
You have what it takes

College coaching in your high school

Every public high school in Alachua and Bradford County has an Achieve specialist onsite, providing college coaching for SF Achieve students and acting as a resource for parents and guardians. These specialists will host workshops about the SF Achieve program as well as other financial aid and college success topics. They are familiar with the needs of first-generation students – those who will be the first in their family to attend college.

To get in touch with the SF Achieve specialist assigned to your school, visit the Contact Us page.  

SF Achieve supports students before the enter high school. Learn more about our middle school programs.

Picture yourself succeeding

SF Achieve specialists will provide resources that will help you prepare for college. This includes information on how to find a career that's a good fit for your skills and interests, improve your time management skills, apply for financial aid, etc. These resources will be available in an easily accessed Canvas course and completion is required for scholarship eligibility. The general outcomes are designed to help you P.I.C.T.(U)R.E. yourself succeeding in college:

  • Planning: Identify your personal motivations and goals, then make a plan
  • Initiative: Take the necessary next steps and keep yourself on track
  • Connections: Deepen your understanding of outcomes and what affects them
  • Transfer: Adapt and apply your skills and abilities to new situations
  • Reflection: Take stock in your own growth and evolving potential
  • Enrollment: Engage in activities as member of a college-going community

Support beyond graduation

Once you graduate high school and enroll at SF, your support doesn't disappear. It goes next level. You will be matched with an SF Achieve mentor who will serve as your guide throughout your college experience. They will introduce you to academic advisors, academic success coaches, professors, tutors, and additional support staff who will provide continuous support throughout your time at the college.