
Email Signature


The 青青草视频 email signature represents you and the institution. As such, it should be kept current and should not be personalized. It is your business card, in digital format.

Instructions for Use

Click your signature below and all of the text and images will be highlighted. Press Ctrl-C to copy. Paste it into the signature box in Outlook. (Contact the Help Desk if you need assistance.) Then, enter your name and information where indicated.

Note: The Saints signature is only to be used by the Athletics department. The Police Department signature is only to be used by the Police Department.

Preferred pronouns may be added to your signature. Use the format they/them/theirs.

Signature Add-On: O365 Reminder for Students

If you regularly communicate with students, please include the following line at the bottom of your email signature:

Note: Students are required to use their Office 365 email account (...@go.sfcollege.edu) when communicating with employees at the college. Login into eSantaFe to access your O365 account.