
Media and Advertising


The reputation of the college is critical. It is directly connected to our enrollment numbers and it affects our relationships with donors and community partners. Marketing & Communications (MarCom) is the part of the college designated to work with the media, and is responsible for how the college is portrayed to the public.

Advertising and Sponsorships

Prior to any payments or contracts, all advertising and sponsorship opportunities should be discussed with the director of MarCom.

For information about advertising on social media, see the Social Media page in the Guidelines section of this Brand Guide.

Due to challenges with billing at different stations at different times of the fiscal year, all radio ads must be ordered through Marketing & Communications (MarCom). Individual areas can use interdepartmental billing (IDB) with MarCom.

Media Inquiries

If you have a story that you think is newsworthy or if a reporter has approached you for a quote, always check in with the college communications manager before interacting with the press.

The communications manager will help determine who should be consulted if a story is being researched by a reporter, where an interview should take place so that the college is best represented, and what strategic talking points should be considered. They also offer coaching before an interview.

College News

If you have an event or announcement that you would like to publicize in the College News, email today@sfcollege.edu. The College News cannot promote, endorse, sponsor or support any particular business, religion or political platform. It is a public facing news source and can only promote events directly affiliated with the college.