
Instructional Design


Educational Technology is more than just hardware and software.

More importantly, it is the application of technologies to foster student learning and growth. The goal of the instructional designers is to provide support to faculty through teaching techniques and strategies, from Canvas and computers to collaboration and constructivism.

Online Course Design and Delivery

Our instructional designers can provide you with resources, tools and technical information about online course design, and with effective best practices regarding online course delivery.

Hybrid Learning

A hybrid (a.k.a. blended) class is partially online and partially face-to-face. There are many tips and tricks to facilitating a blended/hybrid course that the instructional designers can provide.

Classroom Learning

The IDs can also assist faculty with strategies and practices for increasing student interaction and engagement in your on-campus courses, as well as fostering cooperation and group work for maximum learning.


The ID's mission is working together to improve teaching and learning.

Please contact the idteam@sfcollege.edu or your department liaison for an appointment to discuss your instructional design and teaching questions.