First Generation Students
About one in every three students here at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ self-identify as a first-generation
(First Gen) college student. SF welcomes and supports the success of our First Gen
college students.
Who are First Gen students?
A first-generation college student is defined as a student whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have not completed a bachelor's degree. This means that you are the first person in your family to attend a four-year college or university to attain a bachelor's degree.
Why it matters.
Being the first in your family to go to college is something that should make you extremely proud! When you identify as First Gen at SF, you are matched with unique opportunities and resources, and get invited to participate in First Gen events. The college also recognizes the success of First Gen graduates with a single stranded honor cord to be worn over your gown at graduation.
Note: First Gen graduates will be contacted about receiving their cords by their academic coaches in the SSS program or by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
You're certainly not alone.
It takes a certain courage to set out into uncharted waters. First Gen college students at SF are in good company with faculty and staff ready to offer you the support, guidance, and skills you need to be successful. Moreover, many SF faculty and staff members also represent a First Gen background and know the unique challenges of being first in their family to attend college.
Before Attending SF
First in My Family Admissions events provide first-generation college students and their families with a comprehensive introduction to ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ.
As a First Gen Student
A summer program that facilitate a smooth transition from high school to college by helping first-generation participants develop the skills they will need to succeed in any degree track.
First Gen Day at Santa Fe & Other First Gen Events
This is an annual celebration of First-Generation students, faculty, and staff that you want to make sure to attend! For more on events and activities, be sure to check your student email. For specific information, please contact Joseph Jester at 352-395-5648 or
Student Support Services (SSS)
SSS helps qualified first-generation college students succeed by assisting them in navigating the various aspects of college life. SSS scholars have a designated academic coach who can help with academic inquiries and apply for financial aid, and offer free tutoring, personal mentoring, transfer assistance, or connect with valuable college and community resources.
There are many ways to pay for college, including grants and scholarships designated to fund first-generation college students, such as the . To apply for incredible funding opportunities, complete the and the SF scholarship applications.
Additional Resources
A considerable number of faculty and staff at Santa Fe college were like you in being the first in their family to attend college. They self-identify now because they want you to know that you belong here at SF, that there is support for you, and that like them, you can achieve your goals. Below is a list of first-generation faculty and staff.
Last | First | Title | Department |
Albright | Heather | Academic Assistant | Fine Arts |
Anderson | Michael | Associate Director EMS Programs | EMS |
Arciola | Jeff | Assistant Professor | Natural Sciences |
Arnold | Christina | Office Supervisor | Teaching Zoo |
Asimbaya | Olga | Assistant Registrar | Registrar Office |
Austin | Amanda | Assistant Professor | Nursing |
Awoniyi | Bea | Associate Vice President & Ombudsperson | Student Affairs |
Badea | Lucian | Director of ITS | ITS |
Badics | Stacy | Interim Assistant Professor | Humanities, Communications & Languages |
Barnes | Andy | Vice President and CFO | Administrative Affairs |
Beavers | Sarah | Executive Assistant | Academic Affairs |
Bergens | Jennifer | Academic Advisor | AA Advising |
Bishop | Sheila | Designated Faculty | Humanities, Communication, and Languages |
Blosser | Katherine | Educational Aid | Health Sciences |
Boswell | Palenthia | Assistant Registrar | Registrar Office |
Britton | Naeema | Director | Counseling and Wellness Center |
Brosky | Lisa | Associate Vice President | Marketing and Communications |
Brown | Naima | Vice President | Student Affairs |
Caballero | Sergio | Academic Laboratory Manager and Adjunct Assistant Professor | Perry Center for Emerging Technologies |
Cabral | Danielle | Math Professor | Mathematics |
Cabrera | Monica | Career Pathways Program Specialist | Perkins Program |
Camps | Jalena | Student Services Connector | Contact Center |
Carroll | Andrew | Adjunct Instructor | Institute of Public Safety |
Casanas | Eva | Adjunct Associate Professor | Foreign Languages |
Cervone | Sarah | Assistant Professor | Humanities, Communications and Languages |
Chamusco | Larry A | Professor | Natural Science - Chemistry |
Chestnut | Artie | Adjunct Instructor | ITE |
Childers | Pamela | Access Specialist | Disabilities Resources Center |
Chipman | Krista | Project Saint Mentor Coordinator | Adult Education |
Christopherson | Adam | Chair | Math Department |
Clark | Melisa | Administrative Assistant | Trio - Upward Bound |
Clarke | William | Data Analyst and Developer | Institutional Research |
Clemons | Chuck | Vice President | Advancement |
Cleveland | Loretha | Designated Faculty Speech | Humanities, Communications and Languages |
Coggins | Victoria | Programs support specialist | Davis Center |
Coker | Terry L | Coordinator SERVE | TRIO |
Cothren | Theresa | Academic Coach | TRIO Educational Talent Search |
Crosby | Julie | Coordinator | UF @ SF Center |
Crumpton | Chavon | Senior Financial Aid Specialist | Financial Aid |
Cunningham-Smith | Petra | Adjunct Instructor | Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Denton | Christy | Santa Fe Achieve Specialist | Admissions |
Domin | Heather | Purchasing Assistant | Purchasing (Office for Finance) |
Downs | Brooke | Adjunct Professor | Student Development and Leadership/Education |
Duhart | Farrah | Academic Coach | Trio Student Support Services |
Dunmore | Shanita | Coordinator | Student Support Services |
Durkee | David | Engagement Specialist | Student Life |
Ellerbe | Tone | Central Receiving | Facilities |
Elliott | Karen | International Admissions Advisor | ISS |
Evans | Tracey | Administrative Assistant | Institutional Research |
Eyman | Quinten | Director, Recruitment and SF Achieve | Admissions |
Ferns | Brent | Associate Vice President, Career & Technical Education | Academic Affairs |
Flanagan | Melissa | Chair | English |
Forrester | Sheila | Adjunct Professor of Music | Fine Arts |
Forshee | Jennifer | Associate Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Foster | Theresa | Advising Specialist & Professor | UF@SF Center, Gator Engineering and Gator Design and Construction Programs |
Fox | Brian | Professor | Business Programs |
Freas | Michelle | Associate Professor | Humanities, Communities, and Languages |
Frye | Lela | Director | Human Resources |
Fults | Jason | Instructor | Adult Education |
Garcia | Jacki | ETS Academic Coach | TRIO |
Gentry | Vivian | Senior Financial Services Representative | Office of Finance |
George | Sarah | Professor | Math |
Grosteffon | Steve | Professor | Mathematics |
Haddock | Betty Pollard | Help Desk Manager | Information Technology Services (ITS) |
Hernandez | Annette | Financial Aid Representative | Financial Aid |
Heslep | Jeff | Academic Lab Manager | Perry Center for Emerging Technologies |
Hom | Bobby | Director | Quality Enhancement Project |
Hughes | Angel | Adjunct Instructor | Mathematics (Dev Ed) |
Hundley | Noah | Advising Specialist | Academic Advising |
Hutton | Stacy | Adjunct Assistant Professor, Surgical Technology Program | Health Sciences |
Irwin | Melissa | Assistant Professor | Nursing |
Jeffers | D'on | Academic Coach | Upward Bound |
Jerzak | Page | AVP | Academic Technologies and Training (CATT) |
Johnson | Joe | HVAC Trades Helper | Facilities Services HVAC |
Jones | Karen | Adjunct Professor, Spanish | Humanities, Communications and Languages |
Jordan | Marina | Coordinator | International Student Support & Advising |
Josey | Victor | Software Developer | IT |
Judge | Keri | Program Assistant | Watson Center |
Kenyon | Angel | Adult Education Specialist | Adult Education |
Lafferty | Sharon | Assistant Professor, NMT Program Director and Clinical Coordinator | Health Sciences |
Landon | Patricia | Administrative Assistant | Andrews Center |
Lapuma | Brigitte | Professor | Nursing |
Launiere | Emily | Academic Coach | Student Support Services |
Lempinen-Leedy | Nance | Library Director | L.W. Tyree Library |
Lien | Iva | Advising Specialist | AA Advising |
Linnens | Dana | Academic Assistant | L.W. Tyree Library |
Locascio | Patti | Sr. VP, Chief of Staff, and General Counsel | Legal Affairs |
Lopez | Nilda | Nursing Educator | Nursing |
Lopez Jr | Francisco | Comptroller | Finance |
Lounds-Singleton | Angela | Assistant Adjunct of Nutrition | Sciences for Health Programs |
Ludwig | Jess | Admissions Specialist | Office of Admissions |
Mallous | Ritsa | Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education | Education Programs |
Mansfield | Shawna | Associate Professor | Graphic Design & Digital Media Technology |
Marks | John | Adjunct Professor | ITE |
Mason | Tom | Advisor for Construction and Technical Programs | Construction and Technical Programs |
Matthies-Barnes | Lisa | Advising Specialist | Career Exploration Center |
McCray | Alisha | Associate Director | Financial Aid |
McIntyre | Tim | Assistant Professor Anatomy & Physiology | Sciences for Health Programs |
McKnight | Lashay | Assistant Professor | Business Programs |
McLeod | Marisa | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences |
McMillen | Nicholas J | Veterans Specialist | Student Services |
McNair | Lisa | Academic Assistant | English |
Melendez | Steven | Coordinator | Educational Media Studio |
Mercier | Danielle | Assistant Professor | English |
Merritt | Joyce | Adjunct Professor | Natural Sciences (Biology) |
Milfort-Vasilyeva | Carmelita | Advising Specialist | Student Affairs |
Miner | Lorne | Student Services Connector | Contact Center |
Montero | Helda | Professor | Social & Behavioral Sciences |
Moretti | Janna | Assistant Professor | English |
Mosley | Amanda | Assistant Professor | Library |
Mott | Rhonda | Academic Assistant | Business Programs |
Muggeo | Susan Ann | Systems Administrator, ITS | ITS |
Murano | Joni | Graphic Designer | Workforce Development |
Murphy | Jennifer | Adjunct Professor | Mathematics |
Murray | Sybille | Unit Aide | Academic Affairs |
Nagle | Shelby | SF Achieve Specialist | Admissions |
Nelson | Keith | System Analyst | Information Technology Services |
Norman | Stephanie | CCAMPIS Grant Coordinator | Academic Affairs |
Novak | Kyle | Director, Cultural Affairs | Fine Arts |
O'Hearn | Dennis | Restricted Funds Manager | Office for Finance |
Oliver | Kimberly | Advising Specialist | Athletics |
Patterson | Jodie | Librarian | L.W. Tyree Library |
Paul | Deloris | Associate Professor | Nursing |
Paulsen | Danielle | Administrative Assistant | Career and Technical Education |
Penney | Bill | Acting VP & AVP ITS / CIO | ITS |
Perry | Takela | Advising Specialist | AA Advising |
Pfaff | Lawrence | Assistant Adjunct | ITE |
Puls | Dakota | Administrative Assistant | Student Life |
Rackley | Jennifer | Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions |
Randrianasolo | Voara | Adjunct Professor in Biology | Natural Sciences |
Raphael | Nancy | Advising Support Specialist | A.A. Advising |
Ratliff | Shanna | Academic Coach | SSS STEM |
Reynolds | Elizabeth | Lighting Director and instructor | Fine Arts |
Riley | Lorisha | Associate Professor | Math |
Rivera | Karina | Workforce Development, Industry & Career Pathways Specialist | Perkins Grants Programs |
Robinson | Debora | Advising Specialist | Health Sciences |
Rush | Kathryn | Assistant Adjunct Professor | Fine Art |
Sandbach | Robert | Professor | Mathematics |
Schwab | Jessica | Assistant Professor | Nursing Program |
Scott | Carjie | Adjunct Assistant Professor | Student Development and Leadership |
Seavers | Natasha | Associate Professor | Nursing |
Semegon | Angi | Adjunct Professor | Social Sciences |
Shay | Julie | Health Information Technology Program Director | Business Programs |
Simken | Shelly | Compensation and Compliance Coordinator | Human Resources |
Siwiecki | Alex | Assistant Professor | English |
Smith | William Clay Kinchen | Professor | English |
Smith | Kimberly | Academic Advising Specialist | Academic Advisement |
Southerland | Nate | Provost & Vice President | Academic Affairs |
Sprenger | Audrey | Adjunct Professor | Humanities and Social Science |
St. Clair | Sally | Academic Assistant | Institute of Public Safety |
Steff | Julia | Assistant Professor | Health Information Technology |
Stenftenagel | Chris | Payroll Manager | Office for Finance |
Stephenson | Bill | Chair | Humanities, Communications and Languages |
Tegeder | David | Department Chair | Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Thebaut | Ann T | Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy/Instructional Specialist | Humanities, Communications and Languages |
Thomas | Yolanda | Coordinator | Upward Bound |
Thompson | Mathew | Systems Administrator | ITS |
Thornton | Allan | Adjunct Assistant Professor | Business |
Torres-Pintos | Sandra | Veteran Services Coordinator | Student Affairs |
Trebour | Justin | Financial Aid Representative | Financial Aid |
Usrey | Katie | Academic Coach | Student Support Services |
Valentine | Martin | Inventory and Assets Manager | Office for Finance |
Weigl | Ann Veronica | Associate Professor | English |
White | Valerie | ACB Excel Coordinator |
Secondary Programs |
Whitton | Rhonda | Associate Professor | Nursing |
Widerman | Jennifer | Advising Specialist | Health Sciences |
Wilkes | JoAnn | Coordinator | Displaced Homemaker Program |
Williams | Anedria | Adjunct Faculty | ITE |
Wilson | Susan | Counseling Specialist | Counseling and Wellness Center |
Wolf | Cameron | Instructional Specialist (Zoo Educator) | Natural Sciences |
Woods | Ryan | Police Major | Police Department |
Are you are staff/faculty member who wants to be added to this list?
Please complete the .
The First-Generation Student Advisory Group is a group of first-generation students who 1) meet monthly with college officials, 2) represent the voice of first-generation students at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ, 3) Share experiences, ideas, and advice 4) Promote college services and activities to other First Gen students and 5) Participate in first-generation programming, activities, and campus events.
2024-2025 Members
The members of the 2024-2025 first-generation Student Advisory Group include:
- Renee Ashbaugh
- Makyah Burnett
- Janell Cruz
- Maya Johnson
- Nijah Grimes
- Nancy Raphael
- Cristina Rodriguez Acosta
- Nya Wimes
- Jamari Woods
Staff members offering direct support to the Student Advisory Group include:
- Naeema Britton
- Naima Brown
- Bobby Hom
- Joseph Jester
- Emily Launiere
- Nance Lempinen-Leedy
- Iva Lien
- Andrea Mender
- Danielle Mercier
- Shanna Ratliff
- Emly Reinhardt
Next Steps
. Apply for admission to SF using our
The official college application for admission or the FAFSA asks you to declare if either of your parents have completed a 4-year college degree. Your response helps the college identify you as a first-generation college student.
If you need to update your answer to identify as first-generation, you may do so by taking the following steps:
- Log in to .
- Select Documents, then Public Documents, and
- Select Admissions Documents, then complete the Parent or Guardian Education Declaration by inputting the education level of your parent(s)/guardian(s).
2. Log in to and go to "My Status" to complete the following:
- Submit High school transcripts and college transcripts (if applicable)
- Submit test scores such as SAT, ACT, or PERT in person or email them to
- Orientation – Complete orientation online
- Meet with an Academic Advisor*
- Submit Florida Residency Declaration form, if applicable
*Who is an Academic Advisor?
An academic advisor is someone who helps students navigate their career and educational choices. Academic advisors assist students in the degree they decide to pursue by making sure the student is completing the correct classes for the degree. Santa Fe College offers academic advising to students where advisors can help students who are completing an A.A. degree, A.S. degree, C.T.E. certificate or a bachelor's degree.
- Apply for Financial Aid by submitting a . You will complete FAFSA according to your dependency status.
- SF School code: 001519
- For more information, please visit the Financial Aid site.
- Complete College Scholarship and Foundation Scholarship applications.
Upon completion, check verification or awards status on your "My FA Status" in eSantaFe.
When you are ready to enroll for classes:
- Schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor.
- Note: Be sure to discuss your degree audit before registering for classes. You can also review your degree audit and schedule an in-person, phone or online appointment in eSantaFe in the Advisement tab.
- Login to and navigate to "My Classes".
- Select Term and search for classes.
- Choose classes – online or in-person. SF offers classes at various locations.
- Register and pay for classes.
- View "My Schedule" for your complete list of classes for the semester.
- Fees must be paid prior to the date posted on your "My Schedule" or you will be purged from your classes. Classes will not be purged for students whom have been awarded financial aid prior to the fees due date.
As a current SF student, you can access the SF Fitness Center, Rec Room, Lawrence W. Tyree Library, Northwest Campus Testing Center, ride standard RTS buses for free with an SFID and more.
Learn more about what you need in order to get an SFID.
Good to Know
How it works
There are multiple ways to pay tuition. If you have applied for financial aid and
have verified your awards, your financial aid will be used first to pay your tuition.
Any scholarships, through SF or SF Foundation or other sources, will also be applied.
Any amount remaining after financial aid and scholarships have been applied will be
the student's responsibility to cover.
Financial Aid
can help pay your college expenses by offering grants, work study, loans and scholarships.
Need help completing the FAFSA? Reach out to the SF's Financial Aid Office.
Scholarships are awarded to students who meet specific criteria set by the organization
or donor who awards the scholarships. This type of aid does not have to be repaid and can help with paying for college expenses.
Work Study
This is also known as "earned aid". As you work, you earn funds just like you would
any other job. You are not required to pay this money back. You must meet certain
criteria to be eligible for work study.
Self Pay
ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ accepts a number of payment methods for college tuition, including payments by mail, online, or in person.
Learn more about Ways to Pay.
Students who have financial aid receive a bookstore line of credit (BLOC) that can be used for textbooks and supplies needed for the semester. This line of credit can be used at the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Bookstore. Students who prefer to order online for supplies and textbooks can also use their line of credit.
- Items you can charge: Textbooks (including rentals), supplies, digital materials.
- Items you can't charge: Specialty food, clothing, drinks. (These items are considered non-essential convenience items.)
Learn more about Financial Aid Book Charging.
The Federal Work Study program helps students add experience to their resume while earning money. The program provides part-time jobs for students on campus. Students must complete FAFSA and indicate that you're interested in getting Federal Work-Study in order to be eligible.
Learn more about Federal Work Study at SF.
To find student jobs on campus, visit .
Faculty Resources
You can access the reading guide Supporting First-Generation College Students, a collection of resources and research, including an (created Diana Matthews and Leana Fitzgerald) and access to the .
The Student Affairs Professional Development Calendar includes a few seminars on first-generation
students each year. To host a special presentation on first-generation students in
your department, please contact Andrea Mender at, Roxanna Ruiz at or Keyna Wintjen at
There are several webinars sponsored by NASPA that SF faculty and staff can access.
Please contact for more information about professional development opportunities on first-generation students.
First-Gen Forward Network Member
SF has been designated a first-gen forward institution by the Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and The Suder Foundation. This designation recognizes institutions of higher education who have demonstrated a commitment to improving experiences and advancing outcomes of first-generation college students.