Transfer Opportunities
College Search Engines
Try - from the National Center for Educational Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education
For schools in Florida, try
College and University Home Pages
Lists of Florida Colleges
- - Includes list of private schools in Florida
Lists of United States Colleges
- Web U.S. Higher Education (The most complete listing of universities & community colleges)
- American Universities (UF Listing)
International Colleges
- - locates colleges and universities in Canada
- General Education OnLine - Geographical listing of over 6000 colleges worldwide
Graduate Schools
- - finds grad schools around the world (including the US) by major and other factors
College Accrediting Organizations
- - (SACS) Accredits Santa Fe CC, among many other schools in the Southeast US.
- - Covers California, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands
- - Covers the New England states
- - Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, and Alaska
- - Delaware, DC, Maryland. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Overseas
- Association of Canadian Community Colleges - Accredits Canadian colleges and universities.
College Rankings
Caution! Take college ratings with a grain of salt. All such ratings are biased in some way.
A simple numerical ranking is not a sufficient rationale for any decision as important as selecting a college.
Just because a school has a medium-level ranking does not mean that it would not offer you an excellent education.
Many good schools and programs don't get ranked, often for reasons unrelated to the
quality of education.
Try to determine what the ranking agencies mean by "good school" as this may not include
what is important to you.
We license for SF student use, which includes ratings of colleges for various factors.
Here are a few other well-known rating sites:
Wikipedia has a page linking to for colleges and universities, as well as a discussion of the methods by which these rankings are made.
Most important is your OWN rating of the schools that are accessible to you.
Please feel free to contact the Career Exploration Center staff for assistance in finding the information by which you may make this important decision.