Business Office along with the Student Post-Travel Trip Report and other required post travel documentation. Unused meal money may not be used to reimburse for other travel expenses.

Miscellaneous Expenses

A&S Fees may be used to pay for other expenses incurred as part of an official student trip, including but not limited to: admission costs for planned group activities, parking fees and tolls. These expenses may only be paid as a reimbursement after original itemized receipts are submitted, after the travel occurs. Any expected costs should be documented in the travel paperwork. Please be as accurate as possible in estimating the total travel costs; it is difficult to reimburse for expenses that were not originally approved. Budget availability is one criteria in determining if unexpected expenses are eligible for reimbursement. Student Organizations with a Fund 6 budget may be able this use these funds for reimbursement if disclosed at the time the travel paperwork is submitted.

Other Travel Policies

Pre-Travel and Post-Travel Meeting

Pre-Travel Meeting

Student organization advisors should meet with a SL Business Office staff member at least one month prior to the travel date. If a conference registration payment is due prior to the trip, this meeting should occur at least one month prior to the conference registration due date. If airfare is required, better rates may be available well in advance of the trip and thus it is recommended that the travel meeting occur six – eight weeks prior to the trip. At this meeting, the advisor should be prepared to discuss all aspects of the trip and bring supporting documentation. This meeting is necessary to review the particulars of the trip and provide the advisor with all relevant travel paperwork for the trip. Contact the SL Business Office staff via email to schedule an appointment.

Post-Travel Meeting

A post-travel meeting with the SL Business Office staff is highly recommended. At this meeting all of the post-travel paperwork, including the Student Post-Travel Trip Report form, will be reviewed. This meeting will help facilitate a prompt reimbursement of any funds due to the advisor. Email the SL Business Office to schedule a meeting.

Travel Advisor

The College requires a Travel Advisor, who must be a SF employee but not a student employee, to accompany students on any student trip sanctioned by the college. The Advisor takes full responsibility for the travel details related to the financial and legal aspects of the trip. Advisors traveling with student groups are performing a service to the College and are considered to be on professional leave for the duration of the trip. All travel advisors will need approval from their supervisor to participate in the trip. SF part-time and SF non-exempt employees also need approval from the Director of HR. Contact the SL Business Office for a form that must be completed by the travel advisor and signed by the HR Director.

Travel with a Minor

Minors, SF students under 18 years of age, may travel on one-day trips but may not travel on overnight trips. They must be in good standing to participate in student travel (see page three). An exception may be granted for an overnight trip if approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs in consultation with the college attorney. All travel forms must be signed by the minor and their parent or legal guardian. The SL Business Office have travel forms specifically for minors. Contact the SL Business Office for these forms. Minors may not participate in trips where privately owned vehicles will be used. Advisors should be aware of the added responsibility in traveling with minors.

Under no circumstances will a student under the age of 18 be allowed to go on a trip if the parent or legal guardian has not signed the Complete Release of All Rights for Minors form and other required travel forms.

Deviation from Requested Travel Plans

A travel request is approved exactly as requested in the original travel paperwork. Any deviations from this must be approved in advance of the trip by the SL Business Office; this includes, but is not limited to, a change of hotel, a change in the number of students, a change in the students attending and/or a request for a one-time occurring special circumstance. Email the SL Business Office staff to request a change or deviation to the approved travel request, at least five (5) business days before the travel start date. The more time given to evaluate the request the more likely the request may be accommodated. Requests for deviations may not be considered if less than five (5) business days prior to the start of the trip. Any deviation approved for an individual student is at the expense of the student.

Pre-Payment of Travel Expenses

To pre-pay travel costs, such as registration or entry fees, submit the required travel paperwork to the SL Business Office a minimum of 15 business days before the payment is due. Include the completed registration form(s). The travel request must be approved before payments may be processed. To prepay airfare refer to the information on page five.

In-District Travel

In-District travel refers to student travel within Alachua or Bradford County, Fla. Contact the SL Business Office to determine what travel forms are needed for a particular student activity, event or meeting. All student participants must sign the Complete Release of All Rights and ESCOT forms. Any travel involving some form of recreation or sport, any activity that may be deemed risky, or any overnight trip, may require additional information.

Use of Fund 6 Monies for Student Travel

Student Organizations with funds in a Fund 6 account may use these funds to pay all or part of a student trip. A memo is required, signed by the advisor and if a club, a student officer. This information should be shared during the pre-travel meeting. Contact the SL Business Office for more information.

Travel Expense Documentation

Documentation in the form of original itemized receipts or invoices are required for every aspect of travel. Submit all post travel documentation along with the Student Post-Travel Trip Report form to the SL Business Office within one week after the trip occurs. This may include lodging receipts, a Meal Allotment Form, gas receipts, etc. An agenda, program, schedule or trip itinerary must be provided as well.

Travel Forms

Travel Forms necessary for a student trip may be obtained during a pre-travel meeting with the SL Business Office or by emailing the SL Business Office. While some forms are required for all student trips others are trip specific. An example, the Airline Ticket Reimbursement Agreement is applicable only to those trips in which airfare will be purchased. A pre-travel meeting with the SL Business Office will ensure you complete the correct travel forms required for a specific trip. See page ten for more information.

Do not use forms that you may have saved from a previous student trip. Forms are updated from time to time thus a meeting with the SL Business Office will ensure you have the most up-to-date travel forms.

Use black or blue ink to complete all travel forms.

Travel Paperwork Due Dates

Travel forms must be completed and submitted to the Student Life Business Office at least 15 business days prior to the trip start date. This is critical if requesting a meal advance. If payments are due in advance of the trip, such as a registration payment, the completed travel forms are due at least 15 business days in advance of the registration due date.

Email the SL Business Office staff to schedule a meeting at least one month prior to the trip. All forms necessary for the student trip will be disseminated during this meeting. Bring all relevant travel information to this meeting.

Forms Required For All Student Trips

  • Travel Request Form: use to compile information as to travel dates and times, destination, purpose of travel, and names of students participating. Must be signed by the travel advisor and their supervisor.
  • Travel Funds Request Worksheet: Use to compile all expected travel costs.
  • Complete Release of All Rights: all student participants must read and sign this form, in black or blue ink. All student signatures must be witnessed by a SF employee, not a student employee. This is a two-page form. The first page is formatted in a portrait style and the second page is in landscape.
  • ESCOT (Expectations for Student Conduct on Trips): this form has several versions, one-day trips, overnight trips and trips in which personal vehicles are driven. Contact the SL Business Office for the version suitable for a specific student trip.

Forms That May Be Required

  • Registration Reimbursement Agreement: use for student trips in which a registration or entry fee ticket will be paid in advance of the trip. Complete the top of the form. All student participants must read and sign this one-page form. Signatures must be witnessed by a SF employee, not a student employee. Use black or blue ink.
  • Airline Ticket Reimbursement Agreement: use for student trips in which an airline ticket will be purchased. All student participants must read and sign this one-page form, one per student. Signatures must be witnessed by a SF employee, not a student employee. Use black or blue ink.
  • Meal Allotment Form: use when meal money is provided to travelers or when meals are purchased on behalf of the group. Name, SFID number, and signature are required for all participants, students and advisors, who receive meal money and/or a meal purchased by the advisor for the group. Include dates and which meals were provided; breakfast, lunch, dinner or a combination of these.

The travel advisor must complete and sign the top and bottom portion of the Meal Allotment Form, ensure all participants have signed and all meal funds allocated or meals purchased for the group are clearly indicated. Include this form along with the Student Post-Travel Trip Report. Include meal receipts if group meals were purchased. The meal receipt must be an original itemized receipt which shows the meal was paid. Contact the SL Business Office for clarification if needed. See the section for meals on page nine.

No meal money or meal purchases will be paid if such meals are included in the hotel or the registration payment.

Forms Required For an Over-Night Trip

Emergency Contact Information: use to compile emergency information for all participants. Complete the form labeled page one with all requested travel information. Complete the top of the form labeled page two. All travelers, including the advisor, must complete this form. All information requested is required. Use black or blue ink. Information must be legible, printed neatly and plainly. These two forms are submitted to the SL Business Office, 15 business days prior to the trip. This information is shared with the Police Department to be used in the case of an emergency. The last form titled "Emergency Information Form" is one form per participant. All travelers must complete this form. The Advisor shall maintain these forms in their possession and carry them on the trip for use in an emergency situation.

Forms Required After the Travel Has Occurred

Submit documentation of all travel costs within five (5) business days of the conclusion of the trip to the SL Business Office.

Student Post-Travel Trip Report: use to compile travel information and all travel costs. Include itemized receipts for all travel expenses; include expenses paid by the college and reimbursements due to the advisor. Some of the required documentation may include, but are not limited to; Meal Allotment Form, lodging documentation, rental vehicle invoice, gas receipt, etc. The documentation needed is driven by the specific costs for each individual trip. If unused meal monies were returned to the cashier include the cashier receipt.

An agenda, program, schedule or trip itinerary must be provided to the SL Business Office.

Student Life Business Office Contact

For more information on student travel and forms, contact the Business Office Manager.