SF Mission Statement
In keeping with our values and goals, ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ, a comprehensive public institution of higher education serving North Central Florida and beyond, adds value to the lives of our students and enriches our community through excellence in teaching and learning, innovative educational programs and student services, and community leadership and service.
Library Mission Statement
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library supports ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ with knowledgeable staff, appropriate resources, and an environment that promotes user success and life-long learning.
Art Display Policy
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library showcases Florida themed art.
In keeping with this theme the Library will accept, for temporary display, works produced by SF students, faculty and staff. These works must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Works must reflect the theme of Florida, preferably landscapes.
- Works must be displayed in such a manner (on panels or other methods of hanging) that no wall damage will occur.
- Works must be displayed in a designated area on the first/lobby floor.
- Displays will be limited to no more than two weeks duration.
- All works of art must be reviewed and approved by the Library Art Review Committee at least one month prior to date of show.
- The Library Art Review Committee will have the right to refuse any works it deems inappropriate for display in the Library.
Last reviewed 5/15/2015
Building Use Policy
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library aims to promote a studious, collaborative atmosphere that is conducive to learning and academic progress and respects all users. These guidelines are intended to support this goal.
General Conduct
The Library follows the guidelines of the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Student Conduct Code (Rule 7.23). ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ values honesty, integrity, and civility. Consistent with these values, a respectful atmosphere is maintained in the library. Public displays of physical affection are prohibited.
Users with disabilities are encouraged to visit any of the service desks for help with accommodations.
As set forth in College Procedure 6.5P and defined by the ADAAA and §413.081, F.S., service animals, but not emotional support animals, are welcome in the Library without prior approval or authorization.
Minors who are not SF students are welcome in the Library while accompanied by an adult. Adults accompanying minors into the Library must directly supervise them at all times.
College computers are intended for academic purposes, such as accessing library and college resources and completing coursework. Additional rules are set forth in SF Information Technology Services' appropriate use policies for employees and students. SF students, faculty, and staff with special assistive technology needs have priority use at the Library's adaptive technology workstations. There is no guest access to computers.
Flyers and Promotional Materials
Flyers from off-campus organizations should be taken to Student Life (first floor, Building S) for approval and a list of designated posting locations. External flyers, handouts, and other promotional materials are not allowed within the Library and will be discarded.
Food and Drink
Food and drink are allowed, but users are expected to clean all messes and spills and should throw away all trash. Alcohol may not be brought on campus.
Furniture and Seating
In order to ensure sufficient seating for all users, refrain from lying across multiple seats. Please do not share chairs, including sitting on others' laps.
In order to accommodate a range of preferred study environments, the three floors of the Library have different noise expectations:
- First Floor: Normal tone of voice; ok to use cell phones; no disruptive noise from computers or electronic devices
- Second Floor: Quiet conversations; quiet cell phone use; no audible noise from computers or electronic devices
- Third Floor: No conversations; no cell phone use; no audible noise from computers or electronic devices
In response to user requests, the third floor of the Library is a designated quiet study area. Conversation is limited to the library staff assisting users.
Personal Belongings
Library users are responsible for their personal belongings and should remain with them at all times. Unattended items will be taken to campus lost and found at the SF Police Department (Building T). Keep aisles and pathways clear of personal belongings, including cords and cables.
Porch Use
The patio and porch of the building are an extension of the building and are for educational use only.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
In accordance with the Tobacco Free Campus Policy, the college and library building are smoke-free and tobacco-free, which includes vaping and e-cigarettes.
Study Rooms
Single and group study rooms are available for use by SF students, faculty, and staff on the first and second floors. Additional guidelines are set forth in the Study Room Policy
Visitors are welcome in the library building, with the understanding that not all services may be available. Study room reservations, borrowing privileges, computer use, and printing are reserved for current SF students, faculty, and staff. Guest Wi-Fi is available. Reciprocal borrowing privileges are available to currently enrolled/employed students, faculty, and staff from the 40 public colleges and universities in Florida, but there are no borrowing privileges for the general public.
Wheeled Devices
Only wheeled devices necessary for a disability may be used within the building. Skateboards may be carried and stowed out of the way but should not be used inside. Other wheeled devices, including scooters and bicycles, should be secured outside in campus-designated locations. Bicycles should not be chained to the library porch or other areas not specifically designated for bicycles.
Last reviewed 10/21/2022
Bulletin Board Policy
Bulletin boards in the Library and Learning Commons provide limited spaces for other ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ (SF) departments and organizations to post materials relating directly to SF. Commercial materials are not accepted.
Materials must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Materials must be reviewed and approved by Library and Learning Commons staff before posting. Library and Learning Commons staff will post and remove all materials.
- Materials must be submitted for consideration by a member or representative of an official SF department or organization.
- Materials must clearly indicate the official SF department or organization.
- Materials must relate directly to an official SF department, program, organization, course, service, resource, or activity/event.
- Materials must be appropriate for a public, educational environment.
- Library and Learning Commons staff have the right to refuse any materials.
- Library or Learning Commons staff have the right to remove and discard materials at any time.
- Materials posted without approval will be removed and discarded.
- Approved materials generally will be removed and discarded after one week.
Bulletin boards are located outside Y-109 and next to the public stairwell first-floor entrance.
Last reviewed 11/2023
Circulation Policy
Borrowing Privileges
Borrowing privileges are extended to all currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff of ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ.
Reciprocal borrowing privileges are extended to currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff of all Florida public colleges and universities.
Borrowing privileges are extended as a courtesy to adult education students, participants in the Displaced Homemaker (Focus on the Future) program, and retired SF faculty and staff.
Borrowing privileges are not extended to the general public.
Borrowing transactions require one of the following valid forms of photo identification. Patrons must also provide a correct college/university ID number. Verification of enrollment or employment may be required.
- ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ ID card (preferred)
- ID card issued by a Florida public college or university
- Driver's License or Permit (any U.S. state)
- Official State ID (any U.S. state)
- U.S. Military ID
- U.S. Permanent Residence card
- Passport (any country)
Laptop borrowers must sign a Use Form, outlining the borrower's responsibilities. Patrons who fail to follow library laptop policies will lose laptop borrowing privileges.
Overdue/lost items on a patron's record will preclude borrowing transactions. Items overdue or requested by another patron may not be renewed.
Items in the Reference and Periodicals Collections are non-circulating.
Borrowers may not lend library materials to a third party.
Overdue, Lost, Damaged, and Incorrect Return of Items
Patrons are responsible for all items that appear on their accounts.
Patrons who believe they should not be responsible for items that appear on their accounts may appeal in writing to a circulation supervisor.
Patrons are responsible for library materials left unattended at a service desk.
Laptops must be returned directly to a full-time library staff member. The library will charge replacement cost (as determined by the library) for a laptop placed in any of the library drop boxes.
Patrons may not tamper with laptops.
Returns of reserve materials, calculators, headphones and laptops are not accepted after 7 days overdue. Replacement cost (as determined by the Library) must be paid.
If a patron returns a returnable, paid-for lost item, a refund of the replacement cost will be made, providing the Library has not already replaced the item.
In the case of an interlibrary loan, the originating library's policies will apply.
See Overdue, Lost, Damaged, and Incorrect Return Policies by Item.
In the case of an interlibrary loan, the originating library's policies will apply.
Mutilation and Theft of Library Material
Attempted or actual theft or vandalism of and/or damage to library material constitutes a violation of Rule 7.23 Article III Section B of the SF Rules Manual. Violators are subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in that code.
In cases when library staff judge damage done to library material to be deliberate, the library will take the following action.
- First Minor Offense:
- Two week suspension of patron's library privileges.
- Summary of offense added to patron's library record.
- Campus Police will be notified in cases involving individuals not affiliated with ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ.
- Second Minor or First Major Offense:
- Permanent loss of patron's library privileges.
- Campus Police will be notified.
Any damage caused by the removal or attempted removal of library labels or security devices will be considered deliberate and evidence of an attempt to steal.
Proxy for Santa Fe Patrons with Disabilities
Any SF Library patron with a disability that might interfere with borrowing materials in person may authorize a proxy to borrow physical materials on their behalf.
Proxies need not have their own SF Library borrowing privileges.
All items will be placed on the authorizing patron's account.
The authorizing patron assumes full responsibility for items borrowed on their behalf.
A proxy may renew items on the authorizing patron's account.
Proxies will be required to show their own picture IDs consistent with the SF Library ID Policy.
The SF Library may share loan information from a patron's account with that patron's proxy. Loan information includes:
- Number and titles of items on a patron's account.
- Due dates and overdue/lost status of items on a patron's account.
- Titles and monetary amounts associated with outstanding fines/fees on a patron's account.
All authorizations terminate at the end of each semester.
A patron may authorize or withdraw authorization for a proxy at any time using the .
Authorization or withdrawal of authorization will take effect upon receipt of a confirmation email from the SF Library.
Last updated 6/17/2020
Collection Development Policy
The Tyree Library Collection Development Policy is designed to provide a policy for the systematic development of library collections. Since the nature of information dissemination, networking, and library resource sharing is undergoing revolutionary change, collection development issues are no longer limited to physical collections and must now be considered within the framework of global access to information in all formats.
This policy is intended to define a collection development program to meet the following objectives:
- Assist library faculty in providing current, diverse, balanced collections of materials to support the instructional, institutional and individual needs of students, faculty, and staff.
- Ensure faculty participation in collection development.
- Provide faculty, staff, and students integrated access to collections of materials in paper, electronic, and media formats in the most cost-effective manner.
- Assist with short-range and long-range fiscal planning.
Selection Responsibility
The library faculty work cooperatively to recommend and select materials for purchase. Final responsibility for selection lies with the library director; however, the director delegates to the library faculty the authority to interpret and guide the application of policy in making day-to-day selections.
The process of selecting library materials includes input from the entire college. Library faculty, acting as subject specialists, are primarily responsible for selecting materials for purchase by the Library. They rely on the input of faculty, staff, and students, and consult recognized selection tools, such as . Subject specialists are expected to establish and maintain regular contact with their liaison departments and to encourage faculty participation in the selection process.
Faculty, staff and student requests for materials will be reviewed by the appropriate subject specialist to ensure that the item requested follows the Library's Collection Development Policy. The Library supplies an form that is accessible by all users. Requested materials should be related to educational programs offered by ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. Due to copyright limitations, the Library cannot place free review copies from publishers into its collection.
General Criteria for Selection of Materials
General factors to be considered in adding specific materials to the library collection include the composition of the present collection and collection development objectives. Additionally, the following factors may be considered, as appropriate to the type of material:
- Relevance to the curriculum and appropriateness to the user
- Availability of material in cooperative libraries
- Comprehensiveness or depth of information for the intended audience
- Accuracy of information
- Inclusion of title in special bibliographies or indices
- Diversity of viewpoint
- Timeliness and lasting value of material
- Reputation of the author, issuing body, and/or publisher
- Presentation, such as style, clarity, reading level
- Aesthetic considerations, such as literary, artistic, or social value; appeal to the imagination, senses, or intellect
- Special features, such as detailed, logical, accurate index, bibliography, footnotes, pictorial representations
- Physical and technical quality, such as paper, typography, and design; physical size; binding; durability
- Ease of access or user-friendliness
- Suitability of the format for library use
- Depth of current holdings in the same or similar subject
- Demand, including frequency of interlibrary loan requests to borrow similar materials from other libraries
- Cost of material relative to the budget and other available material
No materials will be excluded from consideration because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political, or social view of the material, the author, or the intended audience. Individual items, which in and of themselves may be controversial or offensive to some patrons, may appropriately be selected if their inclusion will contribute to the range of viewpoints and effectiveness of the library collection as a whole.
Types of Materials Collected
The library collection supports the research needs of the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ curriculum through various types of materials.
- Books/monographs are collected in clothbound editions unless cost is significantly higher than a paper edition. eBooks and graphic format non-fiction are selected when fiscally responsible or appropriate to programs within the curriculum. Additional eBooks are available through the core set of eResources available to all 28 Florida state colleges. Current selection criteria, set forth in this policy, apply to eBooks.
- Reference materials include, but are not limited to, encyclopedias, dictionaries, maps, atlases, directories, indexes, bibliographies, statistical compilations, handbooks, and internet resources. In addition, core academic reference works published in other subject areas are also selected when they provide fundamental bibliographic access to, or an introductory overview of, an academic discipline. Items in the Reference Collection do not circulate.
- Serials/periodicals/journals/newspapers are publications issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials are issued in print, non-print, and electronic formats and are acquired via subscription. All formats are considered in the Library's purchase and/or access decisions. Since it is more cost-efficient to purchase electronic access for serials, this method of delivery is chosen when fiscally prudent. Cooperative acquisition (regional and statewide) of electronic serials databases is actively pursued.
- Databases provide subscription access to online resources that enhance the breadth of the Library's collection and extend access to distance learners through remote access. Core subject area databases are provided through the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) and are available to all twenty-eight Florida state colleges. The Library may purchase supplemental databases to support the SF curriculum using current selection criteria set forth in this policy.
- Media materials, including DVDs, compact discs, streaming video, audiobooks, and vinyl, are purchased by the Library on a limited basis as funds permit. The Library does not typically secure public performance rights (PPR) with video purchases. Individuals or organizations are responsible for obtaining PPR for public viewing.
- Popular materials in a variety of formats, are purchased in limited quantities to encourage the curiosity and literacy skills of library users, foster a sense of belonging, and promote wellness. The selection of materials is a collaborative process that reflects a variety of viewpoints representing the broad interests of the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ community.
- Course Reserves consist of materials placed in the Library by instructors, staff, and departments to provide greater access during the term a course is taught. It is the responsibility of the individuals contributing items to obtain copies and copyright permission before placing materials on reserve. Course packs, consumables (such as workbooks) may not be placed on reserve. Only materials in support of SF's curriculum or other SF-related activities may be placed in the Reserve Collection.
- English-language materials are selected primarily. Non-English language materials may be purchased in support of SF's foreign language curriculum or to support programs as defined in the Special Initiatives section.
- Duplicate materials are added only when warranted by heavy usage of copies already held by the Library. The Library participates in several resource sharing cooperatives, and may decide not to purchase some materials that are available from participating libraries. The intent of these arrangements is to supplement the resources available to the faculty, staff, and students of the College.
- External websites may be listed in research or resource guides on the library website. These websites are selected using the same collection development criteria listed in this document, and link suggestions via email are not considered.
As a general rule, the Tyree Library does not purchase assigned course textbooks in print or electronic format for addition to the library collections.
Reasons textbooks are not purchased:
- Textbooks are constantly updated, and repetitive purchasing of largely duplicative content is not fiscally responsible.
- One copy is generally not sufficient for an entire class, and buying multiple copies is prohibitively expensive.
- Most publishers do not license e-textbooks to libraries and when available, only allow a single-user license which doesn't support an entire class.
Possible exceptions:
- Textbooks that have earned a reputation as classics in their fields or that are the only or best sources of information on a particular topic.
- At the discretion of the library, textbooks for high-enrollment courses offered consistently over multiple semesters or academic years ensuring that resources will be used across a sustained period, maximizing their value and relevance.
Accessibility of Electronic Resources
The Tyree Library is committed to accessibility of materials, products, and services for all its users. Accessibility is a criterion that is considered for all electronic resources. Prior to purchase, the Library will request and review a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) and/or accessibility statement from the vendor. For products that are not WCAG 2.0 AA compliant, a timeline for the remedy of inaccessible content may be requested.
For purchased products that do not meet usable and accessible standards but have unique and necessary content, library staff will work with the Disabilities Resource Center and/or other appropriate campus stakeholders to provide the information in a format that is accessible as needed.
Detailed Analysis of Subject Collections
This section describes the breadth and depth of subject collections. The Tyree Library uses the following collection development levels to describe collections appropriate for the support of a state college curriculum. Library faculty determine level assignments for each classification area based on the following considerations:
- Degree level of courses supported by the subject area
- Number of courses supported by the subject area
- Number of students enrolled in courses supported by the subject area
- Special status (e.g., general education, writing-intensive, articulation requirements, etc.) of courses supported by the subject area
- Cross-discipline relevance of the subject area
- Level of current research appropriate for state college students in the subject area
Collection development levels are defined as follows:
- Basic Level – resources are supplemental to the curriculum or meet general interest. Selections limited to essential works.  
- General Academic Research Level – resources support curriculum in lower division courses, certificate programs, or instructional support programs (e.g., ESOL). This may include major reference works, historical surveys, select books and media that cover current topics of interest/study, and a few major periodicals in the field. 
- Research Intensive Level – resources support research-intensive courses or programs of study.  This level provides undergraduate resources that support current topics of study or relate to specific assignments. This may include a wide range of books and media, complete collections of works of more important writers, selections from the works of secondary writers, a selection of representative journals, and reference tools pertaining to the curriculum. 
- Baccalaureate Level - resources directly support curriculum of baccalaureate courses. This level provides upper-division undergraduate resources that support current topics of study or relate to specific assignments in the course. This may include a wide range of books and media, complete collections of works of more important writers, selections from the works of secondary writers, a variety of representative journals, and reference tools pertaining to the programs of study. 
For the general collection, each of the following classification areas have been assigned to one of the first three levels:
Classification | Subjects | Level |
A |
General Works |
1 |
B - BD, BH - BJ |
Philosophy and Ethics |
3 |
BF |
Psychology |
3 |
BL - BX |
Religion |
2 |
C |
Studies of History |
1 |
D |
World History |
3 |
E - F |
History of the Americas |
3 |
G - GB |
Geography |
3 |
GC |
Oceanography |
2 |
GE | Environmental Sciences | 3 |
GF - GN |
Human Ecology, Anthropology |
3 |
GR |
Folklore |
1 |
GT |
Manners, Customs |
1 |
GV |
Recreation |
2 |
H, HM - HT, HX |
Social Sciences, Sociology, Social Groups |
3 |
HA |
Statistics |
2 |
HB - HJ |
Economics, Finance |
2 |
HV |
Criminology |
3 |
J |
Political Science |
3 |
K |
Law |
2 |
L |
Education |
3 |
M |
Music |
2 |
N |
Fine Arts |
3 |
P - PB |
Ancient Languages and Literature |
1 |
PC |
Romance Languages |
2 |
PE |
English Language |
2 |
PD, PF - PM |
Other Languages |
2 |
PN |
General Literature, Drama, and Film |
3 |
PQ - PT |
Romance, English, and American Literature |
3 |
Children's Literature and Non-fiction |
3 |
Q |
General Science |
2 |
QA (math only) |
Mathematics |
3 |
QA 75-76.95, TK |
Computer Science, Computer Engineering |
2 |
QB |
Astronomy |
2 |
QC |
Physics |
2 |
QD |
Chemistry |
2 |
QE - QK |
Geology, Natural History, and Botany |
3 |
QL |
Zoology |
3 |
QM - QR |
Human Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology |
3 |
R |
General Medicine |
2 |
RA |
Public Aspects of Medicine |
2 |
RB |
Pathology |
2 |
RC - RS |
Medical Disciplines |
3 |
RT |
Nursing |
2 |
RV - RZ |
Other Medicine |
1 |
S |
Agriculture |
2 |
T |
Technology (General) |
1 |
TA - TJ |
Engineering and Building Construction |
3 |
TL |
Motor Vehicles and Aeronautics |
2 |
TN - TP |
Mining, Chemical Technology |
2 |
TR |
Photography and Digital Media |
2 |
TS - TX |
Crafts and Home Economics |
2 |
U - V |
Military, Naval Science |
2 |
Z |
Bibliography, Library Science |
1 |
Additionally, materials to support the College's bachelor's programs will be collected at level 4, the Baccalaureate level.
Classification | Subjects/Bachelor's Program | Level |
Accounting |
4 |
Nursing BSN |
4 |
Clinical Laboratory Science |
4 |
Early Childhood Education |
4 |
Health Services Administration |
4 |
Industrial Biotechnology |
4 |
Information Services Technology |
4 |
Multimedia and Video Production Technology |
4 |
Organizational Management |
4 |
Special Initiatives
Materials may be purchased with targeted, non-recurring funds (e.g. grants, special initiatives) to create a core collection to support specific programs and initiatives. Materials are selected by library faculty in consultation with teaching faculty and college staff as appropriate and housed in ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ library facilities. Development of the collection will use criteria based on the needs of a specific program or initiative. Criteria may include:
- Audiences served by the specific program or initiative which may expand outside the immediate college community.
- Currency guidelines may deviate from established policy depending on the needs of the program.
- Level of scholarship may deviate from theoretical and scholarly works normally collected. Practical materials of a popular nature may be more appropriate for the goals of the program or initiative.
- Topics may not always directly support college programs of study but may foster student development and lifelong learning.
The Library does not accept donations of materials. For a local option, please consider donating your materials to the in support of the Alachua County Library District.
Deselection (Weeding)
Deselection of library materials (the process of removing items from the collection) is essential for the maintenance of a current, academically useful library collection. Deselection provides quality control for the collection by elimination of outdated, inaccurate, no longer needed, and worn-out materials. Library faculty are responsible for conducting an ongoing deselection effort and consult with faculty for large weeding projects.
The Tyree Library is not an archival library. As with selection, the depth and breadth of each subject area are considered in deselection. Materials that no longer meet selection criteria are removed from the collection.
Print and Media Resources Deselection
The deselection guidelines utilized by the Lawrence W. Tyree Library are based on the American Library Association approved .
The MUSTIE criteria are applied during the deselection process:
- M = misleading and/or factually inaccurate
U = ugly, worn beyond and/or unworthy of mending (moldy, poor binding, torn) - S = superseded by a truly new edition, duplicates, or a better book on the subject
- T = trivial, of no discernible literary or scientific merit
- I = irrelevant to the needs and interests of patrons (no longer supports curriculum)
- E = easy to obtain the material elsewhere (through interlibrary loan or reciprocal borrowing)
In addition to the MUSTIE criteria, the following date and circulation history guidelines are considered:
Classification | Subjects | Copyright date must be within the last... | Must have circulated within the last... |
A |
General Works |
10 years |
5 years |
B - BX |
Philosophy, Psychology, Religion |
10 years |
5 years |
C - F |
History |
15 years |
5 years |
G |
Geography, Anthropology, Recreation |
10 years |
5 years |
H |
Social Sciences |
10 years |
5 years |
J |
Political Science |
10 years |
5 years |
K |
Law |
5 years* |
3 years |
L |
Education |
10 years |
5 years |
M |
Music |
N/A |
5 years |
N |
Fine Arts |
N/A |
5 years |
P |
Language, Literature |
N/A |
10 years |
Q |
Science |
10 years |
5 years |
R |
Medicine |
5 years* |
3 years |
S |
Agriculture |
10 years |
5 years |
T |
Technology |
5 years |
5 years |
U - V |
Military, Naval Science |
10 years |
5 years |
Z |
Bibliography, Library Science |
10 years |
5 years |
Children's Literature |
15 years |
5 years |
* Within certain fields (e.g., law and medicine), financial, managerial, historical, and philosophical works are not as time sensitive and may be retained in the collection for more than 5 years from the publication date.
Additional deselection policies for print and media resources include:
- Materials which cannot be repaired or rebound or for which the cost of preservation exceeds the usefulness of the information contained are deselected.
- If a title has not circulated at least three times in the last fifteen years, it may
be deselected. Items that may be kept longer include:
- Items considered classic works in their field (as determined by listing in ) that have long-term value.
- Items that contain valid content that cannot be replaced by newer sources.
- The title may be retained if it is included in .
When appropriate, withdrawn materials will be sent to or recycled. Withdrawn materials may not be given to individual faculty or departments.
Online Resources Deselection
Ongoing deselection of Internet resources is a necessity because of the dynamic nature of such resources. In the following instances, an online resource will be deselected:
- The resource is no longer available or maintained
- The currency or reliability of the resource's information has lost its value
- Another resource offers more comprehensive coverage
- The cost of purchase or maintenance of the resource is prohibitive
Serials Deselection
- Incomplete and short runs of a title may be withdrawn, particularly when the title is not received currently.
- Annuals, biennials, and regularly updated editions of guidebooks, handbooks, almanacs, and directories have a deselection pattern established depending on the value of the information contained in earlier editions. Often current editions are located in the Reference Collection and one or two earlier editions placed in the Circulating Collection.
- Serials that no longer support the curriculum are discarded.
- Magazines and journals have automatic discard patterns of one, two, or five years
based upon the following criteria:
- Level of work (e.g., popular, trade, academic, peer-reviewed)
- Availability of equivalent online content
- Usage for specific assignments in courses
- Magazine and journal titles may be held for periods of time other than the discard patterns under special circumstances, as decided by a consensus of the library faculty.
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library complies fully with all of the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law () and its amendments. The Library supports the Fair Use section of the Copyright Law (), which permits and protects citizens' rights to reproduce and make other uses of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching, scholarship, and research. All video and audio media are purchased for individual viewing. The Library does not typically purchase public performance rights to films.
Intellectual Freedom
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library supports the American Library Association's , and . The Library acquires materials that represent differing opinions and without censorship in regard to controversial issues. The Library does not add or withdraw, at the request of any individual or group, material which has been chosen or excluded on the basis of stated selection criteria. An individual or group questioning the appropriateness of material within the collection will be referred to the library director.
All requests for reconsideration of materials will be handled as follows:
- The individual or group requesting such action will complete a Reconsideration of Library Materials Request Form. This form is available upon request at the 2nd floor Reference Desk. This form must be completed before any action is taken by the library staff.
- The completed request form will be forwarded to the library director within one working day of its receipt by library staff. The director will review the challenged materials in light of the criteria set forth in the Collection Development Policy. Where appropriate, the director will seek advice from the library and/or teaching faculty.
- Within one month, the library director will formulate a recommendation and send a written response to the patron explaining the Library's position and the action that will be taken.
Last reviewed 4/15/2024
Display Policy
Public Displays
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library showcases materials of interest to the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ (SF) community as determined by its Display and Communications Committee. These exhibits are primarily educational in nature; therefore, commercial or promotional displays are not considered.
In keeping with this theme, the Library will accept applications for temporary displays of works produced by SF students and employees. These works must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Works must reflect a connection to a program, department, function, or course at SF.
- Works must be displayed in such a manner (on panels or other methods of hanging) that no wall damage will occur.
- Works must be displayed in a designated area on the first/lobby floor.
- Works will display for up to fourteen days. Extensions may be approved by a member of the Display and Communications Committee.
- All display items must be reviewed and approved by the Display and Communications Committee at least one month prior to date of show.
- In conjunction with the Library staff, exhibitors will set up and remove their own displays.
- Student library exhibits are facilitated by the chair of the Display and Communications Committee. Each student exhibit must have a faculty or staff sponsor.
- The Display Agreement Form must be completed and signed by exhibitor.
- The Display and Communications Committee has the right to refuse any works for display which 1) do not reflect a connection to a program, department, function, or course at SF; or 2) have the potential for security, liability, or safety concerns.
Building Signage
Traditional and digital signage communicates general and specific information about Library and Learning Commons programs, services, courses, events, resources, academic activity, and space utilization to students, employees, and guests. Commercial or promotional content will not be posted. Due to limited display and wall space, the Library and Learning Commons will only accept print materials from other SF departments for display on the 1st floor bulletin board Digital materials from other SF departments may be displayed for general campus events serving a campus-wide population. The members of the Display and Communications Committee identify signage needs and monitor existing signage. Signage reflective of safety or weather concerns will be posted in coordination with SF administration and the SF Police.
Traditional and digital signage about the Library and Learning Commons must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Content for print and digital materials must be related to Library and Learning Commons programs, events, resources, academic activities, space, and services.
- Allowable exceptions may include general campus-wide events serving a campus-wide population.
- Due to limited display and wall space, designated areas or service desks are the only places to display print materials.
- Print materials must have a removal date. Full-time building staff will remove any signage the remains posted beyond the removal date.
- Digital content will display for up to seven days. Extensions may be approved by a member of the Display and Communications Committee.
- Print and digital materials must follow guidelines set forth by SF Marketing & Communications for Logos & Colors and the SF Brand Guide.
- Print and digital materials must follow technical specifications set forth in the guide.
- The Library adheres to the Copyright Law of the United States; therefore, signage must comply with its guidelines. Visit to locate freely available images, media, and other content.
- Print and digital materials must follow guidelines for ADA accessibility standards. See the guide for specific information.
- Unauthorized signs and marketing materials will be discarded.
Display and Communications Committee
The Display and Communications Committee is composed of full-time Library and Learning Commons employees. In his/her capacity as Building Manager, the Library Director oversees this Committee. The Library Director may serve as chair or appoint a designee.
Last reviewed 9/19/2019
- With limited space, money, and staff for processing and storing gift materials, the L.W. Tyree Library generally declines offers of donations for its collection.
- In accordance with accreditation principles, all items in the Tyree Library's collection support the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ curriculum and meet library selection standards. The Tyree Library may accept an offer of donation if a librarian determines the materials are in sufficiently good condition, there is a need to add those materials to the collection, and doing so would be consistent with the Tyree Library Collection Development Policy.
- All donated materials become property of the Tyree Library.
- Donated materials not selected for the Tyree Library's collection will not be returned.
- The Tyree Library will dispose of all donated materials as it deems appropriate.
- The Tyree Library cannot provide a list of donated materials or an estimate of value. Upon request, the Tyree Library will provide a letter summarizing and acknowledging a donation in general terms.
Last reviewed 4/6/2021
Interlibrary Loan Policy
Interlibrary loan is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. The purpose of interlibrary loan is to provide patron access to materials not owned by the Library.
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library participates in a network of local, state, and national libraries that borrow and loan materials. This service is provided free to currently enrolled students, faculty, retirees, and staff. Some libraries, however, assess additional charges. Patrons will be notified of additional charges before an item is borrowed. Such charges must be paid by check made out to the lending library and given to the Circulation Desk when the item is checked out. Patrons will also be responsible for any charges required by the lending library for damage to or loss of items. A patron's library privileges will be suspended for nonpayment of charges. The student's records will be flagged until the fees are paid.
The conditions of these services are based on the latest editions of the American Library Association Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States; the Florida Interlibrary Loan Code; the Copyright Law, Title 17, U.S. Code; and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title IV.
Borrowing Guidelines
To request interlibrary loan materials, the library user must fill out the online , recording all information necessary for locating the material to be borrowed or photocopied.
Interlibrary loan requests are processed as quickly as possible. The time needed to obtain an item is dependent upon the difficulty of locating a lending library, the proximity of the lending library and the number of requests to be processed. Many libraries will not fill requests for the following materials:
- Reference books
- Rare and other non-circulating books
- Entire issues of journals (specific articles may be requested)
- Audiovisual materials
- Textbooks
- Computer software
- Bulky or fragile materials that are difficult to ship
Requestors will be notified by phone or email when the requested item arrives at the Library. Due dates and renewals are determined by the lending library. Photocopies of periodical articles become the property of the requester and do not need to be checked out. All returnable items will be placed at the Circulation Desk for pickup. Articles will be sent to patrons via email as an attachment and/or via U.S. mail.
Lending Guidelines
The Lawrence W. Tyree Library will honor electronic interlibrary loan requests with complete citations received from other libraries through the following methods:
- FLIN SHAREit request
- WorldShare ILL request
- UBorrow request
- Facsimile
The following materials generally are not available for lending, but all requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis:
- Vinyl
- Periodicals (photocopies are provided)
- Materials in high demand
Requests will be responded to promptly. Interlibrary loan materials loaned to most Florida libraries are sent by FedEx. Items loaned to all other libraries will be sent library rate via U.S. mail. Photocopies may be sent via email, Article Exchange, or by first class mail; electronic delivery is preferred for quicker turnaround.
The loan period for books is 60 days. If other material types are loaned, the loan period will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Demand and the borrowing library's use of the item will be considered. Renewals are granted if the item is not in demand. Items in demand may be recalled at any time. Photocopies become the property of the requester and are non-returnable.
No handling charges or fees will be assessed for any interlibrary loan request. If Tyree Library staff determine an item will need to be replaced because it has been lost or damaged, an invoice will be sent to the borrowing library.
Last reviewed 7/22/2022
Study Room Policy
Purpose of Study Rooms
- Study rooms are for educational purposes only. No groups or individuals may charge fees to attend or participate in a group or use the study rooms.
- In accordance with ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Rule 6.4 – Use of College Facilities, the library study rooms may not be used by tutors not employed by the college.
Reserving Study Rooms
- Rooms may be reserved up to 2 weeks in advance by current SF students, faculty, and staff. During the last two weeks of fall and spring semesters, study room use may be limited. Modified rules will be posted in advance.
- Anyone using a study room without a reservation will be asked to yield the room for users with a reservation. Reservation requests must be submitted through the online booking system.
- At the time of their reservation, users should follow check-in instructions sent to their SF email. To fulfill and maintain a reservation, the minimum number of occupants for that room must be present.
- Users who are unable to make their reserved time should contact the Library at 352-395-5409 or by email at reference@sfcollege.edu. In order to ensure equitable access, there is a 15-minutes cancellation policy. Reservations that have not arrived and checked in within 15 minutes of the reserved time will be cancelled.
- Users with a disability who would like to request an accommodation regarding the study rooms or with questions regarding study room accessibility should contact Diana Matthews (matthews@sfcollege.edu, 352-395-5408).
Appropriate Use of Study Rooms
- If all users leave the study room at the same time during the period of their reservation, the reservation will be cancelled, and the room will become available to others for use.
- Users should not leave personal items unattended in the study rooms. Items left in study rooms will be taken to campus lost and found at the SF Police Department (Building T). Library staff are not responsible for personal property left in study rooms by users.
- Study rooms are not soundproof. Users should respect other library users by keeping the door closed and refraining from excessive noise.
- For safety and security, library and college staff must be able to see into and access study rooms at all times. Study Room lights are to remain on, and windows or doors cannot be obscured.
- Upon leaving, users should return study rooms to the state in which they found them. Clean any messes, remove any personal items, return any furniture that has been moved, etc.
Last reviewed 11/21/2024
Reserves Policy
- To place materials in the Reserve Collection, complete the Library Course Reserve Form.
- All items in the Reserve Collection are for in-house use only.
- SF instructors, staff, and departments may place materials in the Reserve Collection.
- Those individuals placing materials in the Reserve Collection are responsible for ensuring copyright compliance. See the Library's for additional information on copyright and fair use.
- Only materials in support of SF's curriculum or other SF-related activities may be placed in the Reserve Collection.
- Materials from the Library's Circulating, Youth, and Media collections may be placed in the Reserve Collection. Materials from the Reference collections may not be placed in the Reserve Collection.
- Course packs, consumables (such as workbooks) may not be placed in the Reserve Collection.
- Materials from other libraries may not be placed in the Reserve Collection.
- Instructors or departments are responsible for providing copies of textbooks to be placed in the Reserve Collection.
- Personal copies may be placed in the Reserve Collection. The Library will handle these materials in the same manner as all other reserve materials. Budget permitting, the Library will replace lost or damaged items available for purchase.
- For access and security purposes, the Library will mark and label Reserve materials in a manner consistent with other materials in the Reserve Collection.
- The return/remove date for photocopies may not exceed the end of the semester in which they were placed in the Reserve Collection. The return/remove date for all other materials may not exceed two calendar years. This two-year period is renewable. If no return/renew date is provided, the Library will return or remove materials at the end of the semester in which they were placed in the Reserve Collection.
- At the conclusion of the reserve period, the Library will return materials to the original library collection or to the faculty or staff member who supplied those materials. If the Library is unable to return materials to a faculty or staff member, materials will be returned to the department. Materials released from the Reserve Collection are not the responsibility of the Library.
- Individuals or departments placing materials in the Reserve Collection may remove their materials before the return/remove date.
- The Library will take action consistent with its Circulation Policy for items lost, damaged, or stolen while in its custody. Such action may include, but is not limited to, charging replacement cost plus fees, referring students for disciplinary measures, and/or taking legal action.
Last reviewed 1/23/2018
Failure to follow any of these policies may result in loss of library privileges or disciplinary sanctions.
ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ is committed to an environment that embraces diversity, respects the rights of all individuals, is open and accessible, and is free of harassment and discrimination based on, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, genetic information, political opinions or affiliations, and veteran status in all its programs, activities and employment. EA/EO notice.
Inquiries regarding non-discrimination polices should be directed to:
Equal Opportunity Officer and Title IX Coordinator
3000 NW 83rd Street, R-Annex, Room 113, Gainesville, Florida 32606