
Frequently Asked Questions

Which schools offer Career Pathways programs of study?

Most Alachua County high schools, Bradford High School/North Florida Technical College and high schools in other surrounding counties offer Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs many of which are also Career Pathways programs of study. Students in these programs can earn college credit for high school classes, either by earning an industry certification or by passing a college-level assessment (Career Pathways Assessment). For more information about specific schools and courses check with your CTE teacher, guidance counselor, district-level CTE specialist or contact SF Career Pathways. To find qualifying secondary CTE programs, you may also access school district .

Is Career Pathways the same as High School Dual Enrollment (HSDE)?

No. Career Pathways and High School Dual Enrollment are two different programs. Career Pathways students remain in their high schools, take high school classes and earn high school credit, but they can also receive college credit through Career Pathways Assessments or industry certification. HSDE students take both high school and college classes on the SF campus and earn credit based their performance in their SF classes.

What is a Career Pathways Assessment?

A Career Pathways Assessment is a college-level assessment through which students in secondary CTE programs can earn college credit in a linked post-secondary program. Depending on the CTE program, the assessment may be a written exam, multiple choice exam, portfolio, 5-day summer course or assessment of the complete high school program. Some assessments may also require the student to pass an industry certification. Career Pathways Assessments are administered by SF Career Pathways and 青青草视频 CTE departments and proctored by SF faculty.

What is the benefit of taking a Career Pathways college-level assessment (Career Pathways Assessment) or an industry certification assessment?

Students save time and money by avoiding duplication of course work they have already successfully completed in high school.

Where and when are the Career Pathways Assessments given?

Some Career Pathways Assessments are given by Santa Fe College proctors in the high school or online through the Canvas Learning Management System and Honorlock; however, some may be given at an SF campus or center. Most assessments take place in the spring semester. Teachers will notify students of the date and location of their assessment.

Where and when are the industry certification assessments given?

Industry certification assessments are administered by the school district. Teachers will notify students of the date and location of the industry certification assessment.

How do students register for Career Pathways college credit by industry certification or Career Pathways assessment?

To be eligible for Career Pathways college credit, students must maintain a qualifying grade, usually a B, in their high school CTE course. After you register, Career Pathways will check with your CTE teacher to make sure you qualify for this opportunity.

For information on how to register, visit College Credit Opportunity Steps to Enroll.

How are students notified of the Career Pathway Assessment results?

High school teachers notify their students of the results. This is followed up during the summer with a congratulatory letter from the college President together with the student's unofficial college transcript.

What happens if students do not pass the Career Pathway Assessment?

Nothing negative happens and no grade is recorded on the SF transcript. Students will have gained experience and lost nothing.

What grades are given for Career Pathways accelerated credit?

If a student passes the Career Pathways Assessment or industry certification assessment they can receive either an A, B or Pass on their SF transcript, depending on which assessment was taken.

If students do not pass the industry certification assessment, may they retake the exam?

Yes. Students can retake industry certification assessments, if recommended by their teacher.

If students do not pass the Career Pathway Assessment, may they retake the exam?

Yes. Students may retake a Career Pathways Assessment, upon teacher recommendation, once a year up until high school graduation, until a passing grade is earned.

May students who pass a Career Pathways Assessment retake it for a higher grade?

No. Once students pass an assessment they may not try again.

How do students receive or claim the college credit?

If students complete all Career Pathways registration forms and either pass a Career Pathways Assessment or provide proof of industry certification, their college credit will be posted on an SF transcript.

Do students receive recognition for participating?

Yes. If students pass the Career Pathways Assessment or provide proof of industry certification, they will receive college credit while still in high school. A permanent college transcript with a grade point average where applicable will be generated. In addition, students who earn college credit will receive a certificate from Career Pathways, a letter from Dr. Broadie (SF president) congratulating them for their achievement, and a copy of their permanent college transcript showing the credits they have earned.

Must the student attend SF to receive the Career Pathways credits?

No, students do not have to attend SF to receive college credit through Career Pathways. Students who pass the Career Pathways Assessment or earn industry certification for the respective articulated course will have their grade ("A","B" or "PASS") entered on an SF transcript and will receive college credit while in high school. SF will send student transcripts to other colleges and universities upon request.

Can students transfer Career Pathways college credit to other colleges and universities?

Students who are planning to attend another college or university should check with that institution to be sure Career Pathways credits will be accepted. SF will send transcripts to other colleges and universities upon request.  It is up to the receiving institution whether to accept or not accept any courses on a student's transcript.

Do students have to pay for the college credits earned through Career Pathways?

No. Students will save time and money by earning Career Pathways credit.

Can students also be eligible for a Bright Futures Scholarship?

Yes. Students should see their high school guidance counselor for details and check the Bright Futures website.

Is there Financial Aid available to attend SF?

Yes. Check with the SF Financial Aid Office and look at the Scholarships and Financial Aid section of the Career Pathways homepage.

How Is Career Pathways College Credit like Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge Advanced International Certificate Education (AICE), International Baccalaureate Degree (IB) or SF's High School Dual Enrollment credit?

Career Pathways Credit is like other accelerated college credit options because students who succeed on a Career Pathways assessment or Industry Certification test receive college credit they may use towards an A.S., A.A. or bachelor's degree.

How can I have my SF transcript sent to the college I want to attend?

Follow the instructions on the Transcripts Request page in the SF website or go through to request your transcript.

I am having trouble completing the Career Pathways online registration form. What can I do?

Email careerpathways@sfcollege.edu or call the Career Pathways Specialist at 青青草视频: 352-395-5690.