Custom Form Builder
Required Inputs
What's This?
The form method makes sure that content of a form is sent to and received by the correct recipient. Every form will need the following configuration in order to work properly.
Copy and Paste the following into your form's code. Then, modify the values to fit your needs.
Input Tag Types
Radio Button (for single choice)
Checkbox (for multiple choice)
Select Tag
Text Area
Date Picker
Selecting Today's date and after (class="form-control")
Selecting a date in the past (class="form-uncontrol")
Closing Form (Submit button)
Special Cases
Multi-field Rows
Include clear class and span-6 for two columns.
Two Column Row
Include clear class and span-4 for three columns.
Three Column Row
Special Cases
Multi-field Rows
Include clear class and span-6 for two columns.
Adding Required Fields
The required attribute is added to an input that must be filled out for the form to be submitted. This attribute can be applied to input types: text, file, telephone, email, date picker, checkbox and radio buttons, etc.
Field Names
Realname allows the user to type in their real name. This field will also be set into the "From" line of the email that contains the form's data, which makes it easy to "Reply to sender" and respond to a form submission.
Persons "real" name
Persons "real" email address
Hidden Inputs
In the form itself, hidden inputs are used to control form behavior – what address the form data is sent to, any required fields, auto responder file to send to the person who filled out the form, the URL of a page to send the user to after submitting the form, etc.
Set subject in mail sent
Your form must include the recipient field
This is the email address that will receive the mail sent when someone completes the form.
Note: We recommend using shared email addresses and NOT a personal email – this allows multiple people to have access to the form results, reply to users, etc. If you need assistance setting this up, contact the ITS Help Desk.
Redirect to Thank You page
Autoresponder message to mail to the person that completes the form
Note: that this should be a pre-formatted plain text file and you need to use the reserved field name "email" to collect their email address. Else you won't have any place to send it to!
"Sniff" browser info, user agent, etc. Use all, a few, or leave it out altogether: