Officers and Representatives
2022-2023 Executive Officers
Contact the executive officers via email at

Rose Christy
President & CSC Ombudsperson

Lisa McNair
Vice President

Tracey Evans

Cheetara Ritz

Benjamin Fox
Cluster Representatives
CSC Cluster Representative are those employees who agree to serve from groups, campus/educational center locations, and/or academic areas that are defined by the CSC Cluster Representative Committee. The number of CSC Cluster Representatives may vary as determined by the CSC Cluster Committee. CSC Cluster Representatives will report to the CSC Secretary.
Members will be grouped into clusters to ensure representation throughout the College within the CSC. Clusters may be consolidated or expanded depending on the needs of the area as determined by the CSC Cluster Committee. An area may have more than one CSC Cluster Representative.
If you would like to volunteer to be a cluster representative please contact Tracey Evans at 352-395-4197 for further information.
As of May 2023 the following are the cluster representative assigned buildings:
Andrews Center, Blount Center, Davis Center, Kirkpatrick Center, Perry Center and Watson Center - Keri Judge x3878
Building A, B, C, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, X and Y(Library) - VACANT
Building D and P - Verlisa Thornton x5075
Building E, Fine Arts Hall, and F - Heather Domin x5237
Building O and Q(Little School) - VACANT
Building T(Police Dept), V(Gym), and Z(Zoo) - Mark Barley x5291
Building R - Annette Hernandez x4481 or x5475
R-Annex(HR) - Betsy Nunu x5205
Building S, W, and WA - VACANT
Building U - VACANT