Frequently Asked Questions
Top Questions
To log in to all library services, including the library catalog, library databases, eBooks, and streaming videos, use your Office 365 account.
Sample Username:
If you are unable to log in, please contact the Reference Desk at 352-395-5409.
For in-person proctoring, please contact the Northwest Campus Testing Center. There is no live proctoring in the Library. Additionally, library computers do not have Honorlock installed. Testing on personal devices using Honorlock is discouraged, as activity occurring throughout the building may be flagged.
All documents can be sent to the printer from a library computer on any of the three floors. Wireless printing is currently unavailable.
Choose the BW_FollowMe printer for black and white (10 cents per page) and the Color_FollowMe printer for color (25 cents per page).
Once you have hit the Print button, go to the combined printer/photocopiers on the 1st or 2nd floor.
At the print release station, log in with your SFID/password and select your documents(s). You may pay with silver coins (no pennies), $1 and $5 bills, Apple/Google Pay, and credit/debit cards with a Visa or Mastercard symbol. There is a $15 limit per transaction when using cards.
To make digital scans, the Library has two BookScan stations on the second floor. You may scan as a PDF, Word document, or picture. Scans may be saved to a flash drive or emailed. All scanning is free.
For physical copies, visit the combined printer/photocopier on the first or second floor. Black and white photocopies are 10 cents per page; color copies are 25 cents per page. You may pay with silver coins (no pennies), $1 and $5 bills, and credit/debit cards with a Visa or Mastercard symbol.
Due to the classification system used in the Lawrence W. Tyree Library, there is no one area to browse fiction (story) books. Fiction books are spread throughout the literature (P) section, based on the nationality of the author.
The easiest way to find fiction is to add the term fiction to your search in the . For example, if you want to find fiction works about Florida you could search for Florida AND fiction.
You can also search for specific genres with the following terms:
- fantasy fiction
- historical fiction
- horror fiction
- mystery fiction
- romance fiction
- science fiction
- urban fiction
If you would like to browse, American authors can be found in the PS section on the third floor. The Library also maintains for many popular genres.
Students interested in employment with the Library's Circulation Department should request an application at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Library. All positions are part-time and limited to students who meet a minimum credit requirement, usually the equivalent of half-time registration (6 credits during the Fall and Spring terms).
Full-time and part-time professional openings will be posted on the 青青草视频 .
Library Building and Services
The Tyree Library is located on 青青草视频's Northwest Campus, in building Y. It is located in the NE corner of the campus, off North Road. For more detailed directions and a map, visit the Location page. Library services are also available in Blount Hall (downtown Gainesville) in DB-213C.
Parking is available to the north (Lot 5) and east (Lot 4) of the library building.
All spots that do not have a blue reserved line are open for parking.
See the Northwest Campus map for more specifics.
Fall/Spring Semester Hours
- Monday - Thursday: 7am - 10pm
- Friday: 7am - 4:30pm
- Saturday: noon - 6pm
- Sunday: noon - 8pm
Summer Semester Hours
- Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm
- Friday: 8am - 4:30pm
- Saturday: closed
- Sunday: noon - 6pm
The Library will have different hours during intersession and finals week. The Library will be closed when the college is closed, and weekends in intersession. See the Library Hours page for upcoming changes to the normal operating hours.
Log in to all library computers with your eSantaFe or eStaff credentials (8-digit SFID number and eSantaFe or eStaff password). Only currently enrolled or employed students and staff will be able to log in; there is no guest access available. Users should log off the computers once they are finished.
There is currently no fax machine in the Library. Students needing to fax information can go to S building.
Items of value found in the Library will be taken to the first floor Circulation Desk, logged, and taken to the SF Campus Police Station (Building T). SFID cards will be taken to Student Life (Building S) when open and to the SF Campus Police Station when Student Life is closed.
The Library does not accept donations of materials. For a local option, please consider donating your materials to the in support of the Alachua County Library District.
Materials, Collections, and Circulation
The Library has several collections within the building. Unless otherwise specified, items within collections can be checked out.
1st Floor
- General Magazines & Newspapers (in-library-use only)
- Reserve Collection (in-library-use only)
- New Books
- Games
2nd Floor
- Reference Collection (in-library-use only)
- Media Collection (includes CD, VINYL, MEDIA, and MOVIES & TV)
- Youth Collection
3rd Floor
- Circulating Collection
- Graphic Novel Collection
- eBooks
- Streaming videos
- Databases
The Library has many different types of materials available for use.
Materials to Check Out
- Books
- Media (DVD, VHS, CD, audiobooks, vinyl)
- External DVD and Blu-Ray drives
- Record players
- Games
- Umbrellas
Materials to Use in Library
- Magazines, newspapers, and print journals
- Reserve materials
- Headphones, including Bose noise-cancelling headphones
- Headsets with microphones
- Phone chargers (micro-USB, USB-C, and Apple lightning)
- Laptop chargers
- Calculators
- Portable whiteboards
- Sensory kits (at Circulation Desk)
Your SFID card is your library card. You can use this card to check out (borrow) books,
media, reserve items, and all other materials from the Library.
You can obtain your ID/library card from S-147, the Student Activities Office in the
S-building lobby. For more information about your SFID card, see the Student IDs webpage.
You may also check out materials by using one of the following valid forms of photo identification and correct college/university ID number. SFID cards are preferred.
- ID card issued by a Florida public college or university
- Driver's License or Permit (any U.S. state)
- Official State ID (any U.S. state)
- U.S. Military ID
- U.S. Permanent Residence card
- Passport (any country)
To borrow (check out) library materials (such as books or movies), bring them to the first floor Circulation Desk and present your SFID card or one of the following valid forms of photo identification and your correct college/university ID number. SFID cards are preferred.
- ID card issued by a Florida public college or university
- Driver's license or permit (any U.S. state)
- Official state ID (any U.S. state)
- U.S. military ID
- U.S. permanent residence card
- Passport (any country)
Your status (student, faculty, staff, etc.) will determine loan permissions, number of items allowed, and loan duration for materials from different collections. See information about Circulation for more details.
You can see what items you currently have checked out and renew items by using the feature of the .
To access this feature, choose the Office 365 option and log in (if prompted) with your Office 365 account. If you are already logged into Canvas or your email, you may not be prompted to log in. If are unable to log in, please contact the Reference Desk at 352-395-5409.
If your items are overdue (past their due date) or requested by another patron, you will need to return them to the Library. Overdue items that have not been requested may be checked out again.
There are no late fees for Tyree Library materials. Items borrowed from other libraries via UBorrow or interlibrary loan may have late fees as determined by the lending library.
After seven days overdue, laptops, calculators, headphones, and Reserve Collection items will no longer be accepted for return. A replacement cost for each item, as determined by library staff, will be charged.
If an item you have checked out is lost, stolen, or damaged, please report it immediately to the Circulation Desk at 352-395-5412. The cost of a lost, stolen, or damaged item is the replacement cost, as determined by library staff.
- SF Students (including dual-enrolled and adult education) - 20
- SF Faculty and Staff (Full-Time, Part-Time/Adjunct, and Emeritus) - 50
- Displaced Homemaker (Focus on the Future) Participants - 10
- Retired SF Faculty & Staff - 10
- Reciprocal Borrowers - 5
You may have one item at a time for each of the following:
- Reserve Collection
- Calculators
- Headphones
Items with multiple components (such as a multiple disc audiobook) count as one item.
Generally, the Library does not have textbooks in its Circulating Collection. The Library does have a Reserve Collection, which includes materials that instructors and departments have placed at the Library. Not all textbooks are on reserve. It is the prerogative of the instructor or department whether a textbook is placed on reserve.
Most Reserve Collection materials are restricted to in-house use only, although some items can be checked out for one or more days. Patrons may borrow one Reserve Collection item at a time. You must present an approved photo ID (青青草视频 ID card preferred) to use reserve material.
The only main/primary collection of books and other materials for 青青草视频 is at the L.W. Tyree Library on the Northwest Campus, with a very small collection housed at Blount Hall (Downtown Gainesville). However, any SF student, faculty, or staff may request circulating materials be sent to any Center. Simply log in to the library catalog and click the Place a Hold link, then select the desired pickup location. Detailed instructions can be found in the .
Materials should be available at the selected Center's reception desk within 3 business days. Items may also be returned at the Center's reception desk.
Doing Research
All books can be found by using the library catalog; click the navigation link to access it. Search for a title, author, or topic. If you are looking for a course textbook, first click the Reserves tab.
To locate a book, identify the floor (via the Locate button) and call number.
If you need help locating a book, contact a librarian. You may also view the .
The Library arranges most of its books by the (LC). This is the system used by most academic libraries (including the University of Florida) and works on a system of letters denoting broad subjects, further divided by numbers as the subject gets more specific.
For an in-depth look at the LC system, visit our page on .
Some collections (such as the Movies & TV Collection, CD/Vinyl Collections, and Graphic Novel Collection) are organized by author and/or title.
The Library has a few different resources for starting out your research. If you would
like a general outline of research, visit the guide.
In order to see the best resources and search strategies for different research areas
(such as English or Speech), visit the listing of and select the guide most appropriate for your needs.
For more specialized help in starting research, contact a librarian.
If you have a citation for an article, or if you are looking for a particular journal or magazine title, you may use to see if the journal/magazine title is available in one of our databases or in print within the Library.
If we do not have access to the journal you need, please place an to obtain a copy of the article you are looking for. This process is free, but may take a week or two to complete.
Scholarly journals (also called peer-reviewed or academic journals) are research-based
journals that are considered more authoritative and relevant for college-level research.
Some professors will require you to only use scholarly journals for their assignments.
To see the major differences between magazines and scholarly journals, visit the page.
To limit your search to scholarly journals in most databases, look for a checkbox
or limiter with the following words: peer-reviewed, academic, or scholarly.
The Library subscribes to many databases, which contain full text articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers. To access the library databases, click the link.
Choose a database and then log in. If prompted, log in with your Office 365 account.
For tips on how to search for articles, visit the page.
Most databases and eBooks allow you to share links with others at 青青草视频 for later use. However, you might need to adjust the link to prompt you to log in through 青青草视频's authentication method.
If you are sharing a link for later use, or have a link that does not allow you to access the full text, see the page for instructions on obtaining valid permalinks and a tool to correct the links for access.
With your SFID card, you are able to check out up to 10 books from the .
You may take the to UF's campus, leaving from in front of S building. SF students ride free with their SFID card.
The easiest way to look for and request books not held by the Tyree Library is by using the . This catalog searches all 40 public Florida colleges and universities. Any book with a UBorrow icon can be requested. You can also enter the union catalog from the after performing a search; change the drop-down option to "Statewide Collection" as you type your search terms. The UBorrow service is free.
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the process of requesting material (books or articles) not held by our library from other libraries, including public and out-of-state libraries. The Tyree Library provides this service at no charge, but lending libraries may charge for photocopies of articles. The turnaround time for receiving books is about 5 days, but could be longer depending on the availability of the item. Photocopies of articles may be received sooner.
For assistance, contact the Reference Desk at 352-395-5409, or simply fill out the .
When considering Internet sources for use in a paper or for personal research, it is important to evaluate each one carefully. View the page for a list of criteria to consider. If you are still unsure, please contact a librarian.
The Library has created a page to help you find resources and examples of citations in various styles. There are also in-depth guides to citing in , , and .
The Library has three LIS (library science) courses that are taught throughout the year. Classes are taught either in an online format through Canvas, or as a weekend course. Weekend courses are held over one weekend (Saturday/Sunday) for 6 hours each day. This is the only meeting time for the classes and full attendance on both days is required. Register for all courses through eSantaFe, under the Library Science category.
The LIS courses are:
- LIS1000 - Basic Library Skills (1 credit)
- LIS1002 - Library Online Resources (1 credit)
- LIS2004 - Internet Research (1 credit)