
Request Update

Please allow 2 (two) business days (48 hours) for your update to appear on the website. Requests submitted on a Thursday will appear on the following Tuesday.

Thank you for completing the form.

You may be hearing from a representative from the College Senate. Please allow 2 (two) business days (48 hours) for your update to appear on the website. Requests submitted on a Thursday will appear on the following Tuesday.

Request Update


Example: /senate/motions

Text or file location on webpage (please be specific)

Specify filename(s) to be added or removed (if applicable)

(if applicable)

Choose a file to upload

Filenames should be short and use space (i.e. Senate Meeting Agenda.pdf) instead of underscore and dash. Your file will appear online exactly as you have named it. Include the editable version of your file (i.e. Senate Meeting Agenda.docx) and a pdf (Senate Meeting Agenda.pdf) version.