Visual Identity


Following these guidelines help project a consistent representation of the college. It is critical that the college name, logo and images be used only by approved entities and that no alternative logos or images are substituted. ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ reserves the right to remove from circulation any printed or promotional materials produced in a manner that is not consistent with these guidelines.

On This Page


Presidential Seal





Primary Logos

There are three primary logos that represent ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. Each contains the monogram and the SF wordmark. The preferred version is the "stacked logo" which features the wordmark as "Santa Fe" stacked above "College." It is separated from the monogram by eight dots.

Preferred Brand Logo

The vertical and horizontal logos can be used when it better suits the design space. The vertical logo has a much larger monogram above the stacked wordmark:

SF Logo Vertical ExampleSF Logo Horizontal Example

Note: Use of the college monogram and wordmark as standalone elements requires prior approval from MarCom.

For instructions on downloading the official college logo, see the Logos and Letterhead page of the Toolkit section of this Brand Guide.

Secondary Logos

Secondary logos are exactly like the primary logos, with the name of each division, department or program listed under a solid blue line. 

Stacked secondary logo example

SF Departmental Logo Horizontal ExampleSF Departmental Logo Vertical Example

Find your area's logos by going to the Logos and Letterhead page of the Toolkit section of this Brand Guide. 

Co-Branded Logos

Any logo that demonstrates a relationship with the college is a co-branded logo. These logos are used for recruitment, retention and/or to advance the college. Creation of co-branded logos is time-intensive and MarCom is responsible for determining which entities should have one.

Internal – Internal Co-Branded logos are developed with assistance from Marketing & Communications to help distinguish programs that play a critical role in recruiting and retaining students. Eligibility for new Internal Co-Branded logos is subject to MarCom and VP approval and rules for their usage may vary.

Internal Logo Examples include Honors, Student Government, PD, Veterans and Student Life

External – External Co-Branded logos demonstrate a relationship between the college and an outside entity. These logos are developed with assistance from Marketing & Communications. Eligibility for new External Co-Branded logos is subject to MarCom approval and rules for their usage may vary.

External Logo Examples include Foundation, SF Alumni and Friends, MBK, TRIO Educational Talent Search

Campaigns (i.e.- No. 1 in the Nation, Opening Doors, 50 to First)

Campaign Logo Examples include Opening Doors, 50 to First, No. 1 in the Nation

Retired Logos

Over time, our brand has evolved, leaving a collection of retired logos that help to tell the history of the college. This collection includes logo styles that have more than eight dots, logos that overlay images over our monogram, and logos that stack a department name under the wordmark. These logos should no long be used to represent SF.

Retired Logo Examples include SF Logo with too many dots and sustainable SF


The Saints logo, monogram and Caesar's head are reserved for use only by Athletics.

Athletics Example logos

Presidential Seal

Permission to use the presidential seal must be obtained from the Office of the President

SF President's Seal Blue


Color is a crucial component for our visual communications. The combination of Saints Blue and white stands front and center in the public's perception of SF. A secondary set of colors can be used as accents: Campus blue, gold, charcoal and silver.

Follow the color values listed below when using the Pantone Matching System, CMYK, RGB, or Hexadecimal values.

  • Saints Blue
  • Campus Blue
  • Gold
  • Charcoal
  • Silver


Our primary typeface for print and online applications is Helvetica Neue. There are many variations in the Helvetica family; the most common are shown below. Contact the Help Desk if you need help downloading fonts.

Marketing & Communications has also obtained limited licenses for several faces of our secondary typefaces Museo and The Braggest. These should be used sparingly. Museo is often used as a headline, while The Braggest adds emphasis and personality for advertisements and marketing pieces. If the secondary fonts are used too often, they lose their impact.


Primary Font Choice Helvetica Neue


2 Secondary Font Choice Museo


3 Third Font Choice Braggest

Download our fonts from the Fonts page of our Toolkit section in this Brand Guide.