Teaching and Learning
If you would like to preview workshop materials, please visit the for more detailed information and related resources.
See a topic you would like to learn? We'll teach your group (4 or more), the topic you choose on the date and time of your choice. Fondly known as "Your Time - Your Topic", these workshops can be scheduled in a lab or we can come to your area. Contact us to schedule the topic, date and time that works best for your group. Let your professional development attendance earn you badges.
20-Minute Mentor Series
Watch on-demand versions of Magna Publications' popular 20-Minute Mentor programs, an online collection of targeted faculty development programs, grounded in sound
educational theory, that offer solutions to common classroom challenges--in just 20
minutes! Covers a broad range of faculty development topics.
To register and log in to access the group subscription:
- Go to . Enter information in the required fields > Submit. NOTE: if you get an error that your password does not match, skip down to the EXISTING USERS Section below
- Once successfully registered, you will see a screen "Thank you for completing your registration"
- Go to
- On the right side of the page, in the "Username or email address" box, enter the email address that you submitted in Step 1.
- Enter your password > Login
- On the My Account page > Join Team
- On the My Online Access page click the appropriate orange "Go to..." box for access
For 20-Minute Mentor Commons subscribers: You will be taken to the dashboard for the institutional subscription. Scroll to search or locate the materials you wish to access or view.
If you get an error when using Create Account:
- Go to
- Enter your email address > Reset Password
- Once the password has been reset, go to the URL in Step 3 above to complete the registration process and log in
If you have any questions or need further assistance with your account, please contact our Customer Service staff at support@magnapubs.com.
Academic Progress Reporting
In this workshop, participants will discuss how to use the academic progress reporting
process at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ to maximize student success. Share strategies with your
peers to identify signs that students are not on track for academic success and to
increase student engagement.
Accessible Course Design
Accessible design is a design process in which the needs of people with disabilities are specifically considered. When course sites are designed with accessibility in mind, all learners benefit from improved formatting and organization of materials. In this workshop, participants will learn how to apply principles of accessible design to their Canvas course sites. Prior experience with creating a course site (or prior basic training in Canvas) is recommended.
Active Learning
Is there a need to pep up your class and keep your students awake? Use active learning
strategies that engage students with the material and keep them actively participating.
Adjunct Perspectives
Are you new to Santa Fe? Even if you are not, you may have some basic questions about
getting started using Canvas, eStaff, or designing/developing a course. We're here
to help! A quick overview of classroom technology (computer, projector, etc)will be
included. Bring your questions and concerns for us to answer - there may be others
that have the same. A guest who has been in your shoes may be joining us to let us
know what they wish they had known.
Adobe Spark
Adobe Spark is a collection of three different web-based tools used to create visually-rich web pages or narrated web presentations in this workshop, participants will create media using these tools and discuss the related advantages and disadvantages.
Camera Confidence for the Selfie-Shy
Videos of course introductions, lectures and even individualized feedback can all be done with the press of a button, but all this technology doesn't mean a thing if you have to avert your eyes and cover your ears every time you appear on screen. Maybe the it's the way the camera seems to add ten pounds to our waistline or how the mic seems to amplify every stutter or slip. Whatever the reason, watching ourselves can be torturous. In this workshop we're going to confront those fears head-on and look at ways to get more comfortable with our video selves.
Crafting an Inviting and Supportive Syllabus
First impressions last. A syllabus is, for all intent and purposes, is your first impression you with students. Your syllabus can be used to ignite your student's curiosity about your course. It can convey your own passion for the subject. It can also overwhelm and intimidate students with decontextualized lists of assignments and assessments. While clarity and specificity are important, tone may be just as critical. In this workshop we will look at institutional requirements for class syllabuses, but we will also look at strategies for crafting a document that welcomes and inspires.
Developing a Hybrid Course
Hybrid learning is often described as the "best of both worlds" but planning just what to put online and what to cover in class can be a challenge. This workshop will provide a planning template and best practices for developing and teaching a Hybrid class. Please bring a syllabus on a flash drive (or however you can get to it) and your class meeting times
Digital Literacy
21st century skills, coding, algorithms, artificial intelligence, social media profiles. When we think of digital literacy, we tend to think of the soft skills of using word processors, internet search engines, and an increasing array of mobile apps. Although these skills are important for both school and the workforce, they are not digital literacy. In this workshop we will work together to redefine digital literacy and discuss strategies to help our students reflect more critically about each digital footprint they leave behind.
Down & Dirty in 30
Got 30 minutes to spare? Stop in for some Canvas tips and tricks that will make your
life easier. Canvas features will be covered as well as some basic Course Design.
You may have found something to share – so bring it on!
ePortfolios for Faculty
Learn how to showcase and share your professional experiences through an electronic portfolio. In this hands-on workshop you will learn about the benefits of having a professional digital presence and will start building your own personal website. We will share faculty ePortfolio samples from a variety of institutions, discuss content and models, and learn about opportunities for professional growth and networking through social media platforms such as LinkedIn.
Foundations of Teaching & Learning
Unless we've been trained in pedagogy and learning theory, terms like "pedagogy" and "learning theory" can be a little intimidating. However, sharing a common vocabulary for discussing teaching and learning is necessary if we want to critically discuss our practice and opportunities for growth. We'll also look at the different modes of teaching and some of the obstacles and opportunities inherent in face-to-face, online, and hybrid instruction. Finally, we'll look at ways to design our courses and lessons that leverage both learning theory and particular teaching environments.
Games can be used to build community, create a sense of urgency and provide instantaneous feedback. Games can help us to structure activities that get at higher order thinking and can be a means of providing feedback in a timely and meaningful manner. In this workshop we will look at ways that we can to build specific activities or learning outcomes into a game to increase student engagement and add variety to our classes. If we have time, we may even play a game or two.
Google Tools
Whether you teach online, face-to-face, or a mixture of both, Google offers several a powerful collaboration tools that you and your students can use to work together on projects, reports, and more, and to collect and share information in a secure online environment. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to use some of these tools to facilitate collaboration between students.
Inclusive Classrooms
ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ is committed to cultural diversity and equity. In this workshop, we will explore and share strategies to create and sustain inclusive classroom environments. We'll discuss "stereotype threat" and identify ways to help students develop a sense of identify safety. We may even challenge our own cultural assumptions we bring into the classroom.
Intriguing Infographics
Infographics (short for "information and graphics") are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. They are often used to reduce complex information for easier understanding, and to present information in a manner that is visually appealing. In this workshop, participants will critically evaluate the usefulness of infographics and explore related design principles.
Learning How to Learn
We don't just want to create life-long learners. We want to create life-long learners who learn effectively. The most dedicated students can frustrate their own learning by embarking on paths that simply do not work. It's not enough to tell our students to study harder; we have to help them study better. This self-paced module reviews some of the research-based strategies and techniques we can use to help our students improve meta-cognition and find greater success with their study efforts.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Take a back-stage tour of ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ's Educational Media Studio and learn ways to use video to engage your students! Participants will discuss the educational benefits of video, and see the studio in action as a short video is being produced. If you're feeling a little daring, you can even take center stage and practice being recorded in our wonderful facility as well.
Narrating Online Presentations (voice over)
Learn basics about voice-over narration, screen capture, and production of content for online applications in minutes. Let us show you how to take presentations, such as PowerPoint, Internet or 3rd party productions, and add narration.
No Photoshop
You can crop photos, take the background out of photos, modify the colors, and create image files from PowerPoint drawings all by using programs you already have. Come see how to modify and create images using PowerPoint, Paint, and SnagIt to name a few. It's easier than you think.
Office 365 (Webmail, Calendar, OneDrive)
Learn the basics of managing your email, including creating rules, adding contacts, scheduling appointments and sharing documents.
Producing Online Videos (Camtasia)
Learn how to create and edit educational videos using Camtasia Studio software. Participants
will record screen content, webcam content and practice basic video editing to be
produced in common video formats for uploading. We will import a variety of types
of media and produce a short video. This software can also be used to edit most common
video files including .avi, .mov and .mp4 files.
Relevant Rubrics
Relevant Rubrics introduces you to the basics of using rubrics as a meaningful assessment tool for grading. During this workshop, you will grade a piece of student work using a rubric. Additionally, you will design and create a rubric for an assignment, an online discussion, a piece of writing, or other activity within a course that you can begin using immediately in your class.
Save To The Cloud (Outlook 365)
Save, manage, and edit anywhere, anytime by saving files to the Cloud. Let us show you how to have work available 24/1/365 with Office 365. All you need is an Internet connection.
Secrets of Engagement
Want to engage students? Come to this workshop for a show and tell of different strategies to do just that. We'd tell you what they are but it's a secret!
Soft Chalk
Soft Chalk LTI is a digital curriculum authoring tool that can enhance content in your class. By creating and adding interactive and engaging media-rich content, your course will be more robust and your students will have multiple opportunities for self-checks. Adding quiz poppers, text poppers, activities and embedding images and other media are some of Soft Chalk's features.
Studio in a Bag
Learn how to plan, record and edit instructional videos using our "Studio in a Bag" video equipment. During this hands-on workshop, participants will create and edit a video using an iPad and related accessories. You might even leave the workshop with a video to add to your course! Completion of this workshop is required prior to checking out our "Studio in a Bag" equipment.
Synchronous Teaching with Big Blue Button
Create an engaging learning experience for your students with synchronous teaching. Canvas has a synchronous tool built in Conferences which allows for real time instruction, guest speakers, and screen sharing with your audience. Join us for an overview of Big Blue Button, what it can do, and how you might use it.
Using Video in Canvas
Discover quick ways to enrich your course by creating or adding video content in Canvas. Participants will explore the built-in Canvas video capture tool, embedding YouTube videos and the PowerPoint screen-recorder. Pedagogical advantages of video use will be discussed.
We Are All Designers
In the trenches of day-to-day teaching, it can be easy to lose sight of our ultimate goals and get caught up in marching our students through the required content by a certain date. Just as dangerous is being distracted by engaging, but ultimately superfluous activities. In this workshop, we will look at Wiggins and McTighe's backward design approach to instruction in an effort to more closely align our lessons and activities with overall learning outcomes.
To register for a workshop, click the button above and sign-in with your SFID number and eStaff password.*
If you have a problem registering for any of our workshops, please email us at cat@sfcollege.edu or call us at 352-395-7375.