
Select Committees

Ad Hoc Committee on Civility and Decorum

The Ad Hoc Committee on Civility and Decorum was approved via motion on April 9, 2024, and the charge was delivered on May 7, 2024.


The committee will thoroughly examine the existing College Senate Constitution, By-Laws, and Robert's Rules of Order to identify areas to add or clarify to promote decorum and civility in all interactions associated with College Senate.

Based on the findings from the review, the committee will propose recommendations for additions or amendments to the Senate Constitution or By-Laws to address decorum and civility, as well as framework for enforcing consequences in a fair and effective manner.

The committee will be expected to present their recommendations and first reading to the College Senate for review and consideration in the Fall 2024 semester at the first meeting of College Senate.


  • Peter Concannon (co-chair)
  • Dave Price (co-chair)
  • Helda Montero
  • Kimberley Smith
  • Stefanie Waschull
  • Laurel Severino Woolsey

Ad Hoc Committee on Textbook Access and Affordability

The Ad Hoc Committee on Civility and Decorum was approved via motion on January 14, 2025, and the charge was delivered on January 31, 2025.


The committee is charged with investigating best practices in course material selection and access to ensure timely, affordable, and equitable access to course materials for all students. This may include examining textbook affordability and availability, increasing access to essential course materials, exploring the feasibility and adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER), and best practices for ensuring all materials comply with accessibility standards to support students with disabilities.


The committee will draft a report with best practices, including cost if known, and recommendations to be delivered to College Senate by the end of the Spring 2025 semester.


Amanda Mosely (Library, co-chair), Laurel Woolsey (English, co-chair), Dave Price (Social & Behavioral Sciences), Manisha Ranade (Mathematics), Leslie Rios (Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence), Kimberley Smith (Disabilities Resource Center), Stefanie Waschull (Academic Affairs), TBA (clock-hour programs); Nate Southerland (Provost, advisory)

Meeting Dates

2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 4/4, 4/18, 1-2pm, CTLE Hub