
Saints Share Wear

Your Campus Thrift Shop

Students shopping at Saints Share Wear

The Share Wear mission is to provide access to affordable clothing for SF students and staff. That's why every item in our store costs $1 or less. (You read that right: one dollar.) 

  • Open Wednesdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Location: Northwest Campus, between the Oak Grove and UF@SF, facing Building S
  • Cash Only: We are unable to process cards or e-payments.
  • Contact: sharewear@sfcollege.edu

Share Wear is not open to the public. We are a campus resource for SF students and employees.

Upcoming Events


Do you accept donations?

We accept gently-worn clothing, shoes, and accessories. You can bring donations in during store hours, use the bin behind the store, or email us to coordinate drop-off. Due to safety regulations and limited space/resources, we cannot accept:

  • undergarments (unless new with tags)
  • unwearable clothes (torn, soiled, stained, mildewed)
  • baby equipment (car seats, bottles, etc)
  • medical items (crutches, braces, hygeine, etc)
  • sports gear (helmets, knee pads, etc)
  • large household items

Can I volunteer in the store?

SF students and staff are welcome to volunteer at Share Wear. If you're interested, email us. Staff must have supervisor approval, and students should consult their advisor about volunteer credit.

Can you help me find ____?

Our goal is to meet student needs to the best of our ability. This includes helping you: find professional clothes for a presentation or interview; shop for gender-affirming clothes in a safe environment; access affordable pregnancy and children's clothes; and access affordable lab coats and scrubs when available. If you need assistance, we are happy to help you.

Where does my dollar go?

Share Wear is not for profit. Monies received are used only for store operations, campus involvement, and Career Service contributions. All staff are volunteers. Share Wear does not receive funding from any source other than sales.

The Share Wear Story

Share Wear was created in 2008 by SF employees Tyffany Wishart and Debi McElroy. They built the store from scratch in an empty auto bay, charging $1 per item to keep things running and donating overflow to Career Service. Tyffany and Debi retired in 2019, leaving their project in the care of Heather Domin and Mikayla Robinson. We are passionate about carrying on the mission they started: serving SF students.

During the pandemic, with the help of a generous grant from the we were able to buy new supplies and spruce up the store for a grand reopening in June 2022. Share Wear now partners with several areas on campus including Job Placement, Displaced Homemakers, student clubs, and others to meet student needs as best we can. And of course, everything is still $1!

Share Wear is operated by four committee officers: Cheetara Ritz, Heather Domin, Mikayla Robinson, and Oralia Gamino. The Share Wear Squad serve as store managers and are responsible for daily operations and campus outreach. Contact us at sharewear@sfcollege.edu.