Course Registration

How to Register for Classes

You won't be able to register until your assigned registration time (appointment). Registration appointments are automatically assigned about a week before the start of the registration period. You can view your registration appointment time on the first screen after you login to eSantaFe, or by clicking on the My Info Status link in eSantaFe. You can also see if you have any registration holds and how to resolve them from this link. Registration is completed online through your eSantaFe account.

Learn which classes SF offers, steps on how to register for classes, view your schedule and see payment options on the Office of the Registrar site.

How are registration issues resolved?

There are three main ways that issues regarding registration for classes can be resolved:

Through eSantaFe
Refer to Academic Advisor
By Various Departments

On This Page

Registration hold or Missing "Register" button in eSantaFe
Class is Full
View degree audit
Must select a degree/advisement track
Time Conflict

Courses that include a lecture and a lab
Prerequisite needed
Proper math required
Permission Required
C or Better

Issues resolved through eSantaFe

Registration hold or missing "Register" button in eSantaFe - Review the "Registration Stops" section of the "My Status" page in your eSantaFe account to verify your registration appointment date and confirm whether you have active registration holds. You will be able to register on or after your registration appointment date once all registration holds have been resolved.

Class is FullThere are currently no open seats for the class section that you have selected. Advisors are not able to override students into a full class. If you would still like to enroll in this class, you should keep checking the schedule to see if a seat opens or add yourself to the waiting list by clicking on the "Notify Me" button next to the class listing in eSantaFe. If you are on the waiting list and a space opens up in the class, you will receive an email notification in your SF email account. Because there is no guarantee that you will be able to enroll in a class section once it is full, it is always recommended that you register for a class section that still has seats available.

View degree auditYou must review your Degree Audit Detail at least once each semester before you will be allowed to register. To access your Degree Audit Detail, log into eSantaFe, click the "Advisement" tab, then "Degree Audit", and "Degree Audit Detail".

Must select a degree/advisement trackIf your advisement track is listed as "Exploring Arts & Humanities", "Exploring General Studies", "Exploring Science", or "Exploring Social Science", and you have completed or registered for 24 credit hours, you will need to change to a non- "Exploring" track before you will be able to register for classes. Instructions for changing your degree are available on the Degree Tracking page. Once you have changed your degree, make sure to exit and log back into your eSantaFe account to ensure that your registration hold will be lifted.

Time ConflictIf you try to register for a class that meets at the same time as a class you are already registered for, you will receive a time conflict error. To resolve this error, select an alternate class section which meets at a different time.

Courses that include a lecture and a lab - If your class has a required lab, you must register for both the lecture and the matching lab (same section number) at the same time. (Examples: BSC2005 – General Biology with lab, MAC2233 – Survey of Calculus, etc.).

When you should refer to your Academic Advisor

Prerequisite neededYou must complete another class (prerequisite) before taking this class. Click on the class title in the eSantaFe class listing to review which prerequisite is needed. Contact your advisor if you believe you have already completed the needed prerequisite.

Issues handled by various departments

Proper math required - If you are an A.A. degree seeking student and you are trying to register for 12 or more credits, or if you are registering for courses and have already earned 12 or more credits, SF requires you to take a math class each semester until you have met the A.A. degree math requirement of 6 completed credit hours. If you have reason to want to postpone a math class for a semester, you should meet with an academic advisor or the math department chair to discuss your plan. Your advisor or the chair will review your overall course plan as well as your reason for wanting to postpone your math. They will also help you determine the best course of action.

Permission RequiredSome classes require department permission to register. These classes will have a "P" listed in the "Flags" section of the class listing in eSantaFe. If there is an "H" in the section number, the class is limited to students in the Honors program. For assistance with registering for other classes with a "P" flag, contact the academic department which offers the class.

C or BetterIf you are attempting to register for a class for which you have previously earned a grade of C or better, you must first receive approval from the Office of the Registrar. To request approval, submit a C or Better Appeal. This approval is also required if you are attempting to retake a class which requires a lab and you have previously passed either the lecture or the lab.

Need additional help?

If you still need assistance with registration issues, please meet with an advisor.

Make an Appointment