
Report an Accident

Emergency Accidents: Call 911 + SFPD Emergency Line 352-395-5555 Immediately

Non-Emergency Accidents: Call SFPD Non-Emergency Line 352-395-5519 Immediately

On This Page:

Employee Non-Emergency Accident Procedures: Northwest Campus

If Medical Treatment is Necessary:

  1. Call the SFPD non-emergency line at 352-395-5519. Notify your supervisor.
  2. SFPD will complete an Accident/Incident Report and provide you with a Workers Compensation Medical Report (WCMR) authorizing medical treatment.
  3. The only authorized medical provider is Emergency Physicians Medical Center (see below). You must inform the provider that the incident was work-related.
  4. The provider will determine any future medical needs and/or work restrictions and give you a Form DWC-25. A copy of this form must be given to the Safety Coordinator within 24 hours of this appointment.
  5. The Safety Coordinator will file a Workers Compensation claim if necessary.
  6. If applicable, a notification letter will be sent to you and your supervisor with information on work status and/or any necessary follow-up.

If Medical Treatment is NOT Necessary:

  1. Call the SFPD non-emergency line at 352-395-5519. Notify your supervisor.
  2. SFPD will respond and complete an Accident/Incident Report. 
  3. If at any time you decide that medical treatment is needed, notify your supervisor and the Safety Coordinator.

Employee Non-Emergency Accident Procedures: Other Campuses

If Medical Treatment is Necessary:

  1. Notify your supervisor.
  2. Submit a completed Accident/Incident Report to the Safety Coordinator as soon as possible.
  3. The Safety Coordinator will send you a Workers' Compensation Medical Report (WCMR) authorizing medical treatment and file a Workers' Compensation claim.
  4. The only authorized medical provider is Emergency Physicians Medical Center (see info below). You must inform the provider that the incident was work-related.
  5. The provider will determine any future medical needs and/or work restrictions and give you a Form DWC-25. A copy of this form must be given to the Safety Coordinator within 24 hours of this appointment.
  6. If applicable, a notification letter will be sent to you and your supervisor with information on work status and/or any necessary follow-up.

If Medical Treatment is NOT Necessary:

  1. Notify your supervisor.
  2. Submit a completed Accident/Incident Report to the Safety Coordinator within 24 hours of the incident.
  3. If at any time you decide that medical treatment is needed, notify your supervisor and the Safety Coordinator.

Family/Parental Notification of Accidents and/or Injuries on Campus

If a medical emergency involving a student occurs on campus:

  1. Call 911 immediately and the SFPD emergency line (352-395-5555)
  2. Tell 911 the nature of the emergency, your location, and any information about the situation that could aid responders
  3. Stay with the injured person until responders arrive
  4. SFPD will fill out an Accident/Incident Report
  5. SFPD will document parent/emergency contact if known on the Accident/Incident Report
  6. SFPD will look up the student's information in eStaff and notify the designated emergency contact.

If an injury involving a student occurs on campus which does not require emergency services:

  1. Immediately call the SFPD non-emergency number (352-395-5519)
  2. If in doubt on whether the incident is an emergency or not, treat the incident as an emergency and call 911 and the SFPD emergency line (352-395-5555)
  3. SFPD will fill out an Accident/Incident Report
  4. SFPD will document parent/emergency contact if known on the Accident/Incident Report

IMPORTANT: College employees may NOT provide personal transportation to injured or ill employees, students, contract workers, or visitors.

Authorized Medical Provider

9181 NW 39 Ave Gainesville FL 32606 (352-727-7755) OR
2445 SW 76 St Suite 110 Gainesville FL 32608 (352-872-5111)
Hours (both locations): weekdays 8am-8pm, weekends 12pm-4pm

Workers Compensation Information