Services for Online Students
All services provided by the Career Exploration Center are available to all currently enrolled students, including those students whom are only enrolled in online classes.
Learn how online students may use some of these services via the Internet.
The Career Exploration Center is committed to serving the career-planning needs of all our students and community users. We strive to provide the highest levels service to our distant students as well as local. We offer career assessments, career and college information sources, and personal consultation to promote the optimal use of these resources.
offers an assessment of personality as it relates to majors and occupations. MyPlan also describes a large number of college majors, the occupations for which they train, and the schools that offer them. MyPlan does not have all the answers, but it a good starting point for career exploration..
Use of MyPlan requires registration. To avoid registration fees, you must enter our license code, which cannot be placed on this open web page where everyone can see it. To find this code, check into with your student ID and password, then select "Advisement" and "Career Planning." The page will provide the link and the user code so you don't have to pay for anything.
Guide for Occupational Exploration Career Interest Inventory Online: Developed specifically for on-line courses, this is a web-based version of the GOEII we have been using for many years. This program asks the user about activities of interest, compares the responses to occupational categories used by the US Department of Labor, and suggests which fields might be most worthy of exploration. The user can then refer to USDOL publications online to find descriptions of occupations of interest.
The Career Exploration Center also maintains a collection of online career-information resources for students to use. These are often good supplements to Discover and MyRoad, offering details on occupations that are not described in those programs.
We create custom web pages for instructors and other special interest groups, containing links to online resources relevant to class assignments and instructions for use of each resource.
Such resources do not stand alone. Career Center staff is available to work with distant students by whatever means works best. We often consult with users by phone or email to determine their needs and orient to relevant resources. We can also perform custom career searches for users who cannot be here in person. Our website has a "contact us" link to facilitate this kind of interaction.