
Student Affairs

Our Mission

Adding value to the lives of our students and enriching our community by providing research-based and learner-centered services to support access and student engagement from matriculation to goal attainment.


An inclusive student-centered environment where all individuals are empowered to achieve their highest potential.

A collaborative network of shared resources, which guarantees access and promotes opportunities for success.

Communities where all will embrace a compelling personal vision that empower self-fulfillment, global responsibility, partnership and stewardship.

A staff that passionately engages its students in the successful pursuit of their vision for well-being and security.

An environment that supports success where creativity is fostered and rewarded and a safe haven is provided for self-discovery, change, responsibility and productivity.


Believing in the power of education to positively transform lives and communities Student Affairs:

  • Creates a nurturing environment that promotes access, dignity, involvement and success.
  • Supports integrity, excellence, stewardship and innovation.
  • Fosters self-discovery, personal freedom and life-long learning.
  • Facilitates partnerships through educational programs and services.

Student Engagement

Results of over sixty years of research (and most recently Title III and the CCSSE) on strategies to improve student retention, student learning and success recognize student engagement in the teaching/ learning environment as the most significant factor. Student Affairs is committed to this strategy.