Digital Media Institute Summer Camp
ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ welcomes you to 2024 Digital Media Institute Summer Camp.
The Digital Media Institute (DMI) is a free, intensive training experience in graphic design for high school students. Students are selected based on teacher recommendation and their performance in digital media classes and those who successfully complete the DMI Summer Camp can earn college credit.
We look forward to a great session with lots of fun, learning and exciting challenges. Please read the following information, then complete the required documents and return as indicated by the deadline of Friday, May 17, 2024.
How to Apply
- Go to the Required Forms Section below download and complete all necessary forms.
- Completed applications should be emailed to Monica Cabrera at
Application deadline extended to Friday, May 17, 2024. Students will be notified by email if they have been selected by Friday, May 24, 2024.
June 3 - 7, 2024
Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm
SF Northwest Campus
Building N-327
3000 NW 83rd Street
Gainesville, FL 32606
Monica Cabrera
To apply complete and submit the following:
- Complete the free to register as a Career Pathways student.
- Do not stop at the screen with your SFID – There are a few more screens to complete.
- Be sure to record your SFID number and after you completed all the screens, click the "Submit" button.
- College Credit Opportunity Permission Form
- Application for the Digital Media Institute Summer Camp Form
- Release for the Use of Photography or Video Form
- ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Assumption of Risk and Indemnification Form
Have your student submit the completed and signed forms to their teacher or send by
email at
All applications are due by Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Students will be notified by email
if they have been selected by Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
For questions email or call 352-395-5264.
DMI Summer Camp is an academic and enriching experience and participation in the program is voluntary. Once a student has been accepted into the camp and has committed to attend, they are expected to act appropriately in the college environment.
On the application form, located in the Forms section, there is a section that indicated the student and parent/guardian have read and accepted the following statement as the DMI Summer Camp Code of Conduct. Questions can be directed to Monica Cabrera at or by calling 352-395-5264.
The Code of Conduct
I, the student, and if the student is under the age of 18 years of age, and I, the parent/guardian, certify that I have read and have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the rules and regulations of the Digital Media Institute Summer Camp at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. We agree to comply with said rules and regulations. We understand that the student's participation may be terminated if the student fails to follow the rules and regulations, and that I, the parent/guardian, will be responsible for all expenses incurred by the student's behavior, including travel, medical, and attorney's fees.
I, the student, also understand that I must attend all 5 days of the DMI Summer Camp to be considered a candidate for earning college credit.
General Information for Student and Parent/Guardian
- The DMI Summer Camp program is designed as an academic and enriching educational experience and participation in the Program is entirely voluntary. Once the student has committed to attend, he/she is expected to act appropriately in the college environment.
- Please be sure that the student is brought to camp no earlier than 10-15 minutes before his/her first class and that he/she is picked up immediately when the class is over. Once the student is dropped off, he/she must remain in their appropriate class on campus. DMI staff will supervise students at all times during the camp schedule from 9am – 3pm
- Parents will not be allowed to go to their student's classroom to pick him/her up or to drop him/her off without prior notification to the DMI Coordinator. Parents will be notified immediately if the student is cutting class or if there is a disciplinary concern or problem.
- Students must bring a sack lunch or purchase lunch at the college food court. Students will be escorted to and from the designated lunch area and will not be allowed to go anywhere on campus without an aide or chaperone. Bathroom breaks will be held between classes and during lunch. Food and/or drinks will be available for purchase from vending machines but will not be allowed in the computer labs.
- Drop-Off and Pick-Up Policy and Locations: In order to ensure the student's safety, we require parents only use the designated locations in front of N-Building (stairway entrance facing I-75, see map) for drop-off and pick-up. Students should be dropped off shortly before 9am To further ensure safety, any student not picked up by 3:15 pm, will be re-directed to wait at the SF campus police station on Facilities Road.
- If a DMI student must be excused during one of the class sessions, he/she will be escorted to the Digital Media Technology department office in Building N, Room 308 by one of our staff.
- If your student needs to be retrieved early during the day, the parent/legal guardian must call the Digital Media Technology Department at 352-395-5579.
Students who attend DMI must understand the following:
- ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ will not provide transportation. Students will be responsible for own transportation to and from campus.
- The DMI Summer Camp involves a week of all-day sessions 9am – 3pm
- There will be lunch recesses, but students will be responsible for purchasing or providing their own lunch.
- If accepted to DMI Summer Camp, students must commit to attend all five days. If any are missed, they will not be allowed to continue.
Consequences To Disciplinary Incidents:
ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ requires that all participants, regardless of age or grade level, act in accordance to the rules of the college and society. Therefore, students who have a disciplinary problem in class, with an instructor or in any way with the DMI Summer Camp, will have their parents/guardian notified immediately. The appropriate measures will be taken by the DMI Coordinator and parents/guardian to ensure that the disruptive behavior is not repeated. If a second behavior problem occurs, the parent/guardian will be notified and the student will be expelled from the DMI Summer Camp.
Rules and Regulations
Proper standards of conduct are necessary to protect the health, safety and well-being of all DMI Summer Camp and ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ students. It is impossible to itemize every rule of conduct governing each circumstance, so please use good judgment in your actions.
The following actions will NOT BE TOLERATED:
- Disruptive behavior of any kind.
- Discourtesy to fellow students, staff or the public.
- Disregarding the instructions of our Program Coordinator, instructors, or other staff members.
- Making indecent or sexual remarks or gestures to anyone.
- Fighting, threatening to fight with or assaulting others verbally or physically.
- Dishonesty, stealing or unauthorized possession of college property or the property of others.
- Going ANYWHERE on campus unescorted by a DMI staff member.
- Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions.
- Destruction of property or equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, writing on walls or anywhere in the building, tearing out pages of books, carving into desks or any other property belonging to SF.
- Carelessness or the unnecessary waste of materials.
- Horseplay of any kind, whether it results in injury or damages. This includes, but is not limited to yelling in any hallways, running, pushing, or throwing of objects.
- Sleeping during class hours.
- No foods, gum, drink or candy is allowed in the classroom.
- No electronic devices are allowed during instruction time. If as student is caught using these items in class, it will be removed from his/her possession and the parent/guardian may retrieve the item from the Digital Media Technology office at the end of the day.
- No profanity.
- No weapons of any kind or of any size.
Procedure In Case of Injury
If you, the student, should suffer any injury or illness, no matter how minor you feel it may seem, report it immediately to your instructor or DMI personnel. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor or the DMI Coordinator. We are here to help you reach your goals and meet success at every level.
Emergency Phone Numbers
- Campus Police (non-emergency): 352-395-5519
- Campus Police (emergency): 352-395-5555
- Ambulance & Fire: 911
- DMI Coordinator: 352-395-4145
If calling from a campus telephone to other SF lines, dial only the last 4 digits.
For an outside line from the campus, dial "9," then the 7-digit number.
For an emergency, dial "9" for an outside line, then 911.