
Student Caregivers


The resources below help provide support for students who are parents, caregivers, or in a similar role.

Students who are Parents or Guardians

Know your Rights

Title IX Basics

Students must be allowed to take time off of school for pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and/or recovery for as long as their doctor says is medically necessary. That could mean a few absences for necessary medical appointments, or a longer leave of absence for a high-risk pregnancy or childbirth. This rule applies even if taking medically necessary leave would require an absence for longer than the school's leave policy ordinarily allows. Students cannot be penalized for taking leave and must be able to return to school in the same status they held before taking leave.

Schools are required to provide pregnant students, and students with related conditions such as childbirth, or false pregnancy, with at least the same special services as it provides to students with other temporary conditions. For example, if a school provides homebound instruction or take-home assignments to students who miss school for illnesses, they must do the same for a student who misses school because of pregnancy or childbirth. Pregnant students and those with related medical conditions may also be eligible for disability protections and services under the ADA, depending upon their condition.

Anyone who has questions or concerns regarding possible discrimination based on sex or pregnancy and wants to learn more about Title IX and the protection's that it provides for pregnant and parenting students, should contact the Equal Opportunity Officer and Title IX Coordinator.


Disability Resource Center (DRC)

The Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) provides services to 青青草视频's students with disabilities. The goal of the DRC is to ensure that students with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of life at 青青草视频. The DRC serves students with a wide array of disabilities and seeks to provide valuable information for students, parents, faculty and staff related to various responsibilities, services, and programs. Some pregnancy conditions may require accommodations while you attend classes.

For more information on pregnancy accommodations and examples, visit . 

Campus Resources

Parenting Resource Subject Guide

The online  through the Library gives you access to books for children and parents, as well as family-friendly DVDs available for checkout anytime. Students can find helpful ebooks, videos, and TED Talks about parenting. As a student at SF, you can also check out books and read eBooks from over 160,000 titles in our collection, and access materials on course reserve from the Library using your SFID as a library card.

Lactation Room

SF recognizes the importance and benefits of breastfeeding for student parents and their infants. The lactation spaces listed below offer a clean, secure, and private space and is equipped with a comfortable seat and table.

We recommend that you bring a small cooler to store your breast milk. 青青草视频 is not responsible for the security or integrity of breast milk.

The Northwest Campus has a lactation room available on the first floor of Building S. This room is available to any SF-affiliated nursing parent, student, faculty, staff, visitor, and breastfeeding spouse or partner. To schedule an appointment, contact the Student Life front desk at 352-395-5912.

The Blount Center has a lactation room available on the east wing of the first floor. This room is available to any SF-affiliated nursing parent, student, faculty, staff, visitor, and breastfeeding spouse or partner. It is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you are attending classes at any of our educational centers and need help finding a space for your lactation needs, please talk with the center advisor.

Diaper Changing Stations

The Northwest Campus offers many diaper changing stations in restrooms. Below is a list of their exact locations:

  • E Auditorium (in the Lobby)
  • Fine Arts Hall (in the Lobby near the Box Office)
  • Fine Arts Hall (in the Lobby near the Box Office)
  • Food Court, Room 104
  • Food Court, Room 105
  • Building H, Room 23
  • Building H Room 24
  • Lawrence W. Tyree Library, Room 118
  • Lawrence W. Tyree Library, Room 119
  • Building R, Room 132 (between Records/Registrar and Financial Aid)
  • Building R, Room 133 (between Records/Registrar and Financial Aid)
  • Building S, Room 103 
  • Building S, Room 104 
  • Building W, Room 7
  • Building W, Room 8
  • Building W, Room 217
  • Building W, Room 219
  • Building W, Room 239
  • Building WA, Room 105
  • Building WA, Room 107
  • 青青草视频 Gym (located in the restrooms of the Lobby)
  • SF Teaching Zoo (located at the front of the Zoo)
  • SF Baseball/Softball Field Restrooms (located in-between the fields)

YouTube Playlist of Resources for Student-Parents and Student Caregivers

Periodically, informational videos are added to 青青草视频 Educational Media Studio's "" playlist. These videos cover a wide range of topics that may be of interest to students who are parents and caregivers.

Family Study Space

It can be hard to study with kids on board! The Family Study Space in the Youth Collection on the 2nd floor of the Lawernce W. Tyree Library welcomes student parents to study while their children are engaged with books, toys, and educational materials provided in the space. Changing tables are available in the first and second floor restrooms. This area is located behind the elevators and past the CD and Media Collections. More information can be found at .

Childcare Resources

青青草视频 Little School - Provides a safe, enriched, stimulating and loving learning environment for toddlers and preschool children. Apply for a childcare scholarship if you are an SF student. Scholarship applications are available in the Little School front office and are due approximately six weeks prior to the start of each semester.

College for Kids - An academic program that offers students challenging, fun, hands-on learning experiences beyond the ordinary school environment. Scholarships may be available.

Senior Care Resources

  - Senior care resource website 

 - The Mission of ElderCare of Alachua County is to be an advocate for the elderly and provide services that will build capacity, maximize independence, and enrich the quality of life for the seniors in Alachua County and north central Florida. 352-265-9040 

 - Elder Options offers a variety of unique programs and services. 352-378-6649

 - SHINE is a free program offered by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and your local Area Agency on Aging. Specially trained volunteers can assist you with your Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurance questions by providing one-on-one counseling and information. SHINE services are free, unbiased, and confidential.

Additional Resources

Our Family Support Group is currently only offered virtually using the Zoom platform. We meet on the second and fourth Monday of every month from 7:00-8:30 pm. Registration is required for all of our virtual meetings.

SF Emergency Aid/ Resources

Department of Elder Affairs preadmission screening program for nursing facility or alternative placement. 3801 N.W. 40th Terrace, Suite A, Gainesville, FL 32606 | 352-955-6560

Offers primary care, personal health and related services. 224 S.W. 24th St., Gainesville, FL 32641 | 352-334-7900

Provides housing to low and low-to-moderate income residents through Section 8 and public housing program. 703 N.E. First St., Gainesville, FL 32601 | 352-372-2549

Provides emergency evacuation services to elders and other persons with special needs. 352-264-6582

Provides information about weatherization and other programs for economically disadvantaged citizens through support services. 2606 N.W. 6th St., Gainesville, FL 32609 | 352-373-766

Elder Care of Alachua County, Inc. Community Care for the Elderly county lead agency. Provides case management and in-home services to qualified elders. 3515 N.W. 98th Place, Gainesville, FL 32506 | 352-265-9040

Elder Helpline Accesses a qualified Information and Referral specialist who can provide information about services available for elders and their caregivers within the local community. 800-262-2243 (with TDD)

Provides housing to low and low-to-moderate income residents through Section 8 and public housing programs. 1900 S.E. 4th St., Gainesville, FL 32602 | 352-334-4000

Provides legal services for persons who would not otherwise have the means to obtain a lawyer. 901 N.W. 8th Ave., Building D5, Gainesville, FL 32601 | 352-372-0519

Offers services, such as homemaker assistance and Meals on Wheels, that help older adults who wish to remain in their homes. 2504 Highway 44 W., Inverness, FL 34453 | 352-637-1800

- Family Network on Disabilities is a national network of individuals of all ages who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens.

- NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illnesses and their families.