
Student Resources


Learn about the many resources that are available to current SF students.

Business Office

Students, staff and faculty can find information on purchasing, travel and activity and service fees.

Calculator Loan

Student Life maintains an inventory of equipment available for check-out to students and student organizations.

Cap and Gown Assistance

Students who demonstrate financial need can receive a loaner cap and gown for the duration of their commencement ceremony.

Carpool Decals

Save time looking for a spot and drive or ride to campus with a friend or roommate by obtaining a carpool decal.

Food Pantry

Saints Food Share is fighting hunger and fueling student success by offering free food to SF students and employees experiencing food insecurity.

Parking Appeals

A parking appeals committee reviews ticket appeals for students who wish to submit a request to appeal.

Student Caregivers

The resources below help provide support for students who are parents, caregivers, or in a similar role.

Student IDs

As a current SF student, you can access the SF Fitness Center, Rec Room, Lawrence W. Tyree Library, Testing Center, ride standard RTS buses for free with an SFID and more.

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