Did you know there are now FIVE R's?
Rethink - You can minimize waste by thinking about what you are buying or doing. For example, buy in bulk, it requires less packaging.
Reduce - Change your habits. Do you really need to print that website or could you just send it to yourself via email? If you need to print, double-side it.
Reuse - Did you accidentally print a blank sheet at the end of your paper? Use that extra sheet for notes in your next class or meeting.
Recycle - When you can't use an item any longer, recycle it in the proper manner, or pass it on to someone else who can use it. Be sure to know what is recyclable and only place those items in the recycling container. Also, remember to buy recycled to continue the cycle.
Refuse - Refuse to take plastic bags from the grocery store or styrofoam cups or containers. Let local businesses know you don't want these items.
Tips to reduce your waste
- Buy products with the least amount of packaging possible.
- Take along canvas bags when shopping.
- Avoid disposable items, such as plates, cups, napkins, etc.
- Choose items made of recycled content.
- Buy "economy" or bulk items, but only in sizes you will use.
- When choosing between beverages in plastic or aluminum, go for the aluminum. It takes just six weeks for that aluminum can you throw in your recycle bin to end up back in use in a new container on your grocery store shelf!
- Maintain and repair items when possible.
- Reduce fast food packaging. Refuse styrofoam boxes and plastic bags. Keep a knife and fork set tucked in your purse or car.
- Make your voice known to businesses.
On This Page
Recycling On Campus
If your recycling bin is full, please contact Facilities Services at 352-395-5521.
Blue receptacles are located in each building. Faculty and staff need to empty small blue bins from office in larger big blue bins located in common areas.
- Newspaper, Magazines, Office Paper, Junk Mail, Brown Paper Bags
- Shredding (must be in plastic bags)
- Cardboard boxes (must be broken down and placed next to bins)
Cans and Bottles
Receptacles are located around campus.
- Aluminum Cans
- Glass bottles and jars
- Plastic bottles
- Yogurt containers
(remove all lids and clean out containers) - NO PLASTIC BAGS or SOLO/DRINK CUPS
Electronic Waste (e-Waste)
- Old discs, CDs, keyboards, etc. can be picked up by facilities and moved to Surplus for recycling. Place a work order with facilities (352-395-5521) to move the items.
Light bulbs
- All light bulbs (CFL's, projector, fluorescent tube) can be sent to Central Stores in Building U for proper disposal. Contact Facilities at 352-395-5521 for more information.
New or Lightly-used Office/School Supplies
- Items can be donated to 青青草视频's Share Wear (352-395-5217) our on campus thrift store or (352-374-5213), which serves students and teachers in Alachua County by providing a free store for classroom supplies and creative learning materials.
Printer Cartridges
- All college purchased printer cartridges are to be recycled through the manufacturers and retailers via the return label inside the box of the newly purchased cartridges. If there is no label provided in the box, then all cartridges are to be sent to Purchasing for recycling through the various recycling programs where the college receives the benefit/credit.
Other Items
- Please contact Purchasing at 352-395-5217 for proper disposal procedures.
Recycling At Home
Alachua County recycles 60% of its waste. That's one of the highest recycling rates in the entire State of Florida!
Visit the page for information on what goes in your blue and orange bins along with proper disposal of other items.
The City of Gainesville also has a which allows you to search unwanted items and learn where to donate, or the proper way to dispose of them.