
Cap and Gown Assistance


As a service for graduating students without the financial resources to purchase a cap and gown, Student Life provides a Cap and Gown Assistance Program. This program provides students who demonstrate financial need with a cap and gown for the duration of their commencement ceremony. The gowns provided by the assistance program are on loan and must be returned to Student Life after graduation. You may return your gown immediately after the ceremonies or the following week. Information about drop-off times and locations will be provided to those approved for the program.  To be eligible for the assistance program, students must have an active application for Graduation on file and indicate they are walking at the ceremony (this can be completed in your eSantaFe account). Please monitor the application for opening dates. Applicants will be notified of their status within 3-5 business days after submitting the application.

Note: Students will be required to provide their own tassel, which can be purchased at the SF bookstore for $15. Students graduating with their Bachelor's Degree will need to purchase their own tassel and hood from the SF Bookstore. They will be yours to keep.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Front Desk Supervisor.