


Windows computers are located on all three floors of the Library. You must be a current 青青草视频 student or employee to use library computers. Log in to the computer with your eSantaFe or eStaff credentials. Please see the library staff if you have trouble logging in.

All computers have the Microsoft 365 suite installed, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher.


The Library has four Windows laptops available to borrow for use within the building at the second floor Reference Desk. An SFID card or other approved photo identification is required, and the first time you borrow a laptop you must fill out a form.

The Library also loans a limited number of laptops for semester-long check out. For more information see Laptop Loan Program.


You may access the wireless network using your personal laptop or mobile devices. The access point is SFCollege. You will need to log in with your eSantaFe/eStaff log in. More information can be found at ITS's Wi-Fi Assistance page.


The library printers are located on the first and second floors. The cost per page is 10 cents for black and white (15 cents double-sided) and 25 cents for color (45 cents double-sided). The printers accept credit cards (up to $15), mobile payments, silver coins, and $1 and $5 bills.

To print, follow these steps:

  1. Be sure you are signed in as yourself on a library computer.
  2. Click File, Print, and then choose either the BW_FollowMe (for black and white) or Color_FollowMe (for color) printer.
  3. Go to the lobby on the first floor or near the second floor Reference Desk to retrieve printouts.
  4. At the payment station, sign in with your SFID number and password.
  5. Select your document(s).
  6. Insert your money or swipe your credit card.

Please note that there is a $15 limit on single credit card transactions.

Wireless Printing

SF affiliates (students, faculty, and staff) may print from a wireless device, provided they are on the SFCollege access point (printing will not work from the SFGuest access point). Visit the page to learn how to properly set up wireless printing.


The Library has two scanning stations that will allow you to scan documents in readable PDF format and save them to your flash drive, Google Docs, or email them to yourself. The scanners are located by the printer/copier on the second floor. There is no cost to this service.

Video Viewing

There are video viewing stations on the 2nd floor. Headphones are available to borrow from the Circulation Desk or Reference Desk if needed, or you may provide their own.

External DVD or Blu-Ray drive are available to borrow to use on your own computers or library computers. These drives are available at the first floor Circulation Desk.


Headphones are available at the first floor Circulation Desk and second floor Reference Desk. The Reference Desk also has noise-cancelling headphones that you may borrow to use within the Library with your SFID card. You may also use personal headphones in the computers.

Assistive Technologies

The Library has two specialized computers with adaptive software available on the first and second floors. These computers are on an adjustable table, along with large-print keyboards and a trackball mouse (first floor) or joystick mouse (second floor).

Please ask library staff to direct you to these computers; students registered with the Disabilities Resource Center have priority. For more information, including a list of installed software, view the Library's Services for Users With Disabilities.